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En effet. Prédire une telle chose reflète un manque impressionnant de réalisme politique.


Mon véritable souci c'est que l'opposition au N-B finisse par tuer le projet. Quelqu'un sait si le gouvernement actuel est majoritaire, et s'il serait en mesure de passer le projet malgré l'opposition unanime des autres partis ET de la population?


Le Parti Libéral du N.B. occupe 33 des 55 sièges au parlement provincial depuis 2006, donc il est majoritaire. Il devrait y avoir des élection en 2010.


Quant à l'idée de "canadianiser" Hydro-Québec, ce serait effectivement une provocation inacceptable qui diviserait brusquement le pays et le plongerait dans un chaos politique digne d'un tsunami.

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NB Power purchase final: Quebec minister


Last Updated: Monday, December 21, 2009 | 8:24 PM AT

The Canadian Press


The Quebec government says it has no plans to renegotiate a deal to buy NB Power, dismissing suggestions from New Brunswick that the multibillion-dollar agreement remains a work in progress.


Quebec Natural Resources Minister Nathalie Normandeau quashed talk of renegotiating the purchase of the utility as she left a cabinet meeting Monday.


"That's not on our radar screen," Normandeau told reporters in response to a question. "There's a signed agreement and it was negotiated beforehand. Voilà."


Her remarks appear to pour cold water on the suggestion, coming out of Fredericton, that the deal is in flux. The New Brunswick government has come under intense political fire over its plan to sell the assets of NB Power to Hydro Québec for almost $4.8 billion.


The Graham government has defended the sale by saying the money will help the province make investments in education and other areas, leading to more prosperity.


But critics have called it a sellout of key assets. Neighbouring provinces and states have also expressed concern, arguing the sale will give Hydro-Québec a quasi-monopoly in the Atlantic region.


New Brunswick's Opposition Conservatives have also complained that details are not being shared with the public.


The New Brunswick government answered critics by saying the details of the sale are still being worked out.


Energy Minister Jack Keir said details are still being negotiated and will be explained before the deal is officially signed, probably at the end of March. Justice Minister Michael Murphy also told protesters the government is trying to secure a better deal.


Normandeau's response Monday suggests otherwise. She said it's obvious the issue presents a political challenge for New Brunswick Premier Shawn Graham's government.


"To look at the media coverage, it's clear there's a challenge there," she said. "But that's not new. Mr. Graham was aware of that from the moment the agreement in principle was confirmed."

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FREDERICTON - A Quebec cabinet minister is backtracking on her comments that the multibillion-dollar agreement to sell NB Power to Hydro-Québec cannot be tweaked as the final contract is hammered out for the March 31 deadline.


Nathalie Normandeau Natural Resources Minister Nathalie Normandeau said Monday the Quebec government had no plans to further negotiate the power pact, despite suggestions from the New Brunswick government that the deal is a work in progress.


"There's a signed agreement, and it was negotiated beforehand," she told reporters as she exited a cabinet meeting in Quebec City.


However, during an interview Tuesday she said discussions between Quebec and New Brunswick are ongoing.


"From the moment we signed the memorandum of understanding, our challenge was to proceed to a detailed final agreement," she said. "We're continuing to discuss the details of the deal in an open context and we're taking into consideration the worries of New Brunswickers."


The $4.75 billion agreement, signed on Oct. 29, would see Quebec's giant hydro-electric utility acquire most of NB Power's assets. New Brunswickers are also expected to benefit from $5 billion in rate savings.


Normandeau said she understands Premier Shawn Graham faces a tougher job selling the energy deal than his counterpart in Quebec.


"We're conscious of the fact that there are many obstacles that Mr. Graham and his team must overcome before the final deal is signed," she said. "But we're confident he'll convince New Brunswickers of the benefits of the deal and we're open to further discussions."


The Natural Resources minister said the big issue in Quebec right now is the province's fiscal situation. She said the purchase of New Brunswick's utility is "not really an issue."


Normandeau's initial comments, which indicated that the energy pact was a done deal, seemed to contradict the New Brunswick government's stance that it was still working on securing the best deal possible deal.


In a year-end interview Premier Shawn Graham said his government was "working hard behind the scenes to address many of the concerns New Brunswickers have raised."


Again, in a televised address Monday, Graham hinted that changes could be in the works following a review by an independent advisory panel.


"In mid-January, we will receive the report and recommendations from an independent advisory panel. This group of six prominent New Brunswickers volunteered to review the proposed agreement to ensure their fellow New Brunswickers get the maximum benefits," he said.


