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Métro de Longueuil: des usagers frappés par une hausse de 60%


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I've been whining because we didn't get a fair treatment. I walk to the metro, why should I pay the TRAM3 pass if the freeloaders in Longueuil are paying 60-70$? On top of paying a special tax for the metro?? What the hell, we're not tools.

How are transit users in Longueuil freeloaders?? They are paying the same rate ($70) as Montreal transit users. As well they should. The station was built over 40 years ago, and is the only one here. Not to mention, that it is fairly close to downtown (2 stops to Berri) As I said before, if we have some more stations, then we'll pay. I will drop the issue if the expected announcement regarding the transit fare increase also includes an expansion deeper into Longueuil. (although if they decide to complete the orange-line loop first like Vaillancourt wants, I'll be even more angry).


You're all over man, it's Laval faults for AMT's bad budgetization of the extension?? and it's Laval's fault that the stations are new? Are you for real?

Where did I ever say it was their "fault" that it was completed overbudget? All I'm saying is that if any one group of commuters should pay a little more (not $40 more though) for the extension to Laval, it should be the people who use it. Why should users in Longueuil pay (in their transit fares) for an extension that does not benefit them whatsoever? Laval whined for an extension for years. They got one, but it looks like they got a little more then they bargained for doesn't it? If Longueuil had the same number of stations, it would be reasonable to charge Longueuil users the same rate.


You never heard of traffic at the Pont Viau?? No obviously, you're just talking your ass off. Going to Henri-Bourassa wasn't easy at all, plus there was never any parking there to begin with.
The Jacques-Cartier Bridge is at least 2 maybe even 3 times as busy as Pont Viau. The option is still much more viable for Laval commuters than it is for Longueuil commuters. If you want to save $41 bad enough, you'll head to Henri-Bourassa. Laval residents found a way to do that before didn't they?

Parking is paying for most Laval users, its 80$ a month plus the 111$ pass, so about the same price as in Longueuil before STMs mess.

Yeah, same as Longueuil before this whole thing ever happened. Now people who drive to the Metro in Longueuil (I believe something like 3,000) will pay much more than people who park in Laval. This can be corrected by making all parking spots in Laval more expensive to equal the price in Longueuil. Fair is fair, right?


Your airport improvment you got it 30+ years ago, and been using it for 30 years, stop whinning.

43 years ago to be exact. What has the south shore received in terms of a new connection to Montreal since then? Nothing whatsoever. Meanwhile most of the infrastructure connecting Laval to Montreal was built since then. If anything it is Laval that should stop whining.


All Vaillancourt wanted is the same treatment for those that don't use the bus (like me), the same price as Longueuil. If others are getting it, why not us?

I would not have had a problem with what he was doing if he did not single out Longueuil. Had he compared it to the whole system, he may actually have received equal transit fares for his citizens. Instead, he singled out Longueuil, knowing full well what the end result would be.

Why don't you send your condoloeances to the STM and M. Tremblay? They are getting a really bad press for what 6000 passes at +40$?, that's barely 240k a month, a drop in Montreal's nightmarish hell of a budget.

Don't worry. I've already written a complaint to the STM. Tremblay I never liked, he has no backbone (but he's better than the alternatives - Projet Montréal wants to cut service in half to Laval and Longueuil). I'm just letting off some steam on Vaillancourt because he does share some of the blame in this.


Pick your battles.

You think that I should just keep my mouth closed and accept the unjustified $41 price hike?


P.S. Its not like Vaillancourt won his point anyways, he didnt get his way and on top Montreal decides to punish Longueuil... loose-loose.

It's true that it was lose-lose. But every time Mr. Vaillancourt complained about Laval metro fares he ALWAYS mentioned what was paid in Longueuil. It was obvious from the beginning that Laval's fares would not decrease, but Longueuil's fares would go up.


I think had he approached the discrepancy differently, instead of acting like a spoiled brat, Laval might very well be paying a lower rate than they are now. (Perhaps by way of a $5 increase to all STM commuters, so the price everyone pays is $75, including Laval. A little more reasonable than expecting a few thousand people in Longueuil to pay $41 more each).

