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A Senate committee report which says the evidence to your above claim is anecdotal (page 20) and cannot be substantiated. So much for your proof...

Exactly how does this report equal evidence?


Calling my claim "anecdotal evidence" (even if it was) still doesn't prove you are right. Supposed "anecdotal evidence" trumps your lack of any quantitative evidence whatsoever. Of course it doesn't help that:

"The Committee did not study these (citizenship) issues in depth, mindful of the arguments that any measures or proposals to alter Canada’s existing immigration and citizenship policies should be approached with caution."

I imagine someone's "ballpark figure" is just that, in the ballpark. Especially since no data seems to exist to prove that the evacuees were actually vacationers, etc.


The ball is in your court.

Modifié par MTLskyline
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The ball is in your court.


Roughly 9 in 10 people on my boat resided in Canada. Of those who didn't, a good chunk decided to stay in Cyprus instead of taking the flight to Montreal.


A large number of those being evacuated were students who were visiting their families. The rest were entire families, many with young children.


Most of the families were from Quebec, but many were from Ontario. Some were from the West Coast, but had to buy an onward ticket from Montreal to get back home.


You have an unsubstantiated figure whose source isn't cited. It's "someone's" ballpark estimate. Who that someone might be is unclear from the National Post article.


I have personal experience to back my claim. I'll go find a crow for you to eat.

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i really couldn't care less about this issue. a big, international metropolis will by its nature contain a certain population whose ties to the host country are... other than direct and strong. big deal -- money is money.


conservative values have the advantage of a certain coherence, but they are often not the values of the immense metropolis. given the subject of this board, it's good to remember that.

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C'est un drole de sujet.


On peux prendre cela sur bien des points de vu.


Comme pour être sauvé par le Canada, il faut avoir la citoyenneté, sinon "Bonne chance"




on nous dirais que c'était une évacuation humanitaire que moins de monde chialeraient...



Fin du sujet du Liban


Je pense qu'il parle de l'altitude


Sinon ce n'est pas sorcier que des années de morosité dans la construction va entrainer un jour ou l'autre un boom.


Ce qui est drole, c'est qu'en ce moment, c'est les condo qui ont la faveur dans le nouveau développement. c'est un peu normal vu que l'accès au centre ville via différent moyen est difficile sans compté que Montréal est une ile. Probablement qu'après avoir atteint un certain niveau de condos, il va commencer à avoir plus de demande pour des bureaux.


Quoi qu'un prolongement du métro ou de meilleur moyens d'accès au centre ville ferait tout aussi bien l'affaire...

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Roughly 9 in 10 people on my boat resided in Canada. Of those who didn't, a good chunk decided to stay in Cyprus instead of taking the flight to Montreal.


A large number of those being evacuated were students who were visiting their families. The rest were entire families, many with young children.


Most of the families were from Quebec, but many were from Ontario. Some were from the West Coast, but had to buy an onward ticket from Montreal to get back home.


You have an unsubstantiated figure whose source isn't cited. It's "someone's" ballpark estimate. Who that someone might be is unclear from the National Post article.


I have personal experience to back my claim. I'll go find a crow for you to eat.


10 people is not a sufficient sample size. If there were a few hundred (or even just 100 people), maybe, but a whole 10 people out of 15,000 is nothing in the grand scheme of things. That is two or three families max. How can you assume that it is representative? True, we don't how accurate the 7,000 figure is, and it is clearly an estimate, but it does come from an official in Foreign Affairs, so it can't be that far off. Perhaps the feds should have sent bills to all non-resident evacuees (who don't reside/pay taxes in Canada) for their share of the costs. I have no problem with these "Canadians" being evacuated, as long as they foot the bill, of course.

Modifié par MTLskyline
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10 people is not a sufficient sample size.


Are you kidding me? 9 out of 10 doesn't mean my sample size is 10... It means the same thing as 90%. When I have to spell things out for you... There were a few hundred people on the ship. It was filled to capacity and not everyone was lucky enough to get a cabin.


And the figure of 7000 DOESN'T come from an official at Foreign Affairs. Read the article again. You're really fishing for reasons to confirm a prejudice of yours.

Modifié par saturnus85
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Are you kidding me? 9 out of 10 doesn't mean my sample size is 10... It means the same thing as 90%. When I have to spell things out for you... There were a few hundred people on the ship. It was filled to capacity and not everyone was lucky enough to get a cabin.


And the figure of 7000 DOESN'T come from an official at Foreign Affairs. Read the article again. You're really fishing for reasons to confirm a prejudice of yours.

Ok, so what kind of documentation do you have that proves the people on the boat resided in Canada. Is there a way you can supposedly tell just by looking at them?


A Foreign Affairs’ report suggests that as many as 7,000 evacuees have since returned to Lebanon.


Now Fife (of CTV) tells me that of the 12,000-odd rescued at our expense a few weeks ago and brought all the way to Canada, that 7,000 or so have gone back home – where they live full-time as Lebanese.


Currently there are more than four million Canadians who have citizenship in at least one other country, according to Statistics Canada, but only 500,000 live in Canada.


Doesn't look too good for your unsupported claims. You still don't have any quantitative figures to back up your ridiculous claims. Give me HARD EVIDENCE, otherwise, you lose.

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