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Autoroute 10 (Bonaventure - portion au nord du canal (boul. urbain))


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Moi, je serai content d'avoir un promontoire sur la friche du MTQ à côté du parc Bellerive, près de la rue Frontenac pour voir le large du fleuve et l'activité maritime  au dessus des convois de trains souvent stationnés. Ces derniers bloquent notre vue avec leurs conteneurs à double hauteur. Au moins il y aura plus de sens et l'utilité que cette endroit à mon avis. Ici une fois monté sur les perches  j'ai l'impression que nous sommes supposé de diriger la le trafic, des maestros de la circulation ! 

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Le 16/05/2017 à 09:29, Rusty a dit :

Wow ... tres loins d'etre fini ... mais c'est quand meme bien qu'ils travaillent

C'est un long chantier. Cependant, jusqu'ici, il respecte bien les échéanciers. Si tout continue à se passer comme prévu, nous aurons un parc terminé vers la fin de l'automne. On en bénéficiera donc vraiment au printemps prochain.

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I don't think that the multiple traffic lanes surrounding the linear park and associated traffic would be the main reason for the failure of this public place, take avenue du Parc for example, similar in many ways minus the linear park in the middle yet people cross it and walk alongside it with no problem. 

For a linear park of this type to be successful as a public space, it either needs to be a destination in itself or a natural place people transit through.

I don't know if the work by Jaume Plensa will be impressive enough on its own to draw people to it similar to the bean in Chicago. Besides that work of art, nothing about this space makes it a destination.

It certainly isn't a natural transit corridor for anyone that's not in a car. If you approach it from the north you end up at the entrance of the Bonaventure expressway with nowhere to go besides where you came form. Only cars will be approaching it from the south and they can't exactly enjoy the park. East-West movements would seem to be limited to people living in Griffintown and that work or are going out in Old Montreal/La cité du multimédia.

Once you crossover into griffintown from the east you're immediately confronted with a wall of condo buildings along l'inspecteur and ann. Then you're on shannon again nothing but entrances to Condo buildings, you reach Peel and a series of uninteresting chain store. 

A serious amount of development will be required along/under the rail lines and even at the bassin peel to make this a successful public space.

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2 hours ago, ERJ-Boy said:

If they build a stadium for the Expos it will certainly be a transit way, add to that the development that will happen under the rail lines. 

I completely agree but even if they announced the return of the expos next year a stadium is probably 5 years away. The natural usage for the dark enclosed space underneath the rail lines would be clubs and bars but given the nimby'ism of the residents in that part of griffintown and their general hatred of the already existing new city gas, I don't think they'll be welcoming more nightlife.

In an ideal world the depotium would move and la caisse would open up the nazareth side and allow small bars/café/clubs to occupy that space similar to what Vienna has with the Gürtel ring road. Where a series of small establishments are located directly underneath the U-Bahn line. It would make available space that only local boutique businesses could operate given the size and add some desperately needed character to Griffintown.  I wish vienna had google streetview to show how great it is.



Apologies for the explosion of images.

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Il y a 16 heures, Spiter_01 a dit :

I don't know if the work by Jaume Plensa will be impressive enough on its own to draw people to it similar to the bean in Chicago. Besides that work of art, nothing about this space makes it a destination.

On n'a qu'à la créer cette destination, par des expositions extérieures, des activités diverses comme des jeux et bien d'autres attraits permanents et éphémères, un peu comme les ramblas de Barcelone. C'est à l'usage que les places publiques finissent par s'imposer, elles trouvent éventuellement leur clientèle et deviennent vivantes pour le plaisir de tout le monde.

Le caractère latin de Montréal se manifeste déjà partout en ville, car les gens aiment être dehors et participer à toutes sortes d'événements. Voilà donc une scène de plus à leur offrir qui trouvera vite sa vocation. Surtout qu'on peut s'attendre qu'avec le développement de nouveaux complexes immobiliers sur son parcours, elle ne demeurera pas longtemps un simple espace vert aussi beau soit-il.

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1 hour ago, Spiter_01 said:

I completely agree but even if they announced the return of the expos next year a stadium is probably 5 years away. The natural usage for the dark enclosed space underneath the rail lines would be clubs and bars but given the nimby'ism of the residents in that part of griffintown and their general hatred of the already existing new city gas, I don't think they'll be welcoming more nightlife.

In an ideal world the depotium would move and la caisse would open up the nazareth side and allow small bars/café/clubs to occupy that space similar to what Vienna has with the Gürtel ring road. Where a series of small establishments are located directly underneath the U-Bahn line. It would make available space that only local boutique businesses could operate given the size and add some desperately needed character to Griffintown.  I wish vienna had google streetview to show how great it is.


Ils seront expropriés; c'est dans le projet de loi du réseau de transport métropolitain.

Modifié par p_xavier
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