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Tour Quartier des spectacles (Spectrum) - 14, 33 étages (2018)


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Si on est capable de s'ajuster quand il y a de la construction, on serait certainement capable de s'ajuster pour une fermeture temporaire de René-Lévesque sur 250m, les soirs, pour à peine quelques jours.


Vous essayez de me faire croire que ça serait l'apocalypse, mais franchement, je trouve ça ridicule comme argument.

Jeanne-Mance et Saint-Urbain peuvent rester ouvert, la ville n'a qu'à rendre Jeanne-Manche bidirectionnelle entre René-Lévesque et Viger. Quelques cônes, quelques panneaux, et c'est fait. Les rues forment un espace publique qu'on peut manipuler et faire ce qu'on veut avec. Ce n'est parce que Google Maps me dit que Jeanne-Mance doit aller dans un sens que c'est coulé dans le béton. La ville a le pouvoir de changer ça pour une semaine. À go, tout le monde... respirez!!!


are you always this hostile to anyone who doesn't agree with your bad ideas? I wouldn't plan for a long career in urban planning if I were you

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are you always this hostile to anyone who doesn't agree with your bad ideas? I wouldn't plan for a long career in urban planning if I were you


Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. Whoa. Relax dude. Last I checked, forums were for discussing. If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.

If you're going to disagree with my opinion, have at it, but provide your own arguments and make your own case. Otherwise, being an armchair critic with no substantive arguments is a waste of everyone's time.


Furthermore, you're missing the point of my argument entirely. I'm not advocating any street closures necessarily. What I'm saying is that it's possible, and that the resistance to changing an inch of our public streets, even just temporarily and over a meager 250m distance, is indiciative of a dated 1950s auto-centric mentality. And by the way, I wouldn't be surprised if the idea is in fact adopted in the next 10 years, once the remaining vacant lots are filled up. Feel free to contact me and claim your "I told you so" prize at that time ;) ;)

Modifié par Cataclaw
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Is Andy Melamead (I forget how his name was spelled) still alive?,he was head of the urban planning department at concordia,ask around


Hmm, I'm not familiar with that name. I don't believe that gentlemen is at Concorida anymore. Why do you ask?

What do you think he would have to say on the issue?


Professors and planners I've conversed with are all but unanimously in favor of sustainbility and a shift away from auto-centricity. That hasn't changed much in the decade of interest i've had in the subject either. One of my former professors is currently working on research regarding the complete permanent pedestrianization of Sainte-Catherine street, which many people would consider far more drastic than the mere temporary evening conversion of 250m worth of René-Lévesque 7 days out of the year.

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