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Cyrus a gagné pour la dernière fois le 10 octobre 2011

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  1. Le West-Island, surtout! Et encore si ce sera uniquement sur le territoire de l'ile de Montreal. Il n'y a que 3 arteres nord-sud dans le region, qui date de l'ere seignurial... les montees St-Charles / St Jean / des Sources. Surtout les deux premiers, qui sont tres tres tres surcharges durant les heures de pointe. Aussi, leurs viaducs sont les seuls qui traverse actuellement la 40, qui coupe le secteur en deux. Les viaducs et la 40 sont comme les ponts et la Saint-Laurent pour le Rive-Sud... Aussi il y a des terrains vierges que la Ville de Montreal et leurs proprietaires veut developper et ont besoin de ce lien pour permettre les residents d'en y acceder. Je vois mal comment on peut l'appeler un boulevard urbain... c'est un ROW d'autoroute. On ne peut pas construire un Ste-Catherine ou Sherbrooke ici. Si le chemin ne traverse pas la riviere, il n'y aura pas besoin d'etre un autoroute, oui, et on peut le batir en voie rapide a acces limite avec des carrefours a niveau, mais ce ne sera pas un boulevard urbain meme comme St Charles. Well of course it adds traffic, it has been on the books as a "requirement" (and it really is... otherwise... there is no road to service the area) for the city to approve development permits for ca. 6000 residences, which just guessing probably would work out to about 24 000 vpd if you assume everyone is married and drives two cars every day (on the large end. But then, take into extra infill development and the like). 24 000 warrants a freeway to itself, but is small in the grand scheme of things in the area (Hwy 40 through the area has what... 100 000 vpd?) I don't know what you mean about transit, there will be bus lanes in the project (inexplicably) and there is already commuter train service not that far away. But how can transit realistically serve people (like myself) who live and work in suburban areas? Bike lanes could sort of work for shorter distances, but not in winter and I'd probably end up fired for being stinky if I did in summer... And how can transit work for people, who have no interest in using transit because it is full of stinky poor people / is late / get splashed by passing vehicles waiting for bus / etc? There are several issues with the West Island transport network that cause fuckups in various areas. 440 as per the plan would be wonderful. Also the Jacques-Bizard - Stillview overpass / 40-mini interchange is obvious. Futhermore, building de Salaberry would make the vehicle trips much more rational and help on the 40 and Gouin. It is funny... the original owner of my house bought it in 1968 and had a map of the area as it was planned... and 440 is drawn on the map, Jacques-Bizard / Stillview drawn on the map (Jacques-Bizard was not even built yet - not even the bridge to ile-Bizard), de Salaberry going to Hwy 13 (all fields) etc etc. I guess sometimes you have to wait... Full disclosure: if Hwy 440 was built-out fully (to Laval), my commute to work would be instead of roughly 40 minutes / 30 km it would be like 20 minutes and 20 km, maybe faster, especially so if 440 is not congested in the new areas. What is the impact of pollution, the economy and also about vehicle traffic numbers (AADT) if the cars are on the road for less distance and less time?
  2. I think the problem is typical Quebec identity politics that turns everything to BS. The Caisse hired these two guys who deal 99% with assets of the Caisse outside of Quebec. They speak French but poorly, despite attending "learning" sessions, so when in meetings they often go in English because in Montreal almost any educated person is fluently bilingual. I can't see how this is a problem, unless a number of the other people in the meetings don't speak English, which would be inefficient. The issue at hand is this strange perception that English here is a foreign language. Canada is officially bilingual, and Montreal is a city that truly is bilingual. What is the difference between one and the other? The debate is childish and passé, and it is only being brought to light to score political points with xenophobes. Circa 1972. I've only heard of one anglophone government employee, a British immigrant that worked for the MTQ in a low level professional position.
  3. When I was in Toronto a while ago I shopped once at a store called "Longo's". They had free bags! But everything cost twice as much as Loblaws. Then I went to the Wal-Mart. The bags were free, the checkout fast, and they had a surprisingly large selection of very attractively priced groceries! Even Montreal Smoked Meat at the deli counter! The problem - the deli cutter people seemed to have no grasp of Imperial units of measure. I'd ask for 1/2 pound or 1 pound or 3/4 pound and they'd look at me like I came from outer space. Once I asked for a pound and I got a package measured at 200 grams. In Montreal delis and even supermarkets I've never even heard of someone order cold cuts in metric. Don't these kids learn anything at primary school or at least at deli cutter person school? Huh?
