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By Cat DiStasio

Snow sports are wildly popular around the globe -- even in regions with no winter to speak of. No matter, because architects and engineers have joined forces to create ski and snowboard slopes in some of the most unlikely places. Whether indoors or out, artificial snow or pure natural pow-pow, these buildings with built-in slopes will blow your snow-loving mind. From the longest indoor ski slope on the planet to an eco-friendly year-round snow sports resort, this roundup has something for everyone. If you can't hold your breath 'til the next bluebird day rolls around, opt for one of these spots where it's primo shredding season with no white-out in the forecast.


Rest of the pics here:

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Haha!! Faudrait vraiment avoir un building comme ça à Montréal! :D


Le complexe Desjardins pourrait faire des passerelles d'une tour à l'autre!


Or zip-lines from tallest, down to the lower towers.

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By Cat DiStasio

Snow sports are wildly popular around the globe -- even in regions with no winter to speak of. No matter, because architects and engineers have joined forces to create ski and snowboard slopes in some of the most unlikely places. Whether indoors or out, artificial snow or pure natural pow-pow, these buildings with built-in slopes will blow your snow-loving mind. From the longest indoor ski slope on the planet to an eco-friendly year-round snow sports resort, this roundup has something for everyone. If you can't hold your breath 'til the next bluebird day rolls around, opt for one of these spots where it's primo shredding season with no white-out in the forecast.


Rest of the pics here:


J'aime bien cet immeuble, cependant il faudrait retravailler l'arrivée de la pente, sinon certains risquent de se payer un mur, s'ils ne prennent pas garde. Pourquoi de toute façon s'arrêter en si bon chemin? Mieux vaut aller directement tout en bas vers la cour intérieure, ainsi tu prends tes skis pour aller faire tes courses au lieu d'attendre l'ascenseur. Avec un bon système d'enneigement artificiel, je verrais bien un immeuble semblable à Montréal.


J'ai compté 23 étages dans l'évocation, donc un dénivelé d'environ 70 m. Quand on veut s'amuser sans aller loin, c'est un bon compromis. :D

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