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Tout ce qui a été posté par budgebandit

  1. Holy crap, for a second I thought that this was the actor from Breaking Bad / Better Call Saul
  2. Oh man a 4 year delay.... Des suggestions pour le nom de l'immeuble: 1. L'ilot TOM 2. Stade TOM-lympique 3. TOMgrada Familia
  3. The original company that was supposed to install the red panels went bankrupt. That's why there was no action for several months on the walls in question. Another company has taken over so the installation should accelerate from here on in !
  4. I've been to the one in Lisbon also and it was excellent! This is neither like Eataly nor like Movenpick; I think the concept will definitely work here Can't wait to check it out
  5. If you want to go there, it's several billion less than the blue line extension
  6. Technically it's not "on" RL (the Victorian houses are). In terms of prestige though, you can ask for more $$$ if your address is on RL rather than Mackay.
  7. Ingénieur en structure: SDK et associés
  8. You are comparing apples to oranges; Kirkland is not downtown Montreal. You’re not going to tear down a single family home on Brunswick to build a 4plex, much less a skyscraper. Not to mention the current zoning laws wouldn’t even permit it. I agree that there are plenty of areas closer to the downtown core that could be developed first (Blue Bonnets, Lachine, Lasalle, St-Laurent etc.) but that doesn’t mean that we need to forget about a mixed use development in Pfds ouest. Some people don’t necessarily want to live in the aforementioned boroughs because they prefer a more suburban lifestyle. We are talking about A LOT of land here... there is definitely a way to build a beautiful park and a modern, densely populated suburban neighbourhood as well. That’s all I’m trying to say.
  9. I'm sorry but I really do not see that as being an actual, viable option to increase density in the West Island. It's an interesting idea, in theory, but how many people are going to want to subdivide their existing lot so that other buildings can be erected? In the example you gave (from Delta, BC) the old couple literally tore down their existing house to construct the new layout, which will provide housing for immediate family members (and not complete strangers). I'm sure the cost of housing in Vancouver was the most important motivator for these people and not the fact that they wanted to densify their existing lot to save green space... And while there are some big lots in the West Island, most of them also have big houses (unlike St-Lazare, Hudson etc.), which means complete teardowns would be the only option to implement your plan. I just don't see it happening. As Toxix said, single family homes are still in high demand and it's better to have them on the island than off the island. A project such as the one presented for Cap Nature is a great idea. You establish a park size that everyone is happy with, and you develop the remaining land with condos and high-density housing, but also with some single family homes. And FYI, there may be many empty nesters in the West Island, but there are also many people that live with their grandparents, aunts, uncles etc. What's built is built, let's look at how we can improve what is yet to come
  10. CTV Montreal Published Friday, May 25, 2018 9:24AM EDT Some borough mayors says Montreal City Hall is playing politics with cleanliness. On May 17 the city's Executive Committee approved a $320,000 contract that extends its cleanliness brigade program to five additional boroughs, all of which happen to be run by Projet Montreal: Ahuntsic-Cartieville, Mercier-Hochelaga-Maisonneuve, Rosemont-La Petite Patrie, Verdun, and Villeray-Saint-Michel-Park Extension. However five borough mayors want the city's cleanliness brigades extended all across the city. The mayors of Pierrefonds-Roxboro, St. Leonard, Montreal North, St. Laurent, and Riviere des Prairies-Pointe aux Trembles said it's not fair that the cleanliness brigades are only intended for major commercial arteries. "People don't want to hear divisive politics, partisan politics and decisions being made on issues that affect all Montrealers that focus primarily on the administration. We need to be inclusive," said Jim Beis. Mayor Valerie Plante said the boroughs that were left out are free to apply for more funding. "Part of the program is based on frequency or how many people use a street for example. Turns out that yes, there's more [people] that walk downtown than maybe in St. Leonard but it has nothing to do with some kind of giving more stuff to people that are part of our team, abosolutely not," said Plante. The cleanliness contracts in a 22-week pilot project. Link to article:
  11. Looks like they will be covering the brick at 4980 Buchan and most probably installing new windows
  12. “Under certain circumstances” Those circumstances would be when the concrete is repeatedly exposed to moisture and/or harsh environements where water or other chemicals can seep into the concrete and further corrode the rebar. That is not the case for buildings. Trust me, rusted rebar is used all over the world, all the time. And while beams may not be in direct contact with concrete, columns and L angles that serve as limits for the steel decking definitely are. This is really nothing to worry about...
  13. LOL somebody needs to calm this guy down and explain to him that rebar is made of iron, and that when iron is exposed to oxygen, it oxidizes (rust). It in no way changes the physical properties of the metal Most structural steel, if not apparent in the final design, is rusted as well when installed.
  14. Gaetan for president! CTV Montreal Published Friday, May 18, 2018 2:27PM EDT Quebecers will soon have access to their health information online, as Health Minister Gaetan Barrette announced registration for an app and website portal will begin on May 22 on Friday. Carnet Sante Quebec En Ligne will offer Quebecers access via smartphone and computer to information such as X-ray, MRI and blood test results, as well as the ability to make appointments with doctors. The app will also feature a medical library, allowing users to get information on medications. Barrette said information on the app will be confidential and managed by RAMQ. He warned that while test results will be available, there will be a delay to ensure patients get proper context from their doctors before consulting the app. “We cannot filter what are day to day things from something more serious like cancer results coming from a test,” he said. “To make sure that you have the opportunity to visit the doctor first, to get the results first, we wait 30 days on the recommendation of doctors.” He added that in the name of transparency, patients will also be able to see what doctors got paid for procedures and tests that have been done. Link to article
  15. Le coffrage du mat principal a été remonté mardi. La hauteur est assez marquante!
  16. Malheureusement ca serait très difficile (voire impossible) de creuser les fondations du nouveau bâtiment tout en conservant les ruines
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