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Place de la Cité Internationale, phase 2 (2007)


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J'ai lu tous vos commentaires et j'espérais pouvoir -comme vous tous- me faire une opinion mais c'est impossible. J'ai contemplé l'évocation plusieurs fois (j'insiste sur : "contemplé") sans jamais être capable de me faire une idée. Je comprend l'employé de la Ville qui a dit qu'il n'avait jamais vu un projet aussi laid pour Montréal (bien que je ne sois pas nécessairement d'accord).


Ce projet est original : de ce côté-là, on ne peut pas se plaindre. Ça sort de l'ordinaire. On est loin des sempiternelles boîte à savon !! Le seul aspect de ce projet avec lequel je suis d'accord avec vous tous : on aurait voulu que ce soit plus haut mais dans sa forme actuelle le projet est très acceptable !! Ça ne veut pas dire que j'aime mais j'apprécie !!

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Let's be patient. Is anyone 100% sure that this is the final design that has been chosen? Maybe it's a trial balloon, Westcliff wanted some reaction from the people at the conference. It does not make sense that the drawing exists and that it is nowhere to be found in the Westcliff site or Rio Tinto. Of course Rosey and Russell saw the proposed tower in a brochure at a conference. But this does not mean that it is the final rendering. At least I hope not!!!


So we shouldn't get our shorts in a knot and wait for the official announcement and launch before we get too excited. By the way I personally find the building very acceptable. We should not only judge on height but quality of construction and how it fits in with the surrounding buildings. Does anybody think that La Caisse du Depot building is crap at only 13 floors? No, it is often sited as a top notch building by the industry. Would you be more excited by a 50 floor building that has no quality and overwhelms the surroundings. Don't forget I am sure that developers also don't want to take away from the majesty of the Stock Exchange tower of Place Victoria. Would something like this make you happier????






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I can't understand why any developer would agree to custom build a tower for a company without building in a safety margin, in other words more floors rented out to other clients, Westcliff seems to be putting all their eggs in one basket, which in the long run could be a very costly mistake

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Mtlrdp.... don't forget that this won't be built without a 10 to 20 year lease deal and who knows maybe Westcliff will sell the building outright to Rio Tinto. These are people that have been in the business for decades. If they were careless the site would have been built 20 years ago.

Minimal risk for Westcliff involved here. At least that is my feeling.


What do you think Habsfan, Gilbert, anyone in the realestate business????

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This project, while certainly "better than nothing", nevertheless amounts to an under-utilization of prime vacant downtown land.


Soooooooooooooooooooo Right!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Come on RTA!!!!!!


Question: ils ont combien d'employés à localiser? Cet immeuble minus fera l'affaire tout juste ou avec de l'espace d'expansion?


Pour le design, franchement, c'est pas génial. Si on fait 16 étages, bring in Gehry or Calatrava or Foster, i dunno, but something really out of this place. If not, we need at least 15 more floors........


Comme j'ai déjà dit, je préfèrerai le design à la hauteur, mais celui-là, c'est pas assez pour compenser! Bof bof. Snif snif.....

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As others have mentioned, with the multitude of lots zoned 120M max, it is retarded to waste a 200M lot, they should have simply went with any of the other land owner/developers (SITQ, FTQ, SIDEV etc..). Even Westcliff owns the lot next to the Bay that would have been suitable for such a building.


One of the key factors as to why Alcan likely chose this site is because the below-grade work was completed during the construction of Phase1 (parking garage etc...), so the building will be able to go up much quicker than any other development site.


And well said Russell!

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Russell: I understand your argument and the reasons behind the decision to build the tower as is, but it remains a poor use of land no matter how you slice it.


If I were the mayor, I'd demand certain changes. Either fix your project (add a mixed-use residential component, for instance) or get out.

I'm really not fond of single-use projects that basically shut down after 5pm. To keep the downtown core lively, we need mixed use, mixed use, mixed use!

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