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Station Griffintown – Bernard-Landry - Discussion


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Il y a 8 heures, Flynnster a dit :

I for one will never call the station by that name , it will be know as griffentown station. I also know whom I won’t be putting my support in the next mayors election. 

À mon avis, c'est une réaction purement enfantine que celle-ci. Bernard Landry a été un personnage majeur pour le Québec et pour la renaissance de ce quartier précis, d'ailleurs. Son nom est très approprié, ça ne fait aucun doute, historiquement et géographiquement. Évidemment, comme toute opération de toponymie, il y a toujours plusieurs options! Et il restera aussi d'ailleurs toujours des choses à nommer. 

Ma seule déception est qu'il s'agit encore d'un nom d'homme politique blanc, catégorie déjà bien représentée en toponymie. Il faut clairement faire plus d'efforts pour nommer des éléments au nom de femmes importantes et au nom de gens d'autres communautés, et de personnes racisées, et autochtones. 

Il y aura éventuellement une autre station dans Pointe-St-Charles, en plus, à nommer elle aussi. 

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Victor Boyle, le directeur de la foundation du Black Rock, a publié ceci sur Facebook juste avant l'annonce en conférence de presse

I just finished a very disappointing call (along with other members of the Irish community) with Mayor Plante where she explained that an announcement will be made this afternoon regarding the naming of the Griffintown REM Station. Unfortunately the name Bernard Landry will accompany the station name. As a person dedicated to Irish History in Montreal and Irish Heritage as a whole I'm heartsick!

Let's be VERY clear; this has NOTHING to the merits of Mr. Landry's legacy in Quebec or Montreal - I just can't wrap my head around why that particular station.

It's also NOT about the Mayor or anyone else disrespecting the Irish. We're a tough bunch not given to whining. The simple fact is that all other REM stations followed a specific naming convention so let's stick to that.

On our call when Fergus V. Keyes voiced his disappointment in his usual and open frank expression I got the distinct impression from Mayor Plante that his position was being labelled as divisive and in some way radical. Another request was made by the Mayor for alternatives and more dialogue were offered so that we - the Irish - could present alternative ways for the City to show it's support for the Irish. But the City's (and the Mayor's) support is not in question.

What is is that there is no reason to change or diminish the deep history of Griffintown by adding Mr. Landry's name to that particular station.

As we continue our good work toward the completion of the Black Rock Memorial and the fantastic relationship we continue to enjoy with Mayor Plante and the City of Montreal, please let's make the Mayor, the City councilors, the REM, the Canadian government and the Quebec government aware of our more than disappointment of this decision.

It's unacceptable - pure and simple.


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25 minutes ago, Decel said:

Si on veut vraiment son nom à cette station, je dirais que le compromis serait de renommer la rue William ou Dalhousie en son honneur.

No, that's even worse. That is literally erasing the historical names of the area. Something new is fine, but we should keep existing names as they are.

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il y a 1 minute, Southwark a dit :

No, that's even worse. That is literally erasing the historical names of the area. Something new is fine, but we should keep existing names as they are.

How do you create something new where everything already exists?

Une alternative serait de nommer la structure même du bâtiment ferroviaire en son nom.

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1 minute ago, Decel said:

How do you create something new where everything already exists?

Une alternative serait de nommer la structure même du bâtiment ferroviaire en son nom.

I like Rocco's suggestion. Name the park for him on Robert Bourassa. Or create a new park in the Cité Multimédia and name it after him.

Or there is the Silo no 5 area. It will have a road as well, presumably which could have his name.

He deserves to be commemorated. If I were the Irish leaders, I would pick my battles. They should focus on defending what's already there. But they have to be pragmatic and not throw a fit for something new that is not being renamed.

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9 hours ago, Flynnster said:

I for one will never call the station by that name , it will be know as griffentown station. I also know whom I won’t be putting my support in the next mayors election. 

Just like 99% of us call the 'Longeuil-Université-de-Sherbrooke' station 'Longueuil'. 

As a side note, are your political choices motivated mainly by the naming of a station?  I mean, there must be more important issues out there, no?  global warming, urbanism, economic development, discrimination, ....

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3 hours ago, ERJ-Boy said:

J'espère vraiment qu'il y aura une entrée du côté de Robert-Bourassa. Si la Caisse ouvre des commerces dans le viaduc, le parc Bonaventure et tout ce coin la deviendra un hot spot incroyable dans la ville. 

Ça me fascine tellement. Il y a 10-15 ans on avait une autoroute, un quartier abandonné et beaucoup de parkings... On sera maintenant rendu avec un quartier dense, avec du transport en commun, des espaces verts, des commerces, des restaurants. wow.


S'il y a une entrée côté Robert-Bourassa, je pense que ce sera une entrée secondaire passant en dessous du bâtiment-pont. Il reste encore trois voies de train Exo/Via Rail/Amtrack juste à l'ouest du quai direction sud.

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5 minutes ago, danny12345 said:

As a side note, are your political choices motivated mainly by the naming of a station?  I mean, there must be more important issues out there, no?  global warming, urbanism, economic development, discrimination, ....

My political choices are motivated by logic, morals and values. If Mayor Plante wants to name a station in Griffintown after a hardcore advocate of Quebec sovereignty, then I don't believe she shares those same values. Bernard Landry was very outspoken about his disdain for the English-speaking minority in Quebec, and he blamed the "ethnic" vote for the "Non" majority in the referendum. He is a fading symbol of divisiveness in Quebec, and the mayor has chosen to honor that. I could care less if the park on Robert-Bourassa was named after him but the fact that the GRIFFINTOWN station has to share its name with this man was a calculated move (and it would be extremely naive to think otherwise). 

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