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Tout ce qui a été posté par budgebandit

  1. ^^^ Exactly As I said the other day, Cité Midtown is on this lot and Noria Condos is across the street on the BSR lot. I drive by twice a day and there are promotional banners and fences on both lots
  2. 170m would be great here
  3. September 18th 2018 On va y arriver!
  4. Drove by this morning, there are in fact 2 beams on each side that need to be installed to close the gap There is still a gap (but smaller than yesterday morning)
  5. If you buy a piece of land you can hire a general contractor right away and it can be a design-build project (meaning the GC will help you find an architect, engineer etc. to develop some plans). It won't be cheap though... A+ entrepreneurs généraux might be a good place to start Good luck
  6. As far as I know, people love Disneyland !
  7. @Miska Not as of tonight, that's the beam that they were putting in place
  8. They were installing the second-to-last beam this morning; it should be in place by the end of the day! A huge milestone for this project September 17th 2018 is the first day that you could theoretically cross the river simply by walking across the new bridge !
  9. Expect to see a new Sports Experts shortly
  10. From the picture it looks like the right side is connected but not the left
  11. This project has a name (and a website!) The site is fenced off and pre-sale should begin shortly. With this project and Cité Midtown, this area will change a lot in the next 5-10 years!
  12. The site is already fenced off with banners promoting the project
  13. As I previously mentioned, I do in fact believe they are pouring a slurry wall around the entire site to protect the excavation and the surrounding buildings. Very long and costly
  14. I would much rather have Subban and Sergachev right now instead of Weber and Drouin So is our next captain going to be Gally or Shea?
  15. Better return than I thought we would get given the circumstances...
  16. This + O'Nessy + Union sur le Parc + Square Children's + Westmount Square will extend the skyline all the way to Greene Ave! Amazing
  17. A 2-3 minute transfer is very manageable. When I was in Tokyo, it sometimes took between 8-10 minutes to go from one metro line to another at the same station. We are very spoiled haha !
  18. Eventually I think all the highways will be repaved in concrete. We have an abundance of it and it's much more durable !
  19. August 28th 2018 Bapteme du nouveau mat. The rain fell and then the skies opened up for the occasion
  20. August 28th 2018 Décoffrage du premier pilier et aperçu d’un deuxième
  21. Ce n'est pas la première fois que cette méthode est utilisée. Voir démolition de l'usine Cascades à East Angus:
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