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Complexe Desjardins - Rénovations et Nouveautés


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Il y a eu, il y a environ 2 mois, un test de lumière je crois, un grand faisceau vert éclairait les coins des tours du RDC au sommet, c'est beau, mais ça n'a pas duré. Abandon du projet ? Test ? Évènement temporaire ? Aucune idée...


Suite aux nouvelles images (merci WestAust) il semble donc que ce que j'ai vu était un test. J'ai hâte de voir le résultat final.

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  • 1 mois plus tard...

There are ads everywhere inside Complexe Desjardins that say they offer free Wi-Fi. As someone who goes there almost every day I can say that this Wi-Fi only works some days and only for a couple of hours in the morning. It never works after 11am.


They also offer the eye-in wireless paid service which is always working. I wonder if this advertisement is an strategy to get more money, as many people expecting free Wi-Fi are forced to pay for it once sitting inside.


Is this legal in Quebec? I couldn't find any information on this. I'll try sending them an email and then a formal complaint if I don't get an answer.


Update: I just sent them an email and they fixed it in less than 10 minutes.


Update: And it's down again 40 minutes later... I can't understand how they could take the time to hire a designer for all that advertisement and then never anticipate their Wi-Fi would be used by more than a couple of people...

Modifié par Newbie
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  • 2 semaines plus tard...
  • 1 mois plus tard...
  • 2 semaines plus tard...
A crane toppled Monday morning at a construction site near Complexe Desjardins.


Police have temporarily closed Rene Levesque Blvd. near St. Urbain because of the problem.


Officers say nobody was hurt, but they are trying to figure out what went wrong.


The forecast was calling for wind gusts up to 70 km/h Monday morning.


The area around Complexe Desjardins has been under construction for several years as the Quartier des Spectacle gets revamped.


In August a crane collapsed at a construction site on St. Denis St. when a support beam broke, injuring the operator.


Thankfully no one was injured.



Modifié par jesseps
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