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+ Pool is our initiative to build a floating pool for everyone in the rivers of New York City, and we need your help. With your support, we can make it possible to swim in clean, natural river water here in the city.

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+ Pool is our initiative to build a floating pool for everyone in the rivers of New York City, and we need your help. With your support, we can make it possible to swim in clean, natural river water here in the city.


Nice idea, hopefully someone thinks of this for Montreal.

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  • 3 semaines plus tard...







Since the 2009 SHIFTboston design competition, Ashley D’Ambrosio and I (Nicolas Biddle) have added a new member to our group, Ashley Morelli, to help develop the project ‘Barging Through Boston: Mobile Parks on the Waterfront’. It has always been our intention since we worked on the original design for the competition, to try and make this project a reality. For us it has always been more than just an idea, but an idea that could present some real advantages for Boston’s Waterfront.

Our idea is to create mobile event space on Boston’s waterfront using barges. The goal of the project is to activate the underused waterfront by docking barges to existing pier infrastructure. The key is that since barges are mobile, they can dock anywhere where there is need, and potentially targeting economically distressed waterfront areas. The project should generate tourism and hopefully benefit local businesses by bringing people to the proposed events that will take place on the Waterfront.




Our proposal has been modified on several levels to make it more capable of development. The initial idea was envisioned as a city-funded development, whereas the current proposal would function solely as a series of privately funded ‘events’. We are currently working on three specific event applications; A beach Barge scenario (to be possibly docked alongside Piers Park), a tradeshow/pavilion scenario (catering to corporate/ commercial expositions), and a media/ art pavilion event (functioning as an extension to ICA exhibits). We have chosen specific locations that according to preliminary site investigations, would be capable of hosting these event scenarios. These events would take place on series of 30’ x 90’ barges. Depending on the event, the barges would operate for several months in a specific location. The key is to place these events in strategic locations that would benefit local businesses, in underused areas in order to increase the flow of people.




We are using several precedents in Europe as a way to guide our own ideas. We have been specifically looking at Paris’s Paris Plage, and the Beach Barge in Budapest, built in 2009. These are projects that I have personally visited, and they are projects that have been huge successes in Europe. We have also looked at the Puma City project, which was placed at Fan Pier last year, and generated a lot of activity on the waterfront.




We have been in contact with several established business people in the Greater Boston area that see great potential in the project, and most importantly see the benefits to the city that the project will provide, as well as, the economic incentive inherent in the business plan. We have consulted with financial people and made alliances with local barge suppliers. We have also met with several business consultants and received some exposure from the local press, (featured recently in an article in the Boston Business Journal). Our next step is to pursue our initial contacts with local city officials to help push the project along. It is quite hard to develop a project of this sort in Boston, but we believe it is possible, and we hope that our belief will make our vision a reality.

We are continuously updating our website with project information and updated designs, so if you are curious please feel free to visit and leave your feedback on our blog.

- Nicolas Biddle


Categories: Competitions/Events, Transportation

Tags: Boston, Event

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Modifié par IluvMTL
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This version would be too small (too popular) for Montréal though. Can you imagine this floating along the St-Lawrence for the day...


Budapest Barge (see the other pics this link)


Hungary-based design team Urban Landscape Group recently completed an extraordinary summer project that allows visitors to float down the Danube in a portable pool! Dubbed Barge Beach Budapest, the sandy sailing island acts as a contemporary Turkish bath and open air pool situated in the waterways between the river’s edges. The pop up beach is constructed from three recycled barges and provides residents with a brand new public space to bask in the sun.



Modifié par IluvMTL
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Avoir un terrain de volleyball de plage près de l'eau n'est pas très inconvenient. Si le service est trop fort (loin)... il tombera dans l'eau, si la reception est mal faite... il y a une très grande chance que le ballon tombe lui aussi dans l'eau. Bref c'est une très mauvaise idée :)

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A group of Montrealers cooled off –and made a point – with a Friday morning swim in the St. Lawrence River in the shadow of the city's skyline.


About 50 swimmers wearing life jackets jumped into the water at 8 a.m. at the Quai Jacques Cartier in Montreal's old port.


They're calling for better access to the river for recreational purposes and improved water quality around the city.


A spokesperson for the group Le Comité citoyen Montréal Baignade said they don't have a detailed plan for specific locations, but they want the city to know that many of its citizens want more access to outdoor swimming around the island of Montreal.


It was sunny and about 23 C when the swimmers hit the water.


A municipal politician, Richard Bergeron of Project Montreal, was one of the people who took the plunge.


He told CBC News that if he's elected mayor, one or more new swimming sites will be developed around the city by 2015.


(Courtesy of CBC News)

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  • 2 semaines plus tard...

C'est clairement indiqué qu'il s'agit d'une première version, et qu'une deuxième est sur les planches à dessin.





Montréal , Canada



La Société du Vieux-Port de Montréal a mandaté la firme Provencher Roy + Associés Architectes pour réaliser une étude de faisabilité de la transformation du hangar 16 au quai de l’Horloge. Cette démarche est en lien avec les orientations dont le Vieux Port s’est doté dans le cadre de Montréal sur fleuve, phase IV de sa Vision de développement. Le hangar 16 est un bâtiment unique localisé sur l’un des fronts historiques les plus importants du monde. C’est un des derniers hangars du 19e siècle à avoir survécu jusqu’à nos jours.


Le mandat consistait à évaluer la possibilité de transformer le hangar 16 en un pôle de destination intégrant des activités commerciales (librairie, café, restaurants), un centre d’exposition permettant la venue de grandes expositions internationales et une composante muséale en association avec le Musée McCord.


À la suite d’une réduction de l’ampleur du projet et des modifications au programme, un deuxième mandat a été octroyé à la firme. Dans cette nouvelle analyse, on prévoyait une diminution des activités liées au commerce de détail et l’ajout d’un centre d’évènement en remplacement de la composante muséale.




Société du Vieux-Port de Montréal


Période de réalisation


007-2009 / Concept






Modifié par Gilbert
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