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We should go after Honda Indy. Octane promotes the race in Edmonton which is on shaky ground from what I hear and the Toronto race is a mere shadow of what it was in the 80's and 90's. F 1 in June, Indy in July, NASCAR in August would make a nice trio!


The city of Montreal doesn't allow more than 2 race weekend on the Circuit Gilles-Villeneuve, so adding a 3rd date would be impossible

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J'fais souvent du bike sur le circuit et c'est un bon endroit pour s'entraîner quand y'a pas trop de monde ! Ça attire plus de monde que tu peux penser ;)


Non je sais, il y a toujours de la monde la-bas... il y a tellement qu'on ne peut pas faire de... l'entrainement au volant :(


Ca serait amusant de voir un "track day" la-bas, pour concurrencer Tremblant et ICAR (chez les pistes de l'aeroport Mirabel)

Modifié par Cyrus
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Le problème c'est que les ondes (sonores ou électromagnétique) Voyage plus efficacement sur l'eau que sur Terre.


Ce qui fait qu'à St-Lambert les gens entendre les voitures comme s'ils serait sur le circuit. Ce qui est fatiguant une fin de semaine complète de temps. Des gros char straight pipe, ça fait un boucan d'enfer! C'est ben le fun quand tu trip, mais quand tu trip pas c'est pas trop le fun.


Je suis sur qu'on pourrais y faire des courses de voitures électrique, mais la les fans de voitures chialerait que ça fait pas de bruits et que ça pue pas le gaz...



Mais je trouve que 2 weekend, c'est ben en masse, ça permet de faire 2 "salle comble" et de maintenir l'intérêt. Ensuite bien je préférerais avoir la coupe Sprint à la place. Mais d'un autre coté, le nascar, je ne trouve ça intéressant que sur circuit routier. Les courses sur ovales, peu importe les char, je trouve ça ben ordinaire...

Modifié par Davidbourque
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On construit des talus et des murs antibruits le long des autoroutes, pourquoi ne pas faire la même chose avec un peu d'imagination créative et le partage de la facture entre les bénéficiaires. Les ondes voyagent en ligne droite, je suis convaincu qu'il y a possibilité de diminuer considérablement la nuisance sonore et ainsi favoriser d'autres compétitions sur le calendrier.

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I agree acpnc that there must be a technological solution to this problem. I do respect the citizen's of St-Lambert concerns but I would like to go and hear for myself what level of noise they are complaining about. If it is just some background noise from 2 to 11 on weekends only (it is the weekend after all!) then they should stfu! If it is really brutal noise then maybe they have a point.


I suspect that is it simply a bunch of suburban whiners who like the advantages of living next to the city but don't want the city to intrude on their lives at all. This is not realistic.


Parc Jean-Drapeau is one of the greatest urban parks in the world and the events that it hosts help put Montréal on the international map. I hope that a bunch of suburban nerds don't ruin it for us all. A fair compromise is surely possible.


Here is the website of the complainers. I think that they are being unreasonable and I have written them to express my opinion.

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  • 1 mois plus tard...

Source: NASCAR top performance of the year


Top Race:

NAPA Auto Parts 200, Circuit Gilles Villeneuve -- Marcos Ambrose, the class of the Nationwide Series Montreal field, had continuously failed to bring home a victory for various reasons. He vowed to return to this event until he won. His chances this year again looked slim after having to start at the rear for missing qualifying while traveling from his Sprint Cup duties in Michigan -- which took him from a plane to a helicopter to a boat to finally get to his spot on the starting grid -- just before the race.


He also had to deal with the hometown favorites: Jacques Villeneuve (the pole-sitter), Patrick Carpentier (making his last start before retiring) and Alex Tagliani (also started on the front row).


Villeneuve led 29 of the first 44 laps but his chances went away when he and Ambrose tangled in Turn 1 after a restart with 26 laps remaining. Ambrose powered through the mishap and kept pushing through the field, finally taking the lead from Tagliani on Lap 65. This time he held on around the final turn to take an improbable victory.


The excitement continued after the race when Carpentier's frustrated crew chief Jerry Baxter grabbed Steve Wallace by the hair while Wallace was still in his car. Baxter's pit road rage was in response to Wallace spinning out the local hero on Lap 56, ruining Carpentier's final race.

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