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If Eric Amber had actually received hateful messages, he should have brought that to the media before aggressively replying to one that wasn't aggressive at all. Then we might have had sympathy for him. However, I doubt that he did seeing as he only mentioned it when confronted by the media. My guess is that he doesn't understand French very well and was under the impression that Les Sages Fous were being rude to him. Anyways, we know he isn't a very classy guy.


2ème courriel: «Hello, [...] Your response is an incredibly inappropriate, ugly and aggressive message.

[...] It seems that it is you the bigot. We, at Les Sages Fous all speak at least three languages, have travelled the world and are obviously more educated and open minded than you.

I myself am one of the few anglophones who proudly speaks french in a continent that insists on being monolingual. [...] [...] Ever thought of moving to Georgia Back woods Texas? They like people like you down there. [...]

South Miller, Les Sages Fous»

What was the point of insulting Texas in their reply? What have they done wrong? How come whenever somebody says something racist, people say things like go to Texas to be with your own bigoted kind. Texans are just as friendly and open as anybody else (of course their are racists there, but there are everywhere).


Il y aura une manifestation aujourd'hui devant le théatre Sainte-Catherine (info reçue par facebook...)

Tu sais que ce manifestation est crée par les Jeunes Patriotes du Québec (qui sont essentiellement la version francophone des types racistes comme Eric Amber?)

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Membres prolifiques

Tu sais que ce manifestation est crée par les Jeunes Patriotes du Québec (qui sont essentiellement la version francophone des types racistes comme Eric Amber?)


Sur quoi tu te base pour dire ça? Je connais certains membres de ce groupe qui sont des universitaires très ouverts sur les autres cultures. Plusieurs d'entres eux ont même manifesté pour la paix au Liban l'été dernier. Et crois-le ou non, certains d'entres eux ont des amis anglophones... Certains médias tentent de marginaliser ce groupe qui travail pourtant pour que l'histoire du Québec ne soit pas oubliée et pour la défense de la langue française... Évidement, comme dans toutes organisations, on y retrouve quelques imbéciles, mais ils sont minoritaires... ( C'est pourtant eux que les médias interview le plus souvent... allez savoir pourquoi....:rolleyes: )

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Tu sais que ce manifestation est crée par les Jeunes Patriotes du Québec (qui sont essentiellement la version francophone des types racistes comme Eric Amber?)


Mais on se base sur quoi pour dire que ces jeunes sont TOUS racistes? Je ne les connais pas personnellement mais je ne jugerais pas un groupe de jeune en entier basé sur ce que certains journalistes veulent laisser croire.


D'ailleurs, je ne crois meme pas qu'Éric Amber soit raciste. Il est surement un imbécile ignorant qui se croit supérieur parce que parlant anglais mais de là à etre raciste.... je me garde un peu de recul car je ne veux surtout pas tomber dans ces attaques trop faciles et trop souvent utilisés.

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The AFG strikes back. I just love reading this guy. Hecomes up with refreshing thoughts on our little everyday problems.....say, like the language issue.


In Montreal People Who Don’t Speak English Are Uneducated Bigots


About 10 or 15 years ago Blockbuster opened their first Montreal franchise on Ste.Catherine Street, between the Forum and Guy Metro. About every second evening me and my roommate JF would walk all the way up the hill from St.Henri to rent some videos because, a. we had no real professional or social obligations to speak of in those blissful days of our early twenties, and b. because the only commerce going on in St.Henri back then was the sale of beer and steamed hot dogs.


At Blockbuster there was this one employee that we called Tommy. Poor Tommy, we used to say, he just doesn’t get it. He wasn’t a bad bloke—although a bloke he certainly was—but he always had a look of confusion on his face and permanent hesitation in his movement.


One phenomenon that absolutely mystified Tom was that almost every single night me and JF bring to his counter a movie in English, and then proceed to address him and conduct the transaction in French.


Every single time Tom would pick up the VHS, open the box, read the title aloud, and then, with a grimace, tried to warn us: Mais… sé en Anglèse.


Je sais, I would answer. C’est cool.


Tom would then take our money and stare at us as we left the store, dumbfounded by these two French dudes who kept renting movies they couldn’t understand!


Poor Tommy. He just didn’t get it.


Mercifully guys like Tommy are rare in Montréal. We French bastards and Angry separatists are usually able to consume our hearts fill of Anglo-American pop culture and simultaneously uphold our right to be served in French simultaneously, without any problem. I can go to a downtown cinema, buy my ticket in French, buy my Pepsi and gummy bears in French, ask directions to the pimpled employees in French and even share my always entertaining and insightful commentary on the movie with my companion of the evening in French, and still enjoy the new Transformer movie in the original English version.


I don’t switch to English when I buy my Engelbert Humperdink CDs at HMV. I don’t try to order in Japanese when I order sushi. I can go to a bookstore, purchase a book in English and even discuss it with a librarian, speaking only French. Even when I go to McGill’s library to photocopy scientific papers and gawk at young girls from New Jersey I make it a point to speak exclusively in French with the staff.


Not only is speaking French not a problem at McGill, I’m pretty sure I get better service than English-speaking chumps. Staff seems to light up and come to life. It’s like it’s something new and interesting happening. Oh, French! I know this! I can do this!


