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Membres prolifiques

Chaque bus que reçoit une société de transport a son propre numéro de flotte.


En 1981, la STCUM a numéroté ses bus dans la série 24-000

En 1982, c'est la série 25-000, et ainsi de suite.


La numérotation a changé plusieurs fois au fil du temps. Aujourd'hui, on utilise le même système de numérotation que 1991.

1991 : 11-000

1992 : 12-000

1993 : 13-000

2006 : 26-000

2010 : 30-000

2011 : 31-000


Donc si vous voyez le bus 32-024, c'est le 24e bus reçu en 2012.


Très intéressant. Merci pour la précision.

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They should consider adding a third entrance to Guy-Concordia or greatly expanding the Guy entrance. Perhaps one way to do this would be installing a giant elevator like the ones that are commonly used in the London underground. It could have an entrance at street-level with an automatic ticket machine and turnstiles and go directly to platform level.


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Modifié par Robert Keaghan Jennings
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  • 1 mois plus tard...
  • 1 année plus tard...

Guy metro entrance will be closed from May 20th to August 25th. Renovation work will be carried out in 3 phases:


Phase 1: May 20, 2014 to July 14, 2014

Repairing the concrete slab

All accesses to Guy entrance will be closed during this period. However, the Saint-Mathieu entrance will remain open and can be used to enter the station while renovations take place.


Phase 2: July 15, 2014 to August 24, 2014

Repairing windows

Replacing pivoting doors

Repairing floor finishes

During this time, access to Concordia University will be possible from the train platform, but the exit through the Guy entryway will remain closed.


Phase 3: August 25, 2014 to December 2014

Repairing staircases

Repairing the lighting system

Replacing wall and floor finishes

Starting August 25, all accesses to the Guy entrance will reopen. Minor renovation work will continue to take place throughout the station until the end of the year.

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  • 3 mois plus tard...

The new revêtement is up. The new tiles are so different from the old ones. One of the disadvantages of having a different architect at every station is that sometimes materials are no longer available to preserve the old design. In Paris, every station has the same ceramic tiles. They are all made at a central factory and have been since the beginning. Montreal may want to consider some level of standardization of materials to make these renovations more consistent and less expensive. Anyway, no one liked the old Guy design, but for a station like Berri, it really is too bad to move to more modern decoration. The old design was so cool, even it was aging...Guy_Concordia_rénos.jpg

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Quelle merde. Nous avions une architecture de station unique des années 60, et là on remplace par un revêtement faussement moderne digne d'un centre d'achat de Laval. Qui prend ces décisions honteuses qui défigurent de plus en plus l'architecture originale des stations???

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