"They will undertake a thorough and rigorous analysis of the proposed agreement and offer expert advice to our government. I look forward to their report which will assist our government as we continue towards finalizing this agreement."


The Opposition Tories have complained that details of the deal are not being properly shared with the public.


"We're against the sale of NB Power's assets in principle. But the way this was negotiated behind closed doors and that we still can't get many of details we're asking for is unacceptable," Tory lead David Alward said.


The Liberals have fended off critics by arguing that details are still being worked out. In fact, section 10 of the MOU states that the signed document does not offer or create "any legally binding obligations" and that the proposed transaction will be subject to negotiation.[/Quote]


Nous sommes bien mal organisé avec Normandeau comme négociatrice et représentente du Québec dans le dossier.


Mais il faut aussi lire les éditoriaux et les commentaires dans les médias du Nouveau-Brunswick anglophone pour mesurer la haine qu'ils ont contre le Québec. Le webmestre doit constamment supprimer des commentaires jugés trop haineux.


Ce dossier risque de devenir une grosse bombe !!!

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Être du N-B, la seule raison que j'aurais d'être fâché serait que ma province viens de perdre le contrôle de ses ressources naturelles, ce qui est catastrophique sur un plan nationaliste.


En revanche, la moitié de la dette de ma province s'efface du même coup et les déficit budgétaires aussi puisque NB hydro était déficitaire, ce qui est une bonne nouvelle.

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  • 2 semaines plus tard...

Un frein au projet du Bas-Churchill


Mise à jour le lundi 4 janvier 2010 à 16 h 01



Un nouvel obstacle se dresse devant le projet de barrage dans la partie inférieure du fleuve Churchill, au Labrador. Le Conseil des Innus d'Ekuanitshit, sur la Côte-Nord du Québec, veut freiner la réalisation de ce projet.


Dans un document présenté récemment à la Commission des services publics de Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador, l'avocat des Innus demande le rejet ou la suspension du projet. Ce document précise que les Innus doivent être consultés et qu'il faut trouver une entente.


Bien que la collectivité située le plus près des chutes Churchill se trouve à 300 kilomètres de cet endroit, les Innus soutiennent que le bassin versant fait partie de leur territoire traditionnel.


« La frontière est là. Il faut composer avec, mais les Innus sont sur ce territoire depuis bien longtemps, et bien avant, des millénaires avant que des juges à Londres ne fixent la frontière », affirme David Schulze, avocat du Conseil des Innus d'Ekuanitshit.


Les Innus soutiennent aussi que ce fleuve est une voie traditionnelle de transport et de communication. Ils craignent que le projet de barrage n'exerce des conséquences négatives sur les poissons et la faune.


Selon les Innus du Québec, la société d'énergie de Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador, Nalcor, a manqué à son devoir de les consulter, comme ç'a été le cas pour le barrage des chutes Churchill.


« C'est tout à fait une obligation légale et cette obligation-là existe à plusieurs égards. Si on parle de l'évaluation environnementale fédérale-provinciale qui est en cours, les directives données à la commission d'examen sont claires là-dessus, que les Innus du Québec doivent être consultés », ajoute David Schulze.


La commission des services publics de Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador n'a pas encore répondu à la demande des Innus. Elle étudie le dossier en ce moment.

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Maine : John Baldacci appuie la vente

Mise à jour le mardi 5 janvier 2010 à 9 h 48



Le gouverneur de l'État du Maine, John Baldacci, change d'avis au sujet du projet de vente de la société Énergie NB à Hydro-Québec.


M. Baldacci, qui avait d'abord exprimé de l'inquiétude à l'égard de la transaction proposée, affirme maintenant qu'il pourrait s'agir d'une bonne nouvelle pour le Maine et la région.


Dans une entrevue accordée au Telegraph-Journal, un quotidien de Saint-Jean, au Nouveau-Brunswick, le gouverneur explique qu'il s'est réuni récemment avec le premier ministre du Québec, Jean Charest. Cette discussion a rassuré le gouverneur. Il a obtenu des réponses à ses questions.


John Baldacci qualifie maintenant la vente d'Énergie NB de pas positif vers l'avant.


Les gouvernements libéraux du Nouveau-Brunswick et du Québec ont conclu une entente de principe visant la vente de la plupart des actifs d'Énergie NB à Hydro-Québec pour environ 4,75 milliards de dollars, soit l'équivalent de la dette de la société néo-brunswickoise. La société québécoise se porte notamment acquéreur de lignes de transport de l'électricité vers le marché de la Nouvelle-Angleterre.

