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La LNH à Québec?


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Prime Minister Stephen Harper threw more cold water on the idea that the federal government could help build an arena so that Quebec City could win an NHL franchise.


“There’s no federal program to fund professional sports facilities,” he told French-TV network TVA hosts Paul Larocque and Jean Lapierre from the prime minister’s cottage at Harrington Lake, Que. in an interview recorded Dec. 17. “Not now, not in previous decades. Pro sports are first and foremost the responsibility of the private sector, and I am encouraging the private sector to come up with a solution.


“If Ottawa did something like that, we’d have to do it across the country, and the list is long. Hamilton, Regina, Edmonton, even my hometown of Calgary, everyone wants a new facility.”


Harper suggested that traditionally Ottawa would only get into funding an arena if it were part of Olympic bid.


Quebec City Mayor Regis Labeaume “told me he would be looking to have Quebec City bid on the Olympic Games. And I encouraged him. Historically, that’s how Ottawa supports the development of large-scale sports facilities.”


Harper added: “You have to be realistic. A project of this nature has to be affordable and fair for the entire country.”


Quebec City has long wanted to host the Winter Games but it doesn’t have a mountain that the International Ski Federation (FIS) considers good enough to host the ski events.


Harper’ comments will not be welcome to Harper’s Quebec Conservative caucus, which is centred in the Quebec City area, where getting a team back has popular local support.


In the interview, Harper also said state of the economy and recovery remains a priority — not elections.


“I’ll worry about the elections when the time comes, but now we find ourselves in a very fragile global economy, and in a very fragile recovery, and we really need to focus on the economy and jobs,” he said.


“People don’t want an election. And Canadians would have trouble understanding why, in the midst of a recovery, of a very fragile global economy, the Opposition parties or any party would force an election,” he said. “Canada is faring better than others, but times are tough and it’s the responsibility of all the parties in Parliament to focus on the economy, and that’s what we’re doing.”


The interview touched on a number of subjects including Haiti’s controversial elections, held in the aftermath of last January’s devastating earthquake.


Harper also defended progress being made in Afghanistan.


“Canada is helping with education, irrigation, child immunization, health and education. Progress is being made for the population. The security situation is improving,” he said. “Clearly, though, things remain very difficult in some regions. It’s essential to ensure that the country doesn’t revert to being a staging ground for international terrorism. We can’t permit that to happen.”


On Tuesday the body of Canada’s latest war casualty is expected to return home from the war-torn country.


Continuing Canada’s mission, even in a non-combat role, wasn’t an easy decision, Harper said.


“I’ve said this often to my international counterparts, it’s essential that the Afghans take control of their own country, because in the long term, it’s impossible for foreigners to control Afghanistan,” he said. “But ultimately, you have to be realistic. I looked at the situation on the ground. Progress has been made, but if we are to truly consolidate that progress, it’s essential to keep training the Afghan troops, and that’s what I decided to do.”

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Je ne suis pas d'accord avec ce projet...Je ne vois pas de raisons pour que le financement de ce projet vient de nos poches. Si Québec veut une équipe, elle doit payer autrement et non pas des poches du peuple.

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Je pense que, dans l'optique où Québécor se cherche une équipe de hockey à acheter, Pier-Karl Péladeau devrait investir un peu. Et les autres riches de Québec, tels que Aubut et Tanguay, devraient peut-être s'y mettre ...


Entièrement en accord avec Toi. La famille Molson a déboursé $265millions en 1995 pour le Centre Bell, PK Péladeau, Aubut et Tanguay devraient faire la même chose pour Québec!


In the interview, Harper also said state of the economy and recovery remains a priority — not elections.


“I’ll worry about the elections when the time comes, but now we find ourselves in a very fragile global economy, and in a very fragile recovery, and we really need to focus on the economy and jobs,” he said.


Damn! I'm almost tempted to vote for the Conservatives next time...

