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Il y a 4 heures, KOOL a dit :

L'une des meilleures façons de s'assurer qu'un projet immobilier soit un fiasco total c'est d'avoir les poules sans tête de la STM en charge dudit projet.

Et on n'ose même pas imaginer l'entretien des immeubles par la suite. :yikes:

Maintenant je comprends l'expression quand on dit que « tout le monde » est Rocco... on dirait que c'est lui qui a écrit le texte.

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16 hours ago, Doctor D said:

Crazy rich Asians

Ah yes, those darned Chinese immigrants who are:
1- generally poorer than the population of Montreal
2- more than twice as likely to live in multigenerational households
3-have their highest population in Brossard

They MUST be the main culprits for demand pressure on the condo market....🙄





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On 2023-09-23 at 2:39 PM, Doctor D said:

Thank you for all the research, but I am well aware of the situation and please don't try to paint me as a racist so you can take the moral high ground.

I was not saying all Asians are rich, but rather that Vancouver gets more capital flowing in from Asia than Montreal because of it's geographical proximity. Quebec had 6.3 billion in foreign investment last year versus 20.4 billion in BC

I was in Vancouver last month and from the skytrain, there is a sea of cranes all along the route from airport to downtown. Although their population of Vancouver is less than half that of Montréal, the growth of housing in Vancouver was almost triple ours (972 starts in Montreal versus 2,962 in Vancouver in July of 2023)

So what is your explanation for why a city with half our population has three times the investment and three time the growth?

First of all, as you wisely point out, Vancouver is not Montréal. Its more than 4000 km away and has a completely different housing market.

Saying « crazy rich asians » are the reason for condo demand in Montreal, just because they have an impact on Vancouver is ridiculous. Might as well claim that Khazakhs are causing the surge in Saskatoons market. 🙄

Second, foreign investment in Vancouver is NOT the main reason why high rises are exploding there. The reason is that the city of Vancouver put forward a zoning policy to protect single-family areas from high rise development, with the trade-off being a boost to downtown area zoning. There were a lot of industrial areas that could accommodate the additional housing pressure without provoking NIMBY. This re-balancing of housing pressure is the main reason for high rises being so popular there. Btw, high rise districts in Vancouver are actually the more affordable areas of the city.

Of course, as is the case with almost every growing North American city, immigration is the principal cause of population growth, thus is the main driver of housing demand. Vancouver is a pacific trade hub, so naturally, asian immigration is strong there.

In Montréal, Immigration is primarily driven from Francophonie countries, and thus, are the principal driver for housing demand.


Now, Chinese foreign real estate investors have seen a spike in Montreal lately, and are currently the biggest group of absentee foreign investors, at about 21% of the entire foreign investor market. This is probably where you are getting the myth of spooky foreign asians pushing the market.

But when you actually look at the numbers, their impact is dismally small.  In 2020, foreign ownership of condominiums in the Montréal market was 4.1%, and 1.2% for single-family homes.

Of these, innocupied investment properties were estimated between 4 and 8%. (8% of 4.1% is a small number)

👉So when you do the math, Crazy Rich Asians = Less than 1% of the condo market. 👈

The real driver for investment properties in Montreal AND Vancouver is canadian baby boomers re-mortgaging their homes to expand their portfolio.


Now, here is my problem with the « foreign investor » myth.

It shifts blame away from our local policy decisions that limits housing supply. Its absolute NIMBY fuel for people who believe we should not be building more housing. 

When I see the federal government putting a ban on foreign investment instead of adressing our chronic undersupply problem, it honestly makes me want to scream.

We want to blame anyone but our own policy failures. And that my friend, will be the downfall of our country.

Modifié par Morse Attack
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On 2023-09-23 at 2:39 PM, Doctor D said:

Thank you for all the research, but I am well aware of the situation and please don't try to paint me as a racist so you can take the moral high ground.

I was not saying all Asians are rich, but rather that Vancouver gets more capital flowing in from Asia than Montreal because of it's geographical proximity. Quebec had 6.3 billion in foreign investment last year versus 20.4 billion in BC

I was in Vancouver last month and from the skytrain, there is a sea of cranes all along the route from airport to downtown. Although their population of Vancouver is less than half that of Montréal, the growth of housing in Vancouver was almost triple ours (972 starts in Montreal versus 2,962 in Vancouver in July of 2023)

So what is your explanation for why a city with half our population has three times the investment and three time the growth?

Ps : why are you using general foreign investment statistics to justify your point?

The fact that foreign companies are investing in factories or offices here should not be bundled in with housing investment. 

Two very different things. I for one, am happy other countries are investing in our local job growth.

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