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Hôtel Mount Stephen - 12 étages


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Les infrastructures du métro sont sous le boulevard de Maisonneuve et les puits d'aération du tunnel ne doivent surement pas empiéter sur un terrain privé, aucun propriétaire de terrain n'aurait accepté et ça aurait affecté la valeur du terrain.

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I don't think it's that difficult to develop a building that incorporates this vent shaft. That said, this lot is one of the greatest eyesores... smack-dab in the middle of the Golden Square Mile between the Ritz/Holt's/Ogilvys. I mean, developing something here should be a slam-dunk. Major retail opportunity for the ground floor and second floor, especially with the new Ogilvys coming down the pipe!


... I don't get all the excitement about this Mount Stephen design. Frankly, the rendering is better than the real thing so far. The windows are not as "big" in the finished product, as someone who works in hotel development, I would not want to stay in a room with all those tiny windows.


Thus building is a hulking structure and I can't wait for it to be disguised/hidden by a new development at the corner of de la Montagne and De Maisonneuve.

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  • 2 semaines plus tard...
I don't think it's that difficult to develop a building that incorporates this vent shaft. That said, this lot is one of the greatest eyesores... smack-dab in the middle of the Golden Square Mile between the Ritz/Holt's/Ogilvys. I mean, developing something here should be a slam-dunk. Major retail opportunity for the ground floor and second floor, especially with the new Ogilvys coming down the pipe!


... I don't get all the excitement about this Mount Stephen design. Frankly, the rendering is better than the real thing so far. The windows are not as "big" in the finished product, as someone who works in hotel development, I would not want to stay in a room with all those tiny windows.


Thus building is a hulking structure and I can't wait for it to be disguised/hidden by a new development at the corner of de la Montagne and De Maisonneuve.


You know, I feel the same. I just don't "get" this building yet. And yes the windows are ridiculous and optically, the design makes an onlooker feel dizzy. The

back of the building too is dizzying to look at with the x pattern. Awful ideas, and panning out badly.

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