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Stop kidding yourself, the only reason he mentions Longueuil its because its the exception, the only that gets this favour, and worst is, its only for those that dont take the bus, a few thousands people. Vaillancourt wasn't asking the moon. geez.


If say Cote-Vertu, Angrignon and Honoré-Beaugrand had a different scheme as Longueuil, don't worry he would've mentionned them too... but then his argument would be moot because there would be a seemingly appearance of fairness based on distance or some other criteria, which Longueuil even if its at 1km from downtown in the mind of Tremblay should pay more because YOU don't pay any income taxes to them, so it doesnt really matter if you're closer to downtown than Cartier. (Cartier is closer to the city of Montreal than Longueuil is btw).


And you mention new infrastructure, thats because Laval and the north shore are newer suburbs, their population has been exploding compared to the south shore. So yes those bridges and metro stations are needed, they don't serve only Laval, but everyone living north.


Heck even sometimes I cant find a sitting spot at Concorde after a commuter train from st-jerome has just unloaded.


(please stop mentionning Henri-Bourassa), it was never an option for drivers, there's no parking there at all, no free, not paying, no nothing. If you manage to cross that bridge with your car, you're just better to keep on driving to downtown because finding a parking then taking the metro from HB is not that faster once you cross that 2 lanes bridge.

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(please stop mentionning Henri-Bourassa), it was never an option for drivers, there's no parking there at all, no free, not paying, no nothing. If you manage to cross that bridge with your car, you're just better to keep on driving to downtown because finding a parking then taking the metro from HB is not that faster once you cross that 2 lanes bridge.


Sur ce point, Malek a bien raison. Sur les rues autour de la station de métro, le stationnement est interdit pendant une petite période de temps durant la journée. Une mesure qui est en place justement pour éviter que les rues résidentielles se transforment en stationnement incitatif.


De plus le PPU de l'arrondissement pour ce secteur souhaite réduire la place de l'automobile en dehors des grosses artères, la station Henri-Bourassa ne sera jamais très attrayante pour les Lavallois.

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Longueuil -> Downtown : < 5km

Laval -> Downtown : > 10km


Treatment isn't equal because the conditions aren't equal.


'nuff said.


La distance importe peu. La différence entre un Lavallois est un résident d'Ahuntsic est que celui sur l'île paye déjà un gros montant de ses taxes pour l'entretien du métro. Si les citoyens de Laval assume une part raisonnable des coûts d'exploitations, je crois qu'ils devraient pouvoir avoir droit au même tarif. Tout comme les gens de Longueuil.


Et puis le centre-ville n'est pas toujours la destination finale. Surtout qu'à long terme, j'espère que les villes de banlieue pourront se munir d'un transport en commun utilisable pour autre chose que la navette vers le centre-ville, à l'heure de pointe. Faut prévoir la tarification dans cette optique.

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La distance importe peu. La différence entre un Lavallois est un résident d'Ahuntsic est que celui sur l'île paye déjà un gros montant de ses taxes pour l'entretien du métro. Si les citoyens de Laval assume une part raisonnable des coûts d'exploitations, je crois qu'ils devraient pouvoir avoir droit au même tarif. Tout comme les gens de Longueuil.


À ce que je sache, le métro a été désigné comme un équippement métropolitain. Il est donc financé par tous les citoyens de la CMM en fonction de l'utilisation par ville, c'est pourquoi même les citoyens de Léry ou Saint-Mathias-sur-Richelieu versent des taxes pour payer le métro même si ils ne l'utilisent pas! De dire que les gens de Longueuil ou Laval ne paient pas me semble faux alors...

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Longueuil -> Downtown : < 5km

Laval -> Downtown : > 10km


Treatment isn't equal because the conditions aren't equal.


'nuff said.



Dans ce cas, les résidents de Ahuntsic qui embarquent à crémazie ou Henri-Bourassa, ou ceux de St-Laurent, ou ceux qui embarquent à Honoré-Beaugrand devraient également utiliser une Tram 3 si on se base uniquement sur la distance.


On a un systeme de tarification du métro qui est pris entre 2 chaises, celle de vouloir charger à la distance dans les cas de Laval/Longueuil et celle du prix fixe pour les stations Montréalaise.


Soit on adopte 1 système ou l’autre, mais pas de entre-2 comme c’est le cas en ce moment.

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