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Tout ce qui a été posté par budgebandit

  1. They are going to pour most of these slabs in the dead of winter. Should be interesting!
  2. @acpnc Elles s'appuient sur un investissement de $1.6 milliards !
  3. I think they're going to need a couple more locations...
  4. Ce n'est pas des joints, le batiment est toujours ouvert aux intempéries (aucun controle de température ou d'humidité). Ca doit etre un espèce de colle sur le béton pour le revêtement de plafond qui etait là auparavant (ou on mortier pour des réparations qui ont été effectués)
  5. @Rocco Don't worry, it'll be legal October 17th
  6. There's still a gap between the suspended section and the south side of the bridge (as of 4 30 PM this afternoon)
  7. Looked like there was a sales office being built today Will try to get pictures sometime this week
  8. September 28th 2018 Something will be going up on this site shortly, but I'm not quite sure that it will be a sales office. Perhaps a winter hunting cabin (lots of rats, skunks and raccoons downtown ) ???
  9. The painted columns and the corniche look even better in person
  10. This is still true ! Over time the colour of the concrete will become more uniform
  11. And on the flip side, it sucked the life out of the area around the Forum It took 20 years for that part of town to recover
  12. Nouveau Pont (Samuel-de-) Champlain to current Pont Champlain: "I shall call him.... Mini me"
  13. Getting back to QuinzeCent... I saw an ad on TV for the project today. Seems like they are investing a lot of money to promote the project!
  14. OK game changer! In that case, fingers crossed for 150m+
  15. Ça ne serait pas la première fois qu'on nous présente une annonce trompeuse... As-tu vu l’évocation qui montre que c'est la même hauteur que l'Avenue? I believe the height limit is 120m and we haven't heard of any derogations for this lot (as far as I know)
  16. D'après moi c'est 38/39 étages hors-terre + 5/6 de stationnement
  17. ^^ Couldn't agree more This one needs to be 45+
  18. This is where the park should be, not along the new urban boulevard to get to the REM...
  19. Oui, je pense que c'est annulé et c'est le projet Cité Midtown qui l'a remplacé !
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