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Membres prolifiques

Pépine déjà en place le 5 fév. (scoop raté par oubli!)

Delsan fait la démolition.


J'avoue bien aimer l'éclairage de la base de la TdC 1, surtout la nuit.




Oui c'est vrai la base de la Tour des Canadiens est ce qui est de mieux réussi dans tout ce projet. Go Habs go.

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Montreal is fortunate to have such relics of the past in plain sight/contrast; they remind us of the city's manufacturing and industrial base. City centres with higher land values have long since lost such links with their past in favour of bland corporatized spaces or kitsch remakes. As development inevitably replaces even these last vestiges, Montreal may be fortunate enough to benefit from the fact that such urban renewal is happening at a time when the importance of preserving a link to the city's character is increasingly valued. With luck, the resultant urban fabric will be more reflective of the city's identity.

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Deux perceptions -l'une inspirée, l'autre pas.


Montreal is fortunate to have such relics of the past in plain sight/contrast; they remind us of the city's manufacturing and industrial base. City centres with higher land values have long since lost such links with their past in favour of bland corporatized spaces or kitsch remakes. As development inevitably replaces even these last vestiges, Montreal may be fortunate enough to benefit from the fact that such urban renewal is happening at a time when the importance of preserving a link to the city's character is increasingly valued. With luck, the resultant urban fabric will be more reflective of the city's identity.


Vestiges d'une autre époque. Incroyable que de tels taudis restaient encore debouts en plein coeur du centre-ville en 2016. Montréal a énormément de rattrapage à faire.
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Montreal is fortunate to have such relics of the past in plain sight/contrast; they remind us of the city's manufacturing and industrial base. City centres with higher land values have long since lost such links with their past in favour of bland corporatized spaces or kitsch remakes. As development inevitably replaces even these last vestiges, Montreal may be fortunate enough to benefit from the fact that such urban renewal is happening at a time when the importance of preserving a link to the city's character is increasingly valued. With luck, the resultant urban fabric will be more reflective of the city's identity.


Very interesting comment :thumbsup:

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Here is an update from last week, they have finished demolishing the southern half of the building also by now.


Geographical north, if you won't mind my nerdiness! :silly:


Montreal is fortunate to have such relics of the past in plain sight/contrast; they remind us of the city's manufacturing and industrial base. City centres with higher land values have long since lost such links with their past in favour of bland corporatized spaces or kitsch remakes. As development inevitably replaces even these last vestiges, Montreal may be fortunate enough to benefit from the fact that such urban renewal is happening at a time when the importance of preserving a link to the city's character is increasingly valued. With luck, the resultant urban fabric will be more reflective of the city's identity.



Deux perceptions -l'une inspirée, l'autre pas.


[...] queuqu'un



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