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Je sais que je me plaint la bouche pleine, mais à cet endroit précis, j'aurais vraiment, vraiment, vraiment aimé qu'on ose aller plus près du 200 m. C'est l'un des derniers terrains de ce type. Mais bon, je suis quand même pas mal hyper!:D

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Ce terrain vacant du boulevard René-Lévesque Ouest –le plus vaste du centre-ville– fait l’objet de spéculations depuis des années. Un groupe d’investisseurs chinois et québécois prévoit y bâtir un complexe commercial et résidentiel, qui sera peut-être couplé à un hôtel. La Ville obligera le promoteur à restaurer et maintenir la maison L.-H. Lafontaine, qui se trouve sur le terrain. L’architecte Anik Shooner souligne que le projet en est à un stade très préliminaire.

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The Mayor said that Phylis Lambert & Serge Joyal will continue to work towards obtaining a commitment from the Federal Gov't in order to finance a museum in the Lafontaine Mansion. For the moment, the developers will reinforce and protect the structure.

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The Mayor said that Phylis Lambert & Serge Joyal will continue to work towards obtaining a commitment from the Federal Gov't in order to finance a museum in the Lafontaine Mansion. For the moment, the developers will reinforce and protect the structure.


IluvMTL, it is awesome that you have become our resident city hall insider. I, as I am sure others, really appreciate the effort you put into keeping us posted.

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IluvMTL, it is awesome that you have become our resident city hall insider. I, as I am sure others, really appreciate the effort you put into keeping us posted.


It's only once a month ad I find the public question period more entertaining than reality TV.

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This, the Windsor tower, the Bell Centre tower and the towers in the parking lot across from the Bell Centre. The area will look totally different :thumbsup:


Could someone with graphics/3D mapping software produce a couple of rough drawings that give an idea of the new Réné-Lesvesque canyon? There is lots of development both to the east and the west of the present constructed stretch and I'd love to get a visual idea of the potential.

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