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Lancement d'une étude pour élargir l'autoroute 10


Le ministère des Transports du Québec a lancé une étude pour évaluer les scénarios mis à sa disposition pour élargir l'Autoroute 10 entre Brossard, au sud de Montréal et la rivière Richelieu, selon ce que rapporte Radio-Canada.


L'autoroute pourrait passer, à partir du boulevard Milan à Brossard, de quatre à six voies sur un tronçon d'une vingtaine de kilomètres. Des voies pourraient aussi être réservées aux autobus.


Selon le porte-parole du ministère des Transports du Québec, Réal Grégoire, cette étude d'opportunité représente une première étape en vue de l'élargissement de l'autoroute.


M. Grégoire a indiqué que le ministère s'était aperçu, au cours des dernières années, qu'il y avait un accroissement de la circulation à cet endroit.


L'étude d'opportunité présentera toute la problématique de la circulation dans ce secteur, a-t-il souligné. Elle permettra aussi d'étudier toutes les solutions qui pourraient être envisagées pour ce tronçon de l'autoroute.


Selon le ministère, il est nécessaire d'agir, sans quoi les autres grands travaux, comme l'aménagement de l'échangeur 10-35 et l'élargissement de l'Autoroute 30 seront inutiles.


Toujours selon Radio-Canda, l'évalution coûtera entre 250 000 $ et 1 million $ au gouvernement.

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I really have mixed feelings about this. I see the 10 everyday and its quite packed, but the some of Quebecs best farmland is already being converted to homes in the exurbs. A wider highway will worsen that problem.


Plus the Champlain bridge will still be 6 lanes, im hoping this work will happen to coincide with the new bridge that will go up in the next 10-15 years, to reduce the bottleneck.

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Widen A-10 between boul. Milan and A-30. That segment ought to be 3 lanes on each side.


After A-30, keep the A-10 as it is and invest the money in more useful projects, such as widening the A-15 between Champlain and Turcot.

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I pass there quite often on my way to the eastern townships, and it's true that the traffic can be quite heavy even on a sunday night when people come back to montreal from their cottages, this is not suburban sprawl traffic, just people getting in/out of the city.


Most of you praised the fact that the 15 north has been widened to 3/4 lanes until st-jerome, yet the 10 got nothing in terms of capacity since it was built in the 60s


Also, what happens (and I sometimes do it) it's people instead take road 112 that goes through urban area. Having the highway with more capacity would reduce the traffic in urban areas along highway 10 closer to montreal, increasing safety in those areas.

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Widen A-10 between boul. Milan and A-30. That segment ought to be 3 lanes on each side.


After A-30, keep the A-10 as it is and invest the money in more useful projects, such as widening the A-15 between Champlain and Turcot.


The 10 should have been 6 lanes from the 30 for 10 years at least... the traffic there is bad. I mean even trying to get OUT of Montreal you are stuck there.


In the morning the traffic on the 10 west backs up to A-35 at least, it is ridiculous. You almost need more lanes just for storage so people who want the 30 aren't so inconvenienced...


Widening the A-15 Turcot/Champlain connector is badly needed since it was made, but oh boy, how the hell could we get that one done without a dozen angry hippies protesting...


Weird. I've never encountered congestion* on the 10 and my girlfriend lives in Brossard! I take it all the time!


(*Except on approach to Champlain Bridge during peak hours, but that isn't A-10's fault.)


What about the Milan viaduct replacement area? It is true that the 10 near the bridge moves better since the Taschereau Interchange project

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I have very little pity for those who choose to live in St-Jean or other exurbs along A-10 and commute to the city. If they don't want traffic, perhaps they ought to not live out in the boondocks.


If a highway in the inner communities experiences significant congestion, i'll usually be in favor of widening it. (Case in point, i support widening the A-20, parts of the A-10, the A-15, I also support the A-30 projects and the A-25 bridge.)


But when a highway in the outer communities experiences such traffic, just too bad. Widening it should not be a priorty. You knew traffic would be an issue when you decided to live so far away, maintenant assume!

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I have very little pity for those who choose to live in St-Jean or other exurbs along A-10 and commute to the city. If they don't want traffic, perhaps they ought to not live out in the boondocks.


...they could just move to the northern suburbs, where they can go very far away from Montreal, and highways will constantly be extended/widened for their comfort...

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Weird. I've never encountered congestion* on the 10 and my girlfriend lives in Brossard! I take it all the time!




(*Except on approach to Champlain Bridge during peak hours, but that isn't A-10's fault.)



Trust me Cataclaw, I've lived in Brossard for most of my life, and I can tell you that on Friday evenings the A-10 can be pretty damn slow(heading west starting at the A-30).


Like WestAust said, it can be pretty slow also to get back into Montreal on Sunday.


Francely is absolutely right. It's OK to have the A-15 with 3 lanes all the way to st-Jérome, but not the A-10 to the A-35?


In case you hadn't noticed, St-Jean is 35Km from Downtown MTL, whereas northern and western suburbs like Blainville(47Km), Lorraine (41km), St-Eustache(40km), Saint-Lazare (53km) are much further away!


Most "outer suburbs" on the South Shore are much closer to downtown than many people realize. Chambly is 27Km from Downtown, St-Jean (35km), St-Bruno-de-Montarville (28km)

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