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Canadiens de Montréal


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One goal, just one freakin' goal could give the team back some confidence. And why the hell is Bergeron still playing????? Even on the power play, he's useless! He always gets caught deep in his zone, it's so painful to watch. We need big strong guys, but we leave O'Byrne off the ice and put that bird lookalike waste of a jersey (at least in the playoffs). And now I know how the Caps and Pens feel about facing a hot goalie like Halak and now now Leighton......very frustrating.


Does a coaching strategy exist with the goal of purposely getting outshot by the opponent? :P Isn't it sickening that when the Habs outshoot the other team, they have a 0-5 record? I guess we should let them shoot, get Halak to stop it and score on the rush....i don't know what i'm saying anymore, I just want them to win :(

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Ha! that last line of the article is clearly an attack on the city of Philadelphia. So we have a fan war started by them chanting our Olé Olé and now, a media name calling war? My zen side hopes not, but my more realistic side can't wait to see the crossborder verbal bashing between journalists... :biting:


Either the anthem will be booed or the crowd will ole-ole during the anthem. The, people who don't like people ole-oleing over the anthem will boo, and it will be confused with people booing the anthem. Either way, I sense Canadiens fans embarrassing themselves once again - all that celebrating in the streets last week makes Canadiens fans, and Montrealers, look silly considering how the series is going.

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War, it's now time for war! My brother in law is from Philly but rooting for the Habs, told him your riddle, he laughed and wants to send it to his Philly friends...




Actually, I can't take credit for that. Colin Cowherd (remember that guy) from ESPN radio said that last summer on his show. He was explaining why he thought Philly sports fans are so angst ridden and such bad sports. He said that sports fans in Boston are educated, sports fans in New York run lucrative businesses, sports fans in D.C. have cozy government jobs, but sports fans in Philly all work at lumberyards and eat cheese steaks for lunch. At the time it was baseball season, so a whole bunch of Phillies fans called up in total anger.


Someone else said that Philadelphia's nickname, especially in West Philadelphia, is Killadelphia because of the high murder count. It seems, Philly can be a depressing place because people wake up every day thinking "is this the day I get murdered?".

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j'aimerais dire quelquechose a propros des hymne nationaux qui sont hues, et du ole ole chante par les fans de philadelphie.


je pense qu'au depart a montreal et au quebec on a toujours eu une relation metigee avec les hymnes nationaux. je me souviens quand j'etait tout jeune, ce n'etait pas rare d'entendre celui du canada hue copieusement au forum ou au stade olympique. la societe quebecoise ne s'est jamais identifiee au o canada - et pour elle le concept de l'hymne national lui est un peu etranger.


ca n'excuse pas du tout les hues, mais ca les expliques peut-etre. et c'est un peu bizarre que ca arrive maintenant - dans le fort des annees w bush, on pouvait a la limite comprendre qu'il s'agissait de l'expression d'un sentiment populaire, mais en ce moment, le probleme il est ou ?!..


pour le ole ole, moi je trouve que c'est de bonne guerre. on sent que les fans de philadephie sont de vrais fans de hockey et c'est reconfortant de savoir que le hockey conserve toujours une base loyale dans les marches traditionnels aux etats-unis. j'ai ete plusieurs fois a boston et philadephie, et c'est parfois dur a palper la presence du hockey, meme dans ces villes. mais on vois que malgre tout elle existe bel et bien, alors c'est bon signe!


ca me rapelle aussi une bonne fois au stade en 1994, alors que les expos avaient remonter un deficit de 4 points en fin de neuvieme, pour battre les braves et prendre la tete du baseball majeur. il y avait environ 55 000 fans ce jour la dans le stade - et tous se sont mis a brandir le 'tomahawk' - ce genre de geste de guerre indien ou je ne sait trop que les fans d'atlanta avaient habitude de faire aux equipes adverses quand les braves gagnaient (ou j'imagine que c'etait ca - je n'ai jamais ete 100% sur). c'est mon plus fort et heureux souvenir de baseball a montreal, et peut etre meme tout sport confondu quand j'y pense. la coupe stanley du canadien de l'annee d'avant etait quelquechose, mais ca c'etait tout simplement un moment incroyable.

Modifié par pedepy
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Montreal fans do make a difference! Apart from Chicago, there are no fans in their respective cities that can change the climate of a game like Montreal and Chicago!!

This sending a message to the Habs players by the Flyers is so yesterday. Kudos to Maxime Lapierre if standing up against them. He distributed some solid checks out there. The 3rd line played a heck of a game. They were in my opinion, the 3 stars of yesterday's game.

We need to raise the level of our game an extra notch on Saturday because this time the Flyers will be ready and waiting for it.

Great game Habs!!

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Leighton was bound to get beat eventually. Goalies are not acrobats. Acrobats almost never fall, because falling may result in death, unless there's a safety net. A goalie might be confident that he hasn't let in a goal in 2 games, but that's also a burden. "I'm amazing, I haven't let in a goal in 2 games...wait a minute, I haven haven't let in a goal in 2 games. I'm due to get shelled."


The acrobat walks the rope 100 feet above the ground as if he will never fall, as if he's walking a line in his living room, but as soon as he remembers that he IS 100 feet above the ground, that's when he falls. Maybe that's what happened to Leighton in game 3.


Lol at the Flyers for getting a penalty for throwing the puck out of the zone.That's a bush league move.. Lol they took the puck and threw it out of the zone - cross the diamond third base to first. I agree with the Bell Centre fans - FLYERS SUCK! FLYERS SUCK!


The Flyers are for the birds. Their mad because Montreal used their top PP unit with 31 seconds left in a 4-1 game. Funny how the Flyers didn't use such mercy in game 1. The fact that the Flyers are doing all this trash talking during the off day (while the Canadiens do theirs during the game - Lapierre to Carsillo: "You guys should stop drinking!") makes it obvious that Montreal's speed is something they're worried about. Notice how Gagne and Briere got less ice time because the Flyers wanted tougher players out on the ice to make the game more physical. The same thing happened to Malkin and Crosby - 3rd liners trying to make the game physical to impede the Canadiens - FAIL.


You can't hit what you can't catch. And if you can't hit what you can't catch, you have to hook, hold, slash, trip - all penalties. The Flyers are trash talking saying they'll be "fired-up" for game 4....I guess that means an early power play for Montreal, maybe within the first 3 minutes

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