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Tout ce qui a été posté par budgebandit

  1. What if Francois Legault.... is working for the Hells Angels??? ?
  2. A beam was being installed in the gap between the two ends this afternoon!
  3. 172 meters above sea level and not street level (most probably)
  4. It makes sense if you're trying to use it as a bargaining chip for another piece of land downtown
  5. Well since we’re talking about it lol .... low quality pic that I took yesterday (December 2nd 2018):
  6. November 30th 2018 - Démolition en cours
  7. C'est des ancrages de maconnerie. Mais peu probable que les travaux seront effectués en période hivernale (des abris temporaires, chauffage etc. seraient necessaires).
  8. The shuttle bus to the REM station is a nice touch. With direct access to the metro, not sure what more you could ask for in terms of TEC... You're right.... they'll just stay at the hotel (10 minutes away from the airport) and then take the metro downtown
  9. Legault = Trump Lite Putting his blinders on and trying to rally people to the "local labour" cause. As a "contribuable", I don't want the new wagons to be delivered 3 years late and 50% more expensive than originally estimated...
  10. Building Royalmount, Carre Decarie and BB will force the city and the MTQ to find solutions rather than wasting another 25 years on feasibility studies. Qu'on met ca en branle!
  11. Won't be anything spectacular but it definitely adds to the density of the sector
  12. Yup, this is a great idea! Get rid of the mall and replace it with some nice residential density. The area is adapting to make way for Royalmount
  13. Les toilettes de type hivernale (chauffées et isolées) sont obligatoires sur tous les chantiers à partir du 15 novembre (si je me souviens bien). Aussi, ca prend une toilette par 25 travailleurs (selon la CNESST).
  14. Whattttttttt.... est-ce qu'ils ont peut-etre fait une premiere ebauche temporaire lol? J'suis 99.9% sur que les deux bouts se touchaient...
  15. Drove by this morning on my way to work and demolition has started on one of the existing buildings.
  16. @ydg j’aurais du préciser ?
  17. I JUST DROVE BY AND BOTH SIDES SEEM TO BE CONNECTED (they were not this morning) !!!!! November 20th 2018 - mark your calendars ?
  18. No backyards, just private terraces on the roof and two balconies per unit I believe.
  19. FYI, the maquette from the sales office has found a home at the Broccolini head office
  20. Le gap entre les deux approches semble être de +/- 10'
  21. So I was there and there were A LOT more than 200 people. It was an absolute madhouse, I've actually never seen anything like it at a launch! And the prices were significantly more than advertised (as has been the case quite often lately).
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