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I know he is a business man and running the NHL like a business, Canadian corporations should buy it out from under his feet. I don't think many billion dollar corporations in the US would be willing to buy a Canadian sport. Plus many of the sponsors are Canadian corporations, plus many of the US teams most of the staff is Canadian.





Justement, il lui faudrait aussi un cours d'économie 101.


Le gars est tellement stupide qu'il préfère conserver des franchises qui perdent des millions de dollars au lieu d'exploiter le marché en or du Canada à Winnipeg et Québec.


Quel con ! Être un actionnaire de la LNH, je demanderais sa démission.


Pourquoi exploiter un pit de terre quand tu peux exploiter une mine d'or ?

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Membres prolifiques

“With respect to any other franchise, it comes down to ownership,” Bettman said during his weekly radio show last Thursday. “It’s the reason we ended up leaving Quebec City and Winnipeg. Those teams moved when nobody wanted to own the club there anymore. If you get to that position, where somebody is not prepared to own the club anymore and you can’t find a new perspective purchaser, then you are really between a rock and a hard place.


“We know that the current ownership of the Thrashers has been trying for a long period of time to try [to] sell the franchise and they haven’t been able to do it … If they can’t find local ownership, then we might all have to deal with that. But I know they have tried very hard and I assume that they continue to try very hard.”


(Courtesy of the National Post)


Those are Bettman's words. Which is quite funny, he was happy that no one wanted to buy the Nordiques or Jets when they were in Canada, but he is not happy that Canadians want to buy the teams and bring them back. What an ass hat! Plus the owner of True North is no other than Thomson (same person who owns Reuters). Bettman playing with fire.


If we can get Bettman to fold and we do get Winnipeg and Quebec teams. Who knows, maybe just maybe Hamilton could get one. Plus why should the NHL be flipping the bill for the Coyotes?


NHL attendance

Florida Panthers 78.7%

Tampa Bay Lightning 78.4%

New York Islanders 78.1%

Colorado Avalanche 77.5%

Atlanta Thrashers 73.4%

Phoenix Coyotes 68.5%


There is only 11 teams in the league that has a perfect attendance.

Chicago Blackhawks

Toronto Maple Leafs

Vancouver Canucks

Minnesota Wild

Pittsburgh Penguins

San Jose Sharks

Philadelphia Flyers

Calgary Flames

Washington Capitals

Edmonton Oilers

Montreal Canadiens

Modifié par jesseps
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Dude, you are obviously frustrated, but I also noticed that you made a few unaccurate statements. When you run a business like the NHL, you can't let your heart take's a sure way to ruin that business. You have to run it with your head not with your emotions. Why do you think the 30 NHL owners decided to give Gary a 5 year extension to his contract? Cause he's making them money!


Honestly, I don't see why Bettman keeps certain teams in the NHL; L.A Kings, Florida Panthers, Nashville Predators, Columbus Blue Jackets and NY Islanders.


The Kings have been doing pretty well in Southern California even though the team has sucked more often than not.


The Kings have been in the NHL since 1967 and they only have been in 1 conference!


So then, according to your logic, the Vancouver Canucks should be moved as well!?!? They've been in the league 40 years, and they've only been to the finals once! Maybe we should also move the Maple Leafs...seeing as the team has sucked for the major part of 44 years now. They haven't been to the Standley Cup Finals in 44 years. They don't deserve a team anymore!


Plus just let the Thrashers move to Winnipeg


Yet Bettman, the ass that he is wont let Canadians buy a US team to move to Canada or let them start new teams in Canada. It is time that the league, fires his ass and hires someone more competent.


In case you hadn't noticed, Bill Daly (the NHL's 2nd in command) said that if the Thrashers were moved, the NHL wouldn't do anything to stop the move. I hate Gary Bettman just as much as the next guy, but He's been doing some good things for the NHL lately. New TV contract with Comcast.


We would have 8 Canadian teams and 17 teams in the US. Plus the majority of hockey players are pretty much Canadian. There is only a few teams that are in the US that have a majority of US players (i.e Buffalo).


