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Tout ce qui a été posté par mtlrdp

  1. hope it doesn't turn out to be another 25 storey shitbox, a nice tall tower next to Altoria would be great
  2. yeah but the major difference is that the Marriott isn't a partial condo project, Waldorf on the other hand has 76 very expensive units for sale
  3. interesting, but why would they start digging before sales of the condos have started?
  4. More stubby 20 storey buildings that's all Montreal needs, as if we don't have enough ground scrapers downtown
  5. there is a story in todays Gazette about the lot being sold and the potential construction of a 50 storey condo tower
  6. What I find puzzling is that the OLF seem to answer to nobody. it doesn't matter if the PQ or the Liberals are in power these people make their own rules which are turned into laws, what the hell is going on in this province?
  7. That's not where the buildings will go up, but hey maybe we're in for a surprise
  8. I read that he's closing 2 restaurants in Australia and sunk over 8 million trying to save his other failing businesses in that country,once this obnoxious jerk is off the air I wouldn't be surprised to see all his restaurants go belly up ,anyone remember planet Hollywood?
  9. it would have been nice to see the whole building collapse (with no one in it of course)
  10. If they're never going to build anything in front of the bell center (which seems to be the case) it would be great if they turned the parking lot into a plaza with fountains, benches,statues of past greats and so on...
  11. mtlrdp

    Îlot Overdale (2013)

    The casino wouldn't be out of place there either instead of hiding it in the middle of a river, or maybe they should plant some crops make that wasteland useful
  12. why can't they start construction while they're digging the tunnel? I think the Panama canal took less time than this bloody building to go up
  13. mtlrdp

    Îlot Overdale (2013)

    It's beyond me how such a massive lot in the heart of downtown could be left vacant for so many years
  14. but i'm hoping we'll get more details on the project before it's launched create some buzz and excitement like a hollywood blockbuster
  15. then why are mega condo projects like the bassins du nouveau havre and griffintown starting construction?
  16. my guess is to expect an announcement within a month on this project, it's time for CF to put up or shut up
  17. try to picture how spectacular the Aldred building would look if it was 40 floors
  18. I took the bus this summer to nuns island, it was in middle of the afternoon and it was jammed pack, I had to stand next to the front door ,so there is quite a demand for public transit in nuns island
  19. Is it worth saving a building that has no architectural or historical value at considerable cost to the taxpayers? don't get me wrong I'm all in favour of saving old industrial buildings like the Southam ,the Wilson and Unity but when it comes to this eyesore I draw the line. This reminds me of a chat I had with a structural engineer about a month ago in front of a condo project that collapsed on St.Hubert, he said "you never know what kind of surprises you'll get when you work on 100 year old buildings"
  20. So are they starting construction or not? maybe they need another 2 or 3 years of studies before they decide what to do, and of course it will come in at least 100% over budget when it's finally completed in 2025. What's happening with the spectrum wasteland any news? (I guess the post above answers some of my questions)
  21. what is suppose to be Montreal's showcase district you have this ugly eyesore rotting away and further down the road (on St.Laurent)there's virtually an entire city block of abandoned buildings, some entertainment district
  22. I wonder if people would wait for hours to go up the empire state building's observation deck if it was located on the 20th floor
  23. Other than a couple of exceptions Montreal is still putting up mostly 15-25 floor buildings, you have the Seville, Griffintown, m9, bassin du nouveau havre and a few others all with 15-20 floor condo buildings. I guess that's what happens when you have vast amounts of undeveloped land around the downtown core, speaks volumes on what has been happening in this city the last 20-30 years...let's hope the CF project gets of the ground
  24. I'm sure they're consulting with Skidmore Owings and Merill on how to erect such a towering structure, maybe Dorval might have to change the flight path of incoming planes so they avoid hitting this mind boggling tall building
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