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Humaniti - 39 étages (2021)


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Il y a 3 heures, yarabundi a dit :

Nous serons bientôt (déjà ??) en campagne électoral. Je ne serais tellement pas surpris que les libéraux fassent une annonce dans ce sens-là !!

Annonce = promesse préélectorale =/= réalisation... Surtout venant d'un parti porté sur l'austérité durant les ~3/4 de son présent mandat, puis soudainement généreux en période préélectorale! <Parenthèse plus dure à fermer que prévu!>

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Je regarde l'emplacement du poste de ventilation du métro (la boîte avec les lignes bleus) : quelqu'un sait pourquoi il a été construit au milieu du pâté de maison plutôt que proche de la rue Viger (et du tunnel du métro)?   Le terrain était vide, ils pouvaient le construire n'importe où, je suis curieux de connaître les raisons pour lesquelles il a été construit là.

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Little hint from Cogir that more mixed-use projects are on their way :)

Mixed-use projects “are the future”

Bélanger says mixed-use projects “are the future” of development but bring with them problems both large and small that are not evident when they’re designed on paper.

He gives the “banal” example of a condo owner’s dog that does its business outside a multi-residential building sandwiched with condos. The condo owner doesn’t scoop up the poop. “Who cleans up the mess?”

While it’s the condo board’s responsibility, it ends up being cleaned by the janitor of the multi-residential building because “it’s our image” that’s at stake and it’s a common area. Small things like that put pressures on operating budgets.

Another Cogir property has 250 housing units and a 24-hour gym in the lobby that offers popular cross-fit classes at all hours. While the classes are appreciated by most tenants, the noise from the music and dropped weights can be a nuisance to others. The key to handling such situations lies in being flexible, diplomatic and listening well, he says.

Despite their complexity, mixed-use projects are well worth it and their benefits outweigh their negatives, Bélanger says. Cogir is co-developing the $200-million-plus Humaniti in downtown Montreal, which combines a hotel, condos, multi-residential housing, office space and retail.

“We believe very much in them,” because they can satisfy people’s needs all under one roof. “There are other mixed-use projects coming to Montreal, and I’m certain they’ll be successful.”

Modifié par _mtler_
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J'aurais cru qu'un projet aussi gros que cela aurait une equipe de gestion unifie pour les commerces / hotels (a l'exception du staff dans l'hotel) / residence.

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il y a une heure, _mtler_ a dit :

Little hint from Cogir that more mixed-use projects are on their way :)

Mixed-use projects “are the future”

Bélanger says mixed-use projects “are the future” of development but bring with them problems both large and small that are not evident when they’re designed on paper.

He gives the “banal” example of a condo owner’s dog that does its business outside a multi-residential building sandwiched with condos. The condo owner doesn’t scoop up the poop. “Who cleans up the mess?”

While it’s the condo board’s responsibility, it ends up being cleaned by the janitor of the multi-residential building because “it’s our image” that’s at stake and it’s a common area. Small things like that put pressures on operating budgets.

Another Cogir property has 250 housing units and a 24-hour gym in the lobby that offers popular cross-fit classes at all hours. While the classes are appreciated by most tenants, the noise from the music and dropped weights can be a nuisance to others. The key to handling such situations lies in being flexible, diplomatic and listening well, he says.

Despite their complexity, mixed-use projects are well worth it and their benefits outweigh their negatives, Bélanger says. Cogir is co-developing the $200-million-plus Humaniti in downtown Montreal, which combines a hotel, condos, multi-residential housing, office space and retail.

“We believe very much in them,” because they can satisfy people’s needs all under one roof. “There are other mixed-use projects coming to Montreal, and I’m certain they’ll be successful.”

No kidding. Listening, Canderel (Tour QdS)?

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