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Un grand merci @Windex !  C'est très généreux de ta part !  Je n'en demandais pas autant... Surtout que j'aime bien partager des photos de tout ce qui se passe d'intéressant "urbanistiquement parlant" à Montréal 🙂

Mais là.  À part la pitié, qu'est-ce que je peux acheter avec des dollars URB$ ?  Est-ce un peu comme le peso cubain (convertible) ? 🤔

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il y a 7 minutes, Chuck-A a dit :

Un grand merci @Windex !  C'est très généreux de ta part !  Je n'en demandais pas autant... Surtout que j'aime bien partager des photos de tout ce qui se passe d'intéressant "urbanistiquement parlant" à Montréal 🙂

Mais là.  À part la pitié, qu'est-ce que je peux acheter avec des dollars URB$ ?  Est-ce un peu comme le peso cubain ? 🤔

Tu achètes des likes 😜

Edit: quelques bugs à donner des urb$ en guise de like:
- on est envoyé en haut de page suite à un don ce qui nous fait perdre le fil
- la personne qui reçoit le don ne sait pas sur quel message ce dernier s'applique

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Matthew Lapierre

Wednesday, October 23rd 2019 - 7:23 pm


MONTREAL - A commuter whose new car was showered in concrete residue while driving under a construction site on Highway 40 may file a complaint with Transports Quebec.

On Monday, J Laroche was driving home from work and spotted a stream of water falling onto the highway ahead of him. 

It wasn't an unusual sight, he told CJAD 800's Aaron Rand on Wednesday. The REM is being built in the area--where the Highway 40 intersects with the Highway 13--and workers frequently toil above the road.

He drove into the stream of liquid.

"I proceed in the right lane, and what do you know? It's not water; it's cement," he said. "Liquid cement."

The stream of material hit a couple of cars, impeding their vision.

"People slammed on their brakes," Laroche said. "I got hit. People behind me got hit. It's fortunate that there was no accident because when this stuff hits your window you can't clear it away quick enough." 

Laroche sprayed his windshield with wiper fluid, but the grey haze lingered. Pebbles and rocks obscured his vision, embedding themselves into the car's rims, edges and crevices.

"I flooded the window with the juice and tried to clear it as quick as possible; everyone slowed down," he said.

When he arrived home, the slurry had solidified.

He tried hosing down his car, and a vigorous brushing--but it didn't work. Next, he paid for a "supreme" car wash, and it helped, but grey streaks lingered in hard-to-reach areas. They're still there.

"I don't know if it's ever going to come off," he said.

Laroche told CTV he likely plans to file a complaint with Transports Quebec. The agency has an online complaint service, where drivers can request compensation for damage Transports Quebec, or one of their contractors, caused. 

But George Iny, from the Automobile Protection Association, said claims against contractors are tedious to file and rarely successful. He said Transports Quebec would likely give Laroche the contact information for whatever contractor was working on the REM the night his car was hit. Laroche would have to sue.

"You have very short delays to send your notice. It could be as little as 10 days and that's often how sloppy contractors get out of it, because they're shielded," he said. "Contractors don't pay. They wait until you sue them. I think they know most people give up."

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