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Tout ce qui a été posté par budgebandit

  1. I can promise you that this will not be 54 floors....
  2. J'pense qu'il veut juste dire que ca fait changement vis-a-vis l'accent "traditionnel" qu'on entend sur des reportages radio-canadien Exemple:
  3. Dude ca fait comme 6 sujets de suite que t'attaques Rocco directement.... I know he's not the most optimistic guy mais c'est un peu intense ton affaire. If he annoys you that much, block him
  4. @SameGuy As it stands, the station will be on the north-east corner of rue Jean-Yves and the service road with an aerial walkway over the street connecting it to a secondary "entrance" building on the north-west corner. The drop-off area and bus loop will be adjacent to this entrance building
  5. A mix of office, retail and high/medium/low density residential
  6. BIG TOD redevelopment in the works for the RioCan Centre (Kirkland Station). Everything that is there now will be demolished.
  7. Looks like the sidewalk / public space under the building will be heated
  8. Devimco ??? You mean Carbonleo.... Rigueur, rigueur, rigueur
  9. Any idea on who the builder is gonna be?
  10. IMO the Hall building needs a facelift before the McConnell library building
  11. These people live IN THE CITY !!! C'est quoi la version francaise de Karen???
  12. June 30th 2020 - St-Charles has been cleared and work is in full “swing” tonight
  13. If you could somehow get on Linen Chest's roof, that would be the ultimate vantage point!
  14. One more from June 27th 2020 - blurry night shot
  15. Structure: July 2021 Glazing: November 2021
  16. Je ne dis pas le contraire mais je trouve ca ridicule que la mairesse ait choisi la station Griffintown pour honoré M. Landry. Tel que déjà mentionné par plusieurs intervenants, la toponymie de cette station n'est pas même pas consistante avec les autres... La station Griffintown - ETS à coté du parc Bernard-Landry n'aurait pas causé de controverse et aurait été un hommage plus approprié. (je ne suis née en 1988 donc on est de la meme generation )
  17. I am not confusing Landry and Parizeau, you can refer to Scarlet's 11:40 AM post. I have no issues with Quebec wanting more autonomy, we are a distinct society within Canada. However, that doesn't mean doing to current minorities what the English did to the French. I do not agree with Landry's politics and I do not agree with the mayor's decision to name this particular station after him. If you feel otherwise, that's fine.
  18. My political choices are motivated by logic, morals and values. If Mayor Plante wants to name a station in Griffintown after a hardcore advocate of Quebec sovereignty, then I don't believe she shares those same values. Bernard Landry was very outspoken about his disdain for the English-speaking minority in Quebec, and he blamed the "ethnic" vote for the "Non" majority in the referendum. He is a fading symbol of divisiveness in Quebec, and the mayor has chosen to honor that. I could care less if the park on Robert-Bourassa was named after him but the fact that the GRIFFINTOWN station has to share its name with this man was a calculated move (and it would be extremely naive to think otherwise).
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