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Un complexe hôtelier de 120M$ sera construit à Montréal-Trudeau


Mise en ligne 15/06/2006 10h29

Mise à jour 15/06/2006 12h01


Aéroports de Montréal a confié à un consortium formé de Groupe Axor, de Marriott International (MAR) et d'un investisseur institutionnel le projet de 120M$ visant la construction d'un hôtel de 275 chambres et la relocalisation du secteur des départs transfrontaliers à l'aéroport Montréal-Trudeau.


ADM a précisé jeudi en dévoilant les détails du projet que le contrat a été accordé au terme d'un appel de propositions lancé en décembre dernier dans le cadre duquel six consortiums avaient été invités à soumettre des propositions, rapporte la Presse Canadienne.


Le consortium retenu, appelé Société en commandite Adamax Immobilier, assurera le financement intégral, la conception, la réalisation, l'opération et l'entretien de l'établissement hôtelier, qui sera érigé à proximité de la jetée transfrontalière et qui aura sa propre rampe d'accès.


L'hôtel, qui arborera la bannière Marriott, devrait ouvrir ses portes à l'été de 2008.


En vertu du contrat, Adamax aura à construire certains ouvrages qui seront intégrés dans la structure de l'hôtel, à savoir l'enveloppe du futur hall des départs transfrontaliers, qui occupera les deux premiers niveaux de l'immeuble, de même que l'enveloppe de la future gare ferroviaire de Montréal-Trudeau, localisée sous l'hôtel.


De plus, Adamax financera, construira et louera à Aéroports de Montréal un étage additionnel pour abriter ses bureaux administratifs, qui se trouvent actuellement au centre-ville.


ADM a précisé qu'environ 60M$ des 120M$ du projet seront assumés par le consortium pour la réalisation de l'hôtel et du siège social d'Aéroports de Montréal et que, de son côté, elle investira l'autre portion de 60M$ pour les ouvrages reliés au secteur des départs transfrontaliers et à la gare ferroviaire.

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MONTREAL, QUEBEC--(CCNMatthews - June 15, 2006) - Following a request for proposals launched last December, Aeroports de Montreal (ADM) today announced its final choice of a consortium comprising Groupe Axor, Marriott International and an institutional investor to relocate Montreal-Trudeau transborder departures area and build a hotel within the airport terminal.


The consortium, called the Societe en commandite Adamax Immobilier, will fully finance, design, build, operate and maintain the high-end, 275-room establishment, which will be erected near the transborder jetty and have its own access ramp.


The full-service hotel - featuring a pool, gymnasium, business centre, restaurants and conference rooms - will operate under the Marriott banner. The prestigious chain has a grand total of 2,700 hotels worldwide, 600 of them corporate establishments. The Montreal-Trudeau hotel is scheduled to open in summer 2008.


"We chose Adamax's proposal because it best meets our business objectives, particularly in terms of value-added service for our passengers and its international stature. In addition, the architectural design proposed for the hotel blends in well with the style of the new airport infrastructures," said ADM President and Chief Executive Officer James Cherry.


"We are honoured to have been chosen by ADM," said Yvan Dupont, President of Axor, which manages the Adamax consortium. "This is a major project that will give us an opportunity to showcase the expertise and ingenuity of our multidisciplinary team, as we deliver the results on time and within budget."


For his part, Michael Beckley, Senior Vice-President of Marriott International, said: "Marriott's team is very happy to be contributing to this project in partnership with Axor. This new development for Montreal-Pierre Elliott Trudeau, with its 275-room Marriott hotel, will certainly help reinforce Montreal's status as a world-class city."


ADM has also entrusted the Adamax consortium with the task of building certain structures to be integrated within the hotel, including the shell of the future transborder departures hall, which will occupy the first two levels of the building, and the shell of the future Montreal-Trudeau railway station, to be located beneath the hotel. Adamax will also finance, build and lease to ADM an additional floor to accommodate the airport authority's head office, currently situated in downtown Montreal.


The entire real estate complex represents an investment of $120 million, about $60 million of which will be assumed by the consortium for construction of the hotel and ADM's head office. For its part, ADM will invest $60 million to build the structures required for the transborder departures area and the railway station.


Six consortiums were shortlisted to submit proposals after ADM launched a request for expressions of interest in the hotel project. Three complete proposals were received this past March, and two were retained for in-depth evaluation. A committee composed of members of ADM's Board of Directors and senior management recommended the Adamax proposal, and the Board approved the choice.


ADM is the local airport authority responsible for the management, operation and development of Montreal-Trudeau and Montreal-Mirabel international airports under the terms of a lease entered into with Transport Canada in 1992. The Corporation employs a total of some 600 persons at the two airports and head office.

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Dorval devient réellement un bel aéroport! Pour avoir vu beaucoup d'aéroports dans ma vie, je suis bien fier de celui que nous avons!:cool:

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beaucoup de gens chialent qu'il fait aeroport regional, bla bla bla


juste a voir certains terminaux internationaux d'aéroports majeurs (Heathrow Terminal 3 me viens immediatement a l'esprit) et le notre est tres beau et efficace.

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