John Baldacci


Selon l'entente de principe, Hydro-Québec gèlera les tarifs des abonnés résidentiels au Nouveau-Brunswick pendant cinq ans. Les tarifs des grandes entreprises seront réduits de 20 %.


Ce projet de vente suscite de l'opposition dans la population du Nouveau-Brunswick. De nombreuses personnes ont dénoncé ce projet lors de manifestations qui ont eu lieu en divers endroits de la province ces dernières semaines. L'opposition officielle, le Parti progressiste-conservateur, juge que cette entente est inacceptable.


Le premier ministre de Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador, Danny Williams, qui souhaite exporter de l'énergie en Nouvelle-Angleterre via le Nouveau-Brunswick, s'oppose aussi fermement à la vente d'Énergie NB.

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  • 2 semaines plus tard...

Anti-Quebec feelings exist in N.B.: Tories


Last Updated: Wednesday, January 13, 2010 | 11:26 AM AT

CBC News


New Brunswick Premier Shawn Graham has apologized for suggesting some opposition to the NB Power sale is based on anti-Quebec feelings, but the provincial Tories aren't letting him off the hook — while agreeing that such sentiments exist.


Graham apologized in question period Tuesday for saying Monday that anti-Quebec feelings in rural New Brunswick are fuelling opposition to the sale of most of the utility's assets to Hydro-Québec.


"Today, unfortunately, there is a small minority of anti-Quebec sentiment, Mr. Speaker, that exists not only in New Brunswick but across Canada," he said during his apology.


Opposition Leader David Alward, who opposes the sale, criticized the Liberal premier and demanded the apology, while acknowledging there are some anti-Quebec attitudes at play.


However, Alward said, "the vast majority of people who have contacted me have contacted me to say, 'We're against this deal because it's a bad deal for the people of New Brunswick.'"


Conservative MLA Paul Robichaud also said a "tiny part" of the population is anti-Quebec — "une infine partie de la population."


Under the proposed agreement, Quebec would buy most of NB Power's assets for $4.8 billion. The deal would freeze residential electricity rates for five years and lower large industrial power rates to Quebec levels.


The New Brunswick and Quebec governments are completing the sale agreement and Graham has acknowledged that some revisions are coming. In particular, Graham said New Brunswick will still have a say in the province's energy future.


Graham has suggested the proposed NB Power sale will strengthen national unity.

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N.B. may abandon NB Power sale: Tory MLA


Last Updated: Thursday, January 14, 2010 | 11:57 AM AT

CBC News


A Progressive Conservative MLA predicts the New Brunswick government is going to abandon the sale of NB Power to Hydro-Québec.


Liberal Premier Shawn Graham has been shifting his rhetoric about planned changes to the deal, said Paul Robichaud.


"And I will probably not be surprised to see the government pulling the plug on the MOU [memorandum of understanding] they signed last fall," he said.


'The ownership and control of our energy system will remain in New Brunswick.'—Premier Shawn Graham


Graham has promised that New Brunswick will retain control when NB Power is sold to Hydro-Québec, but this week he started talking about ownership.


"The ownership and control of our energy system has been an issue that's been paramount, and our government will address that," he said Wednesday in question period. "The ownership and control of our energy system will remain in New Brunswick."


Robichaud pointed to another comment Graham made during question period: "If any legislative requirements are needed, Mr. Speaker, they'll be brought forward to this chamber."


Any sale would require legislation, said Robichaud. And before Christmas, the Liberals said there would be legislation.

Francophone association weighs in


Under the proposed deal, expected to be finalized in March, a majority of NB Power's assets would be sold to Hydro-Québec for $4.8 billion, which would erase the utility's debt.


Hydro-Québec promises to freeze residential rates in New Brunswick for five years and immediately cut large industrial rates by about 30 per cent to the levels paid by similar customers in Quebec. That component of the deal is worth an estimated $5 billion to NB Power customers, the government has said.


The Association of Francophone Municipalities plans to take a stand on the deal, said Edmundston Mayor Jacques Martin.


Association members met Wednesday night to discuss the issue, but want to review the memorandum of understanding more closely and hold more consultations before expressing their concerns to government, he said.


"Hopefully by the end of the month or at the proper time, we'll be able to sit down with the premier and the minister of energy and hopefully see if some of our recommendations should be inserted in the document."


The deal is complicated and will have widespread effect, Martin said.

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