Or maybe I’m just better looking than you are…


This said, poor Tommy’s are still out there.


Last week Eric Amber, the guy who runs the Ste.Catherine Theater downtown, sent out an email to all of Québec’s cultural media and institutions promoting his venue’s lineup as part of the Zoofest, a new comedy festival run by the folks at Juste pour Rire/Just for Laughs. When a few people complained that the email was only in English and demanded to be contacted in French or taken off their mailing list, mister Amber blew a gasket.


His theater’s shows were in English and, therefore, there was no point advertising them in French, essentially wrote the promoter, who, like poor Tommy, cannot comprehend that someone who has learned English does not immediately abandon his tribal language.


« You obviously can’t read English because you are an uneducated bigot », was the eloquent response of the theater to the demands for a French email. « Go fuck yourself. »


Sure, I’ll do that in a sec., but before I go I’d just like to point out to the Eric’s and Tommy’s out there that there are roughly 500.000 to 750.000 Anglophones in Québec and about 3 million Francophones like me who speak, read and consume English-language culture but still expect to be informed and to buy our tickets in French.


If you think you can run a business by only catering to « real » Anglos while four fifths of your potential market is jacking off in the shower, good luck with that.


We have our answer! As I’m about to upload this post, I learn that Eric Amber and the people at St.Catherine Theater do not want money spent by people who still nostalgically hang on to their backward cultures. He is shutting his theater down and moving on to some other city where only people who have completely abandonned their primitive ways are allowed to talk back to the Anglos, somewhere like Toronto or Singapour:


« Due to the overwhelming racism and bigotry in French society toward minorities and non-french cultures, Theatre Ste-Catherine will be closing in protest. Effective immediately TSC will no longer be accepting bookings and will closed permanently Dec. 21, 2009.»


Cool. Now maybe some uneducated bigot like Gilbert Rozon, who happens to run the biggest English-language comedy festival in the world, or André Ménard or René Angelil can buy back the theater and make some money while Eric Amber relocates to Peterborough where no linguistic and cultural bastards will try to crash his productions.


Written by angryfrenchguy


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Sur quoi tu te base pour dire ça? Je connais certains membres de ce groupe qui sont des universitaires très ouverts sur les autres cultures. Plusieurs d'entres eux ont même manifesté pour la paix au Liban l'été dernier. Et crois-le ou non, certains d'entres eux ont des amis anglophones... Certains médias tentent de marginaliser ce groupe qui travail pourtant pour que l'histoire du Québec ne soit pas oubliée et pour la défense de la langue française... Évidement, comme dans toutes organisations, on y retrouve quelques imbéciles, mais ils sont minoritaires... ( C'est pourtant eux que les médias interview le plus souvent... allez savoir pourquoi....:rolleyes: )


Mais on se base sur quoi pour dire que ces jeunes sont TOUS racistes? Je ne les connais pas personnellement mais je ne jugerais pas un groupe de jeune en entier basé sur ce que certains journalistes veulent laisser croire.


D'ailleurs, je ne crois meme pas qu'Éric Amber soit raciste. Il est surement un imbécile ignorant qui se croit supérieur parce que parlant anglais mais de là à etre raciste.... je me garde un peu de recul car je ne veux surtout pas tomber dans ces attaques trop faciles et trop souvent utilisés.


Peut-être vous avez raison. J'ai trouvé leuyr

bouffonneries assez drole quand les Jeunes Patriotes ont "dérangé" un événement de Justin Trudeau lors du dernier campagne électoral. They can't be all bad.


Mais c'est vrai qu'ils recoivent la presse négative, surtout dans les journaux libéraux, The Gazette et La Presse.

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Insultes raciales

Le fondateur du Théâtre Sainte-Catherine présente ses excuses

La Presse Canadienne

22/07/2009 18h14


Le propriétaire du Théâtre Sainte-Catherine de Montréal, Eric Amber, s'est excusé, aujourd'hui, pour un courriel dans lequel il insultait une troupe de théâtre inscrite à sa liste d'envoi après qu'elle eut demandé de recevoir des informations en français.


Après avoir reçu un courriel unilingue anglophone détaillant la série de spectacles présentés en anglais au Théâtre Sainte-Catherine dans le cadre du Zoofest, la troupe Les Sages Fous avait demandé de «recevoir le message en français» ou bien d'être «retiré de la liste». Le théâtre montréalais avait répondu: «Vous ne pouvez bien sûr pas lire l'anglais, parce que vous êtes un sectaire ignorant (uneducated bigot)», avant d'ajouter «Go fuck yourself».


Dans une lettre envoyée aux médias cet après-midi, M. Amber a qualifié sa réaction d«'inflammatoire et non justifiée» et a expliqué sa «réplique très agressive» par «le fait que le Théâtre Sainte-Catherine est toujours ciblé par des messages francophones très négatifs et diffamatoires concernant (ses) événements anglophones».


Tout en disant regretter d'avoir offensé ses «propres frères et soeurs francophones», M. Amber s'est dit tout à fait convaincu qu'une «couverture médiatique alarmiste et sensationnaliste n'a fait qu'aggraver la situation». Il ajoute qu'il fait maintenant face à des menaces de mort.

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