8 + 17 = 25??? I think you may have forgotten a few teams? As far as I know, there are still 30 teams in the NHL. Also, the proportion of Canadian born players keeps dropping. In the late 70's early 80's, something like 85-90% of all players were canadian born. In the mid 90's that number dropped to 65-70% and today, that number has dropped to close to 50%. Give it another few years, and Canadian born players will no longer be the majority in the NHL!


I don't think many billion dollar corporations in the US would be willing to buy a Canadian sport. Plus many of the sponsors are Canadian corporations, plus many of the US teams most of the staff is Canadian.


Molson Coors, Cisco, Hershey's, Dodge, Verizon, Comcast...shall I name more?

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Let's not forget, what makes a team in Canada now more profitable, is the fact that the CDN is above the USD, if ever for a reason we go back to the level it was at in the early 2000, many canadian teams would seems much less valuable to their owners.

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Good point WestAust. The fact that the Canadian Dollar is doing really well has definately helped. Too many of us seem to have forgotten that between 1999 and 2001, the Montreal Canadiens were losing money. Let me repeat that so that everyone understands how bad the situation was! Between 1999 and 2001 the Habs, the most glorious franchise in all of sports, were losing money! Actually, at about that time, every canadian team (with the exception of the evil Toronto Losers) were losing money!


So let's not get ahead of ourselves and believe that Canadian teams are always the better solution. There's a reason why Q.C and Winnipeg lost their teams in the mid-90's...they were LOSING money and nobody wanted to keep them in their respective cities!

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Si je me place à la place de Bettman, je ne serait pas très enclin à me déplacer vers des petites villes comme Québec et Winnipeg. Cela ne donne pas une image très forte à la ligne et ça ressemble plus à du deuxième divisions. Ces équipes la auront une rentabilité précaire, il va avoir le boost initial et ensuite, une lente chute quand l'effet de mode sera passé. Les autres circuits ne vont pas dans les petits marchés. Ou quand il vont dans une petite ville(comme par exemple Green Bay, dans la NFL) c'est souvent parce que l'équipe est établit depuis très longtemps et que malgré la petite taille de la ville, il y a un énorme bassin de population à proximité (5 millions dans un rayon beaucoup plus court que celui de Québec, et la grande majorité de ces gens ne sont pas attaqué à un autre club de la NFL contrairement à Québec ou la grande majorité de la population pour se rendre à 5 millions sont déjà accaparé par le marché de Montréal).


Je serait plutôt en faveur d'une dissolution des équipes pour augmenté le ratio talent/équipe qui est très déficient actuellement. Les équipes ayant plus de talent pourrait jouer un jeux moins défensif et donc plus spectaculaire, ce qui attirerais les foules et augmenterais les revenu dans les marchés déjà établi.


Mais bon, c'est mon opinion. Sinon, j'écoutait à matin à CKAC les crinqué à la radio poubelle appeler pour défendre leur maire, c'était trop comique.


À les entendre, que le maire ai fait des choses illégal c'est normal vu qu'en démocratie il ne se passe jamais rien sans que ce soit fait de manière illégale...


À les entendre, le gros problème avec tout les scandale de la construction, c'est pas les affaires de passe passe et tout, c'est simplement qu'il n'ont pas construit d'aréna pour Québec.

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Effectivement. Bill Daly(le bras droit de Bettman) a dit qu'il n'y aurait pas d'annonces spécial concernant le déménagement des Thrashers à Winnipeg aujourd'hui. Je demeurre confiant que la vente se fera et qu'ils déménageront à Winnipeg bientôt!

Modifié par Habsfan
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La solution pour la LNH c'est d'avoir une ligue de deuxième tiers comme dans les ligues européenes... et laisser les pires équipes se voir réléguer ou les meilleurs sauter dans la première ligue.

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La solution pour la LNH c'est d'avoir une ligue de deuxième tiers comme dans les ligues européenes... et laisser les pires équipes se voir réléguer ou les meilleurs sauter dans la première ligue.


Pourriez-vous imaginer les Maple Leafs coincés pendant 10 ans dans la 2e division.... :stirthepot:

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