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Tout ce qui a été posté par budgebandit

  1. In the suburbs, it works as a complement to automobile access. It isn't effective as a standalone measure.
  2. But honestly, this is a horrible proposal. It's not a bad thing that people living in the suburbs be able to access a REM station by car in 5 minutes or less... In most cases it will be parents dropping off their kids or spouses dropping off their significant others and then going back home. If they go ahead with this proposal, then those same cars will just spill over onto the existing infrastructure and make things even worse. It's OK to compromise Miss Plante, it won't be seen as a sign of weakness.
  3. Le problème c'est qu'une fréquence potable n'est pas du tout rentable pour la STM (la densité de la population est beaucoup trop faible). Le transport en commun/actif doit être privilégié, mais une connexion efficace en auto est quand même primordiale pour le succès de la station. Sinon, comme plusieurs autres personnes ont mentionnées, l’accès se fera par des axes qui sont déjà très achalandées. J'espère que t'as raison. Ça serait une très bonne nouvelle!
  4. Repost from other thread because it seems more pertinent here: This is a horrible idea on every level. No 440 extension... fine But no urban boulevard... critical mobility mistake! The corridor of land is wide enough to build an urban boulevard with reserved bus and bike lanes AND include a lot of greenery. I'm sure the people that live near Gouin will love waiting 25 minutes for the bus at 2 PM on a cold February afternoon. Oh wait I forgot, they can just strap on some snowshoes and walk to the station instead! Projet MTL obviously does not understand the situation in the West Island, which is vastly different from the denser, core neighborhoods. The population density does not justify a bus every 5-10 minutes. This is a major, major mistake and extremely short-sighted.
  5. This is a horrible idea on every level. No 440 extension... fine But no urban boulevard... critical mobility mistake! This adminstration is becoming more and more outrageous by the day. The corridor of land is wide enough to build an urban boulevard with reserved bus and bike lanes AND include a lot of greenery. I'm sure the people that live near Gouin will love waiting 25 minutes for the bus at 2 PM on a cold February afternoon. Oh wait I forgot, they can just strap on some snowshoes and walk to the station instead! Projet MTL obviously does not understand the situation in the West Island, which is vastly different from the denser, core neighborhoods. Once again, this is a major, major mistake.
  6. Pre-sale is scheduled to begin in September Excited for this one
  7. budgebandit

    Expos de Montréal

    Owner of the Tampa Bay Rays has been to Montreal 4-5 times in the last twelve months Preliminary budgets are being worked on for the stadium (with two different seat configurations) We may not be hearing a lot of news but things are moving forward... Keep the faith boys
  8. Everytime I read this thread I feel like crying. Shame on CF, these towers are a disgrace.
  9. Not sure if it’s already been posted, but here’s a bit of additional info: “Ce nouvel édifice d'envergure comprendra un hôtel de 143 chambres et de 228 appartements locatifs et intégrera l'édicule de la station de métro Place-des-Arts. Un projet collaboratif avec la STM - Mouvement collectif”
  10. I don't doubt that, but my point is that, as a tourist, I am willing to make the detour to go check it out.
  11. Why was this comment downvoted? Y'en a qui commence à viser des membres spécifiques....
  12. I'm going to Tokyo in July and you can bet I'm gonna go check out Ginza Six. The proximity to de la Savane will encourage many tourists to do the same with Royalmount Quinze40.
  13. It's not a question of permission, it's a question of NIMBY-ism to the highest degree. This will not be built in our lifetime.
  14. Great idea in theory but Ile-Bizard would never, ever, EVER let the governement build a highway across the island. La seule option serait en souterraine ($$$). They don't even let franchises open up on the island lol...
  15. Right now they are working on bringing in the services and preparing the infrastructure. They haven't broke ground on the actual townhouses yet (but that should be rather quick once everything else is done).
  16. Looks like they're building concrete retaining walls to protect the (future) excavated area
  17. @Unterwelten Just because you don't hear anyone talking about the height limit in real-life, doesn't mean that the issue isn't being discussed.... It's been a topic of discussion amongst developers, the city, NIMBYs etc. for a long time, so to make a statement such as this work of art: "The only place where these conversations exist are on a handful of 'skyscraper' sites where people (99.99% male because women truly are more intelligent than men) spend hours and hours gazing at skyline photos on the internet then arguing about who has the biggest erection(s). As if it matters to anyone beyond a tiny little group of skyline fetishist dorks" is categorically false. And so what if a handful of people that are passionnate about something want to express their opinions and give their arguments for or against? FYI, I don't recall anyone on this site ever claiming that skyscrapers are what makes Montreal a great city. We are simply proud of our city and want to see it reach higher (pun intended); skyscrapers, in most cases, are a sign of economic prosperity. I also find this statement extremely ironic: "Maybe I choose my friends well or maybe I simply choose to hang out with adults but this topic has never come up" given the fact that I have only ever heard adults discussing the topic. Your condescending tone and holier than thou attitude are pitiful. An ADULT should be able to get his/her point across without having to insult people (whether that means 1 person or 10 000 is completely besides the point). Be better. PS The first thing that people say when they go to Dubai, New York, Shanghai, Hong Kong is "WOW LOOK AT ALL THESE BUILDINGS" PPS I haven't heard anyone use the word "dork" since 2004. Good for you bud.
  18. Artificial Intelligence Can Now Recreate Your Voice Within Minutes Bloomberg sends journalist Ashlee Vance to Canada to visit with the founders of Lyrebird, who have created an AI that can "clone human voices with frightening precision."
  19. I just got an e-mail saying 100 of the condos are sold Great news for this part of town !
  20. Pontiac Fairview is at it again...
  21. En effet ces deux articles prouvent que Camilien-Houde n'était pas du tout une << autoroute >>; comparaison qui a été mentionnée à plusieurs reprises par l'administration Plante. I think more than anything people enjoyed having the option of driving over the mountain while visiting it. The fact that it's now closed isn't really a big deal, more of a hassle than anything else. In Sintra, Portugal you can drive across the mountain and I don't think it takes away from the experience in any way. Could have been a model to follow!
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