Modifié par Habsfan
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j'ai bien peur que le probleme ne soit que ces hommes d'affaire ne doutent toujours de la rentabilite a long terme d'une franchise des ligues majeures a quebec ... on sait tous que l'equipe sera immensement populaire, et que le building sera probablement plein pour 41 matchs par saison. mais ce n'est pas tout ce qui fait vivre le sport professionnel dans le 21e siecle, et meme si la situation s'est passablement amelioree (ou du moins, stabilisee), il demeure qu'il manque peut-etre quelques elements au marche de quebec pour etre vraiment competitif passe cinq ou dix ans.

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j'ai bien peur que le probleme ne soit que ces hommes d'affaire ne doutent toujours de la rentabilite a long terme d'une franchise des ligues majeures a quebec ... on sait tous que l'equipe sera immensement populaire, et que le building sera probablement plein pour 41 matchs par saison. mais ce n'est pas tout ce qui fait vivre le sport professionnel dans le 21e siecle, et meme si la situation s'est passablement amelioree (ou du moins, stabilisee), il demeure qu'il manque peut-etre quelques elements au marche de quebec pour etre vraiment competitif passe cinq ou dix ans.


J'ai toujours dis que je doutais que la Ville de Québec avait la communautée d'affaire nécessaire pour acheter 100 loges corporatives à 100,000$ ou 200,000$ par année.

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Damn! I'm almost tempted to vote for the Conservatives next time...


Je suis bien content (pour une très rare fois) de cette décision des Conservateurs. Mais je ne serai jamais proche de l'ombre d'une éventuelle possibilité de voter pour eux. Tu es bien bon!:silly:

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J'ai toujours dis que je doutais que la Ville de Québec avait la communautée d'affaire nécessaire pour acheter 100 loges corporatives à 100,000$ ou 200,000$ par année.


Probablement autant que Winnipeg, ou Raleigh...


De toute façon, le Maire Labeaume a en tête d'avoir un aréna. Et entêté comme il l'est, je vous garantis qu'il l'aura, son aréna, hockey ou pas. Régis Labeaume, ce n'est pas Gérald Tremblay...

Modifié par Aurélien
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  • 1 mois plus tard...
One of Canada's largest media companies is throwing its name and its money behind Quebec City's struggling arena project.


Quebecor Inc., led by president Pierre Karl Péladeau, has submitted a formal proposal to the city offering to help fund the new facility, it was revealed on TVA's television program Le Match on Friday night.


Quebec City Mayor Régis Labeaume has been lobbying the federal government to pick up part of the tab for the proposed 18,000-seat arena that the city hopes will lure back an NHL team.


Labeaume has said he wants the federal government to match the provincial contribution of $175 million to the project - which is expected to cost a total of $400 million. The city has committed $50 million.


But in an interview in December, Prime Minister Stephen Harper pointed out that the federal government doesn't have a program to fund pro sports facilities.


"Pro sports are first and foremost the responsibility of the private sector, and I am encouraging the private sector to come up with a solution," Harper told TVA.


It appears that a private-sector solution may now be in the works. The exact amount being offered by Quebecor is not clear, but Péladeau has reportedly said it is in the tens of millions of dollars.




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Beaucoup d'intérêt pour les droits d'identification du «futur Colisée»


(CKAC Sports) - Avec l'annonce qu'a faite LCN vendredi soir concernant une participation active du groupe Quebecor dans la construction d'un nouvel amphithéâtre à Québec, plusieurs compagnies seraient maintenant prêtes à acheter les droits d'identification du futur Colisée.


Selon l'Agence QMI, Sun Life, Telus, Labatt, Videotron et Bell seraient les sociétés qui montreraient le plus d'intérêt.


Il semblerait que le montant à payer soit autour de 65 millions $ pour 20 ans.


Selon la chronique de Réné Vézina du 21jan, il semblerait que c'est la Sun Life qui achèterait le nom

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