  4. C'est un longue histoire, mais j'ai paye +/- 4 000$ dans mon dozer et il a besoin des tracks de 2 000$ pour etre vraiment utile car les chenilles actuels ne tient plus au sprocket, on peut le deplacer mais des qu'on essaye de pousser quelquechose ca commence a fucker... c'est vraiment amusant de jouer avec un tel appareil Je voulais faire des "reamenagements" a le campagne familial comme le reconstruction de notre chemin a terre pour me permettre a conduire plus rapidement dessus Les terrains ne sont pas vraiment chers si tu s'eloignes un peu de la ville. Sur l'autre cote du frontiere ils sont encore moins chers qu'au Quebec, ou bien, reviens plus pres du Rouyn
  5. damn, I really need to get new tracks for my Mitsu dozer, then I can have some real fun I always thought those 80's 90's Case backhoes were very stylish, especially being a bit more orange and the spacey cab. Now some of these pepines are really fancy inside, hop in and you've got a heater, air conditioning, radio, cushy seat, etc. When I grew up our Fordson Major backhoe didn't even have a cab and the seat was just a stamped piece of steel. We later upgraded to an International backhoe. It had a cab, but the only effect of the cab was to house nests of angry wasps! I remember seeing the Case's running around at worksites and to me at the time they looked like Ferraris or Rolls-Royces It would definitely cost less, it is already there passing on Victoria Bridge
  6. J'oserais meme a dire le meme aux tous les employes du Caisse et le demanteler au complet Pourquoi avons-nous une telle affaire?
  7. That isn't a good word to give to unilingual anglophones The worst is that situation for the Auditor-General in Ottawa. The guy was Auditor in New Brunswick and did a "really good job", so much that the feds went to him directly and asked if he could be the Auditor-General. He says OK but he only speaks English, but he is going to take some French classes and learn the language. As soon as this gets out all the opposition parties go apoplectic because he doesn't speak French. I mean the prime minister needs to be bilingual, but the Auditor only needs to know numbers, if he is a good auditor and speaks Chinese he is OK. Plus he says he will learn it anyway! And he didn't even ask for the job!
  8. On a eu notre pont Galipeault qui a ete rouge / orange aussi avec des haubans... il n'existe plus par contre. A mon avis les ponts sont d'habitude assez belles.
  9. The LaPresse article on the Maglev suggestion has the promoter of the project saying the max speed will not be 400 km/h, but rather 40 km/h. Better to stay on the Champlain bus! Non seulment etait-ce cher, mais les Chinois ont eu un panopolie de collisions meutrieres sur leur reseau ferroviaire, notamment sur leurs lignes "haute vitesse". Ca ete si terrible que c'est provoque beaucoup de colere aupres le population chinois.
  10. C'est du paranoiia. Si c'etait le NPD au pouvoir, le pont sera laid par expres, faute du manque du gout des oranges
  11. The issue is one of cost and changing realities. For example the Victoria has lasted long, but is practically useless because of the evolution of road design - the tight curves and steel surface don't make it very safe or with a high capacity. Galipeault was built in 1925 but then needed a second cable-stayed bridge built in 1964-ish for capacity reasons and now is replaced entirely anyway (or just the 1964 bridge?) Mercier was built in 1934 but was extensively rebuilt and lengthened for the Seaway in 1956-ish and a second span also built and opened to Montreal-bound traffic circa 1962. The Champlain for example is heavily congested already. If it lasted another 50 years it would still be jammed. Plus, if a 100 year bridge costs 3 times what a 50 year bridge costs...
  12. Des photos d'inspection du pont: Check le 2e photo du page 63 entre autres... Ca me semble incroyable qu'on passe tout ce tralala pour le bus rapide sur Pie-IX et ignorent le pont qui va tomber dans l'eau! Faut marcher avant de courir!
  13. I don't think the hydrogen having a negative EROEI is necessarily important. Hydrogen isn't really a fuel. It is a kind of battery, especially when you look at it from the fuel-cell perspective (which is generally how it is thought to work - though hydrogen will run a regular internal combustion engine very well). A hydrogen fuel cell is basically a battery that you recharge by replacing the electrolyte completely instead of chemically reversing the discharge process. I don't think fuel cell really is a real car solution, probably you would see them as a "range extender" on an electric car. Something like the Chevy Volt except with a fuel cell in place of the gas motor-generator. Having a standard battery on board gives you some advantages that fuel cell doesn't like regenerative braking, etc, and fuel cell requires the electric motor and inverter anyway. As for electricity, here in Quebec we are probably the lowest carbon emitting and one of the largest carbon absorbing regions on the planet due to our reliance on hydro. There are tons of untapped hydro areas in Quebec. Hydro is so freaking cheap to develop and produce power that it is by far the optimal solution even if it did make air pollution but it doesn't even do that one There could be environmental issues with it, but all that is needed is careful project development and selection to minimize or eliminate the environmental problems, and, presumably, offer several suitcases of cash to the natives (sorry but that appears to be how it works). 200$ to fill up again doesn't sound too nuts. Compare the hit of a increase in fuel costs compared to say the increase in the states with the ARM mortgages when the interest started ratcheting up. That said, the ARM interest was written in the contract and should have been expected, and there was a economic meltdown too, coupled with a spike in oil prices. Consider that a home in Saint-Julie costs roughly $200 000 and a comparable (crappy, 1960's - 1980's) house in the West Island costs roughly $325 000. How many $200 fillups can you buy with $125 000 multiplied by mortgage rate of, lets be optimistic and say 3% over 25 years? Making a long-distance commute more tedious and congested would only serve to increase property values in the core and depress them in the exurbs. I don't really see where this comes in though. It's an argument for better public transit, but it doesn't argue to tear down a road or ignore roads or ban suburbs. If the Sainte-Julie family wants to move closer to the city they are equally free to do so in either situation, the increased congestion factor only makes their bad situation worse and increases their expense on gasoline.
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