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Tout ce qui a été posté par budgebandit

  1. Great picture! This one would have been a real beauty with 20 more floors
  2. C'est une rue résidentielle à 2 voies. Sérieusement je ne comprends pas la résistance à l'idée d'ajouter un autre axe nord-sud. Présentement il n'y a rien à l'ouest de St-Charles pour desservir la population Pierrefonds Ouest et Kirkland. J'ai habité dans le secteur pendant 20 ans, c'est vraiment l'enfer se déplacer (peut importe en auto, bus etc.).
  3. Site clearing machinery was being delivered tonight. Start of construction is imminent.
  4. @SkahHigh Your new sketch has the new boulevard going all the way to boulevard Pierrefonds (which is an absolute must but somehow not in the plans). Your first sketch was more accurate and demonstrates very well the inefficiency of the route from Gouin to the REM station. So they are completely removing parking to discourage people from driving, but they are also doing a half-ass job of building the proper infrastructure to get people there by TEC...
  5. I don't find it normal that they reduced the number of parking spots so drastically without an official announcement. It's not a scandal but it is definitely a conscious lack of transparency. If the revised transit plan isn't complete, why were they in such a rush to reduce the parking? Failing to release the reasoning behind their decision was a terrible public relations move. And so is making very consequential decisions seemingly "on the fly". Maybe it's just me but when someone tells me that they are doing "x", I appreciate having the explications wh("y").
  6. Yes bien sur mais Carbonleo est une entreprise privée également donc normalement leurs études d'achaladange sont privées. Ils assument beaucoup plus de risques que CDPQ-infra. Je pense que CDPQ à une responsabilité de partager leurs études pour justifier leurs decisions. Il y a quand meme beaucoup d'argent publique investi.
  7. Carbonleo pourrait utiliser le meme argument pour le projet Royalmount... Effectivement CDPQ peut faire ce qu'elle veut pour rentabiliser ses espaces mais ou sont ces études/analyses de rentabilité??? Est-ce qu'on peut les voir? On n'enlève pas des milliers de places de stationnement sans étude approfondie donc pourquoi ne pas partager ces études avec les usagers pour bien expliquer leur décision? Everything is shrouded in mystery, they have 0 communications skills!
  8. If they're so confident that the new bus network will incite people to use the REM why don't they show us what the new network will look like? We know where the stations will be so there is nothing stopping CDPQ / STM / EXO from releasing an integrated transit plan! If they're going to piss people off (with reason) by eliminating parking spaces, why don't they present their solution at the same time? Communications 101.... I think I'm going to ask Riocan if I can buy 500 places in their parking lot and offer $5/day parking. 1% here I come ! $$$$$
  9. The increased shear stress from the wind load on a structure 10-15 feet higher would be substantial. That means that the frame of the "crown" would have to be made from structural steel that's much larger and stronger than what is currently in place (and it could also have an effect on the size of the structural elements below it). Not to mention there would be a lot more glazing than what will actually be installed. You're right that in the grand scheme of things it's not a huge amount but if the builder is looking to cut $300-400K* from the cost of construction, this is a no-brainer (unfortunately). * = my very, very rough estimate
  11. budgebandit

    Montreal's Future Skyline

    Thanks @franktko !
  12. Passage à niveau à Montreal-Ouest et Beaurepaire
  13. Demolition is moving forward very quickly. The old Teo Taxi HQ is gonezo.
  14. Surely you meant to say Theatre St-Jacques
  15. Renders can definitely be composed of elements not discussed or requested by a client, in the hopes that they will decide to proceed with what is being proposed. Clients will always ask for their project to look as luxurious as possible... while respecting their budget. This is an important nuance that is hardly ever respected. More often than not, it's only once the proposed materials and finishes are costed/estimated that the client begins to realize that it doesn't make sense to proceed with what is being put forward. As you know, this process doesn't happen overnight and, in the meantime, the developer wants to begin sales and get their building up ASAP to maximize ROI. As a result, the renders that are available at the time are the ones that are shared with the general public to promote the project. Don't get me wrong, there are definitely cases where the developer makes a conscious decision to reduce quality so that they can maximize profits, but I don't think that that's the case here. It's easy for an architect to say the client is cheap when they propose the best-of-the best and then the client realizes that they can't afford it so the quality has to be reduced. It's also easy to call someone cheap when it's not your money I guess lol... Meanwhile, Lemay are the first ones to charge des honoraires supplémentaires if they spend 5 minutes more on a project than they were supposed to...
  16. I find it a bit unfair to slam the developer like this. Lemay is well-known for presenting renders and interior finishings that are not really in line with their clients' budget. The real problem is that those unrealistic photos were shared with the general public. A project like this costs a lot of money and there is a very fine line between making a profit and losing money.
  17. Ca coute en moyenne 10-15% plus cher pour le noir
  18. Their offices are in the same building, which makes coordinating plans much simpler!
  19. Wouldn't be too difficult to either paint the wall black or install some z-bars with aluminium siding (ou des panneaux de beton noir) à suivre...
  20. I was confused until I realized Home Outfitters is Deco Decouverte in QC lol
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