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Vandals hit 11 cop cars, police station



By Max Harrold, The Gazette

March 13, 2010 1:21 PM



Police vehicles are reflected in the broken windows of the Montreal police traffic and road safety division’s building on Notre Dame St. W. and Dominion St, in what may have been a precursor to Monday’s planned march against police brutality, Saturday, March 13, 2010, in the Montreal suburb of St. Henri. Vandals struck the police station in St. Henri with rocks Saturday, damaging 11 patrol cars, computers in the vehicles and defacing the station itself.

Photograph by: Robert J. Galbraith, The Gazette


This story has been updated.


In what may have been a precursor to Monday’s planned march against police brutality, vandals struck a police station in St. Henri Saturday, damaging 11 patrol cars, computers in the vehicles and defacing the station itself.


There were no reports of injuries during the incident at 12:10 a.m. at the Montreal police traffic and road safety division’s building on Notre Dame St. W. and Dominion St. in St. Henri.


No one was in the building at the time, but residents nearby saw 15 to 20 masked people throw rocks and use sticks to shatter the windows and damage the computers of all 11 patrol cars parked in the station parking lot, Montreal police Constable Yannick Ouimet said.


They also broke some windows of the station itself and scrawled graffiti, or tagged, the building.


The letters FTP and ACAB were marked on the station, police said.


Ouimet said the messages were directed at police, explaining that one meant “F… the police” and the other meant “All cops are bastards.”


Although the target was the police, Ouimet said it is Montreal taxpayers who will end up paying the repair bill, easily in the tens of thousands of dollars.


Saturday morning, police spokesperson Constable Daniel Lacoursière could not say whether or not there is security video of the incident.


International Day Against Police Brutality usually takes place on March 15, with public protests in many cities including Montreal. Many in the protests chant and hold signs focussing on reports of police harassment and intimidation, racial profiling and the way investigations are carried out by poiice into the actions of officers with other police forces.


Although organizers regularly call for demonstrators to be peaceful, some in the Montreal march have in the past gotten out of hand.


During last year's event, rocks, bottles and tear gas flew, and police cracked down, firing rubber bullets and arresting 220 people.


Two police officers were slightly injured.


A total of 172 arrests were for bylaw infractions, the most common of which was participating in an illegal demonstration. Police ruled the protest to be illegal just as it began because some people were carrying weapons.


© Copyright © The Montreal Gazette


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My question is: Why the hell do cops keep allowing this kind of thing to happen? We all know most crimes take place at night, do they close up at 9PM or something? Police stations should be open 24 hours a day!

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Morons. As if destroying cars and defacing a station will somehow affect the practices of police brutality.


Imagine a playground used by 200 kids and 1 bully. Hey let's burn down the playground so that 1 bully gets the message. Meanwhile 200 kids are deprived of their playground and all citizens have to pay the bill.


Seriously. I wish these goons would use their heads before committing stupid acts of vandalism like this.

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ça serait comique que la police ne se pointe pas à la marche de Lundi. ces cons ne pourrons pas chialer contre la police si la police n'est pas la. Comme ça, s'il y a du vandalisme, ils ne peuvent pas blâmer personne d'autre


Ils vont simplement prétendre qu'il y avait des agents provacateurs policiers déguisés en manifestants.

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ça serait comique que la police ne se pointe pas à la marche de Lundi. ces cons ne pourrons pas chialer contre la police si la police n'est pas la. Comme ça, s'il y a du vandalisme, ils ne peuvent pas blâmer personne d'autre


I am with you on this one. If the cops don't show up for this "protest" nothing will happen and they will look like the lunatics they are.


One thing it be interesting if one of these people does vandalise something. I hope someone follows that person home and trashes their place. That be the ultimate revenge from the tax payers.

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