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After 57 years, it's bye-bye Ben's

Sandwich shop is toast. Montreal landmark closed in December and now faces the wrecker's ball

MARY LAMEY, The Gazette

Published: Saturday, May 12, 2007


Ben's Restaurant, a Montreal landmark closed in December after a lengthy labour dispute, has been sold and will face the wrecker's ball.


SIDEV Realty Corp. has purchased the three-storey building at the corner of Metcalfe St. and de Maisonneuve Blvd., from the Kravitz family. The deal is expected to close on June 18. The purchase price has not been disclosed.


SIDEV plans to demolish the building and is examining various options for redeveloping the 6,000-square-foot site. One option would be to build a 12- to-15-storey boutique hotel with retail space on the lower floors, or condominiums, said SIDEV president Sam Benatar, who began discussions with the Kravitz family several months ago.

Ben's Deli in 2006: The municipal tax roll pegs its value at $2.62 million.View Larger Image View Larger Image

Ben's Deli in 2006: The municipal tax roll pegs its value at $2.62 million.




"It's a very small site, but what an incredible location," Benatar said.


His firm is also open to working with the Hines-SITQ partnership, which is planning a 28-storey office tower on the lot immediately east of Ben's. SIDEV has been in touch with the SITQ and expects to meet with the real estate development arm of the Caisse de depot et placement du Quebec to see whether they can work together. His firm is not planning to sell the land, Benatar said firmly.


"We did not buy in order to sell, but we are open to discussing all possibilities." A spokesman for the SITQ said he was unaware of the transaction and doubted the developer would alter its project to incorporate the Ben's property.


"We are moving ahead with the project we presented publicly last October," said Jacques-Andre Charland, the SITQ's director of public affairs.


The Texas-based Hines Group purchased the parking lot immediately east of Ben's in 2004. It partnered with the SITQ, a major landlord, to build the $150-million project that was to virtually wrap around the restaurant, one of the last three-storey structures along the canyon of office towers on De Maisonneuve Blvd. W.


Hines has said publicly that it had hoped to strike a deal to acquire the neighbouring land, too. The Kravitz family has vehemently denied that it was ever approached about selling. The family could not be reached for comment yesterday.


Ben Kravitz opened a deli offering smoked meat on St. Lawrence Blvd. in 1908. The Metcalfe St. eatery, with its wrap-around illuminated sign, opened in 1950. The current municipal tax roll pegs the property's value at $2.62 million, including $1.96 million for the land and $660,700 for the building.


"There's no question of leaving the building in place. It isn't worth anything," Benatar said.


SIDEV owns and manages large office and commercial properties around Montreal, including the Gordon Brown building at 400 de Maisonneuve Blvd. W. in the fur district, the jewellery business hub at 620 Cathcart St. and a Chabanel district property at 9250 Park Ave.


It is also moving ahead with a plan to demolish the Spectrum and build a $120-million retail and office project at the southeast corner of Bleury and Ste. Catherine Sts.

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Membres prolifiques

Selon un de mes collègues ici à l'interne, ne vous attendez pas à ce que ce projet de SIDEV soit accepté par la ville. les floors plates seraient beaucoup trop petit pour ce qu'ils veulent faire(6,000p²).


Je m'attends à ce que SIDEV revende le terrain à SITQ dans un avenir rapproché.


Aussi, j'ai entendu dire que si SITQ avait réussit à ahceté ce terrain, ils auraient démolit la bâtisse pour y construire un gros jardin, et ensuite en profiter pour augmenter la hauteur du 900 de Maisonneuve O. de 28 à 32 étages.

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Tu as surement raison Habsfan, le terrain est beaucoup trop petit!!!


Dire que le vieux bonhomme Kravitz avait refusé 15 millions$ en 1988 pour ce terrain!! Tu réalise, c'était 2500$ du p². Un montant astronomique. UN Promoteur voulait construire une tour de 1.4 millions de p² sur 60 étages sur ce terrain. What could have been....

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M. Benatar de Sidev a déjà fait installer un enseigne et des bannières sur l'immeuble, sur lequel est inscrit// SITE EN DÉVELOPPEMENT; ça doit être un peu narguant pour SITQ/HINES


Je crois que c'est son but! Il veut les faire saliver une peu plus, et quand il ne sereont plus capables, il vont lui faire une offre pour genre 1 million$ de plus que ce que SIDEV à payé! Watch ben!

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