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D'une source incertaine, j'ai appris que la bijouterie au coin de Ste-Catherine et de St-Alexandre (coin nord-est) avait été ou est sur le point d'être vendue pour un projet mixte incluant un section résidentielle.


Connaissez-vous ce projet?


*Il n'est pas à confondre avec celui sur St-Alexandre au sud de Ste-Catherine (l'ancien pavillon de l'UQAM).



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explique pourquoi certains magasins sont deserts!!


je me disais cela aussi cette semaine. Au moins 3 locaux vidés. Mais habituellement les bars de danseuses et commerces de sexe sont difficiles à exproprier non? Il y a un bar de danseuses dans la cave d'un édifice.

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Cela fait des annees que certains commerces sont desertes. This part of Ste. Catherine's has been hit n miss for years for smaller stores.


I always thought that with the rumoured arrival of Best Buy at the corner of Bleury that the former TD branch across the street would make a great heritage retail outlet say for example an HM (which will now be at Peel/Ste. Catherine's). This would anchor retail to the east of The Bay and help provide commercial activity in the area.


But this is off topic I know (though btw HM has a store on Queen St. close to Spadina in a building somewhat like the former TD branch).

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  • 9 mois plus tard...


I always thought that with the rumoured arrival of Best Buy at the corner of Bleury that the former TD branch across the street would make a great heritage retail outlet say for example an HM (which will now be at Peel/Ste. Catherine's). This would anchor retail to the east of The Bay and help provide commercial activity in the area.


But this is off topic I know (though btw HM has a store on Queen St. close to Spadina in a building somewhat like the former TD branch).


En fait, H&M a ouvert deux succursales sur Sainte-Catherine, dont l'une est justement entre La Baie et Bleury.

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