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628 Saint-Jacques - 35 étages


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J'avoue que j'ai bien hâte de voir ce que Broccolini nous reserve cette fois-ci! Même si j'aimerais bien voir une belle tour de 160 m., je serais bien heureux avec une tour de 120 mètres...en autant qu'elle ait de la gueule!

8 hours ago, man with the golden gun said:

Un peu plus d'ambition que 120 mètres serait le bienvenue. Si Calgary et même Edmonton visent le 200 mètres et plus, Montréal devrait être aussi capable. 

Je suis d'Accord avec toi, malheureusement on ne vise pas haut à MTL!

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Whether this information is confidential or not is not the question here. I'm not interested in who Marc played hockey with unless he brings that up himself. You don't ask someone you don't know to leak information he may have obtained through a friend, that's all. 

According to Newswire, "details regarding the project will be revealed in the coming weeks.". I'm sure we will all agree that we can wait until then. We all have high expectations on this one but I know all I can do is wait, hopefully not for too long though ^_^

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Seriously? you think i'm going to drop secretive/confidential info on this board....


That's what you did a couple of years ago .... but I understand your comment ... I was hopeful :ph34r:

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