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Tout ce qui a été posté par budgebandit

  1. Foncage de pieux en cours
  2. This is the good news... the bad news is that other projects that were scheduled to open their sales offices have been delayed.
  3. Got some new information today... it looks like there will still be a construction holiday this summer (from July 18th to August 2nd).
  4. Construction prices are not going down, especially for projects that are already in progress. Unless you can afford to wait a year or more, I would buy now.
  5. This system will be used starting from the 4th floor (once they pass the existing facade).
  6. Nowadays, all contracts have a force majeure clause
  7. budgebandit

    Montreal's Future Skyline

    No, total shutdown
  8. Came across these pics on LinkedIn, from March 19th 2020
  9. I know of at least one major project where the official launch is being delayed because of this.
  10. Unfortunately not Nothing has been released yet Don't forget the WI branch is +/- 2 years behind the SS branch
  11. Development plans around the Kirkland station are more advanced than you think
  12. Yes I can but this doesn't mean that the land has been sold to Brivia.
  13. Still not convinced this is Brivia Waiting for someone to prove me wrong
  14. As a compromise, I suggest that the title of the thread be changed to reflect the fact that this discussion is for the entire redevelopment and not just the observatory
  15. I disagree... Different professionals, different contractors and vastly different scopes of work. The current project has nothing to do with the observatory that will be in the dome.
  16. We should start a new thread for this project because it has nothing to do with the observatory (two distinct projects).
  17. Stay tuned for some action next Monday morning and as previously mentioned, it will be 18 floors (mod please update the thread header)
  18. Excavation et coffrage des fondations en cours à déplacer svp !
  19. This one is well underway (sorry no pics) It can be moved to "en construction"
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