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Haha! That's funny! Aren't you the one that said the following (earlier in this thread):


So are you questioning anything that I said or are you just go have a light ridiculizing comment like Habsfan? Please, question me and I will show you the facts... what of what I said do you think is untrue? I'm anxious to post links...


Allow me to clarify, if you don't understand my views:


1. The American health care system is in bad shape. Far from being the "Best in the world", it is dominated by insurance companies that are allowed to run rampant. Costs are ridiculously high, service isn't available to everyone, and coverage can be denied at a whim. That being said, I do believe in American innovation. I strongly believe they'll implement reforms and regulations, introduce bipartisan cost saving measures and improve the lives of millions.


2. The socialized health care systems of the world, while still not perfect (far from it) are all superior to America's current system. That could change, but for the moment, that's the reality of the situation. The raw numbers all indicate this (spending vs quality of care vs insured and uninsured vs life expectancy, etc etc)


3. Blaming Democrats for the housing bubble is shallow and false. The housing bubble was a complex problem with multiple factors leading to its inception.


4. Cheering for the right and lampooning the left just makes you sound like another wharrgarbling partisan hack.

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Allow me to clarify, if you don't understand my views:


1. The American health care system is in bad shape. Far from being the "Best in the world", it is dominated by insurance companies that are allowed to run rampant. Costs are ridiculously high, service isn't available to everyone, and coverage can be denied at a whim. That being said, I do believe in American innovation. I strongly believe they'll implement reforms and regulations, introduce bipartisan cost saving measures and improve the lives of millions.


So if the american health care system is not the best in the world, why do a whole bunch of stars, presidents, kings, queens, etc all flock to the US when in need of care... they sure don't come here. I'm not saying that it's perfect, it's got faults, but it definitely is a much better system than anywhere else in the world. To make it perfect, what they need to do is get government completely out of health care. That will reduce costs, create more competition and more innovation in better medical devices and drugs. Bipartisan? Give me a break! Only neutral idiots are bipartisan because they don't know what they stand for.


2. The socialized health care systems of the world, while still not perfect (far from it) are all superior to America's current system. That could change, but for the moment, that's the reality of the situation. The raw numbers all indicate this (spending vs quality of care vs insured and uninsured vs life expectancy, etc etc)


Show me some numbers, show me statistics.


3. Blaming Democrats for the housing bubble is shallow and false. The housing bubble was a complex problem with multiple factors leading to its inception.


It was definitely a complex problem with multiple factors leading to its inception. Republicans (and everyone else in power for that matter) is guilty of not doing enough to stop the ridiculous and economy damaging Community Reinvestment Act. Did you read the wikipedia page? By the CRA, the government forced banks to lend to people that shouldn't be able to borrow for many reasons (low credit score, no job, etc.). They actually got banks to not force the customers to provide employment info. That's insane. How can you expect anything but a market crash when loads of people are borrowing for houses when they either don't have enough revenue or don't even have a job. Insane! The reason the bubble got bigger and bigger is because it was so easy for all these people to get mortgage loans, the demand for houses grew and therefore prices were inflated. People started to default on their loans because after the first 3 years, people had to start paying capital whereas during the first 3 years of the loan, they only had to pay interest. All of a sudden, all these low income people that bought bigger houses than they could afford were unable to make the payments. The Community Reinvestment Act was first instated by Carter and then strengthened a lot during Clinton's administration. I know lefties don't like facts, but facts are still facts. Although the media doesn't want to blame democrats because they are in bed with them, it doesn't mean that it's not their fault. You can very easily put all the pieces together and figure it out quite quickly. It's simple math and simple understanding. Blaming Democrats for the housing bubble is simply stating facts, it's not shallow and it's not false. Open your eyes and look for yourself


4. Cheering for the right and lampooning the left just makes you sound like another wharrgarbling partisan hack.


Whatever! I'm not cheering for the right. I'm just stating the facts. The facts don't lie. The left-wing media though does quite a poor job putting the pieces together, on purpose, because they know that it's their friends in government that are responsible. I just wish that they would stick to the news instead of giving us biased news all the time and not giving us the news that is inconvenient.

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Just because the United States has the ability to offer the best possible care for someone who is extremely wealthy doesn't mean the system as a whole is the best possible system. Don't get it confused - their system CAN provide great care if you have a LOT of money. If you're 90% of the population, you'll have to rely on insurance (if you're even lucky enough to get it) which will screw you from behind on any given occasion, in the interest of making profit. But don't take my word for it, the World Health Organization's last results for the United States is 37th. Unfortunately, the United States' status as the lone Superpower does not automatically bestow upon it "the best of everything in every possible category".


Bipartisan? Give me a break! Only neutral idiots are bipartisan because they don't know what they stand for.


I was reading your post up until i got to that part, at which point i laughed out loud. I didn't read the rest of your post, i hope i didn't miss anything exciting, but anyone who says something as stupid as Bipartisan? Give me a break! Only neutral idiots are bipartisan because they don't know what they stand for. has zero credibility.


Let me get this straight: You believe only neutral idiots are bipartisan... i had to re-read that... only neutral idiots are bipartisan... if you don't pick a side then you don't know what you stand for... only neutral idiots are bipartisan because they don't know what they stand for... only neutral idiots are bipartisan because they don't know what they stand for... it's still not sinking in. I kid you not, that right there is the most asinine fallacy i've ever read on mtlurb. Congratulations!


I'm not even going to bother explaining why, because if you're downright ridiculous enough to make such an outrageous statement, then no explanation will make sense to you as it will likely fly 10 miles over your heard.

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Just because the United States has the ability to offer the best possible care for someone who is extremely wealthy doesn't mean the system as a whole is the best possible system. Don't get it confused - their system CAN provide great care if you have a LOT of money. If you're 90% of the population, you'll have to rely on insurance (if you're even lucky enough to get it) which will screw you from behind on any given occasion, in the interest of making profit. But don't take my word for it, the World Health Organization's last results for the United States is 37th. Unfortunately, the United States' status as the lone Superpower does not automatically bestow upon it "the best of everything in every possible category".




I was reading your post up until i got to that part, at which point i laughed out loud. I didn't read the rest of your post, i hope i didn't miss anything exciting, but anyone who says something as stupid as Bipartisan? Give me a break! Only neutral idiots are bipartisan because they don't know what they stand for. has zero credibility.


Let me get this straight: You believe only neutral idiots are bipartisan... i had to re-read that... only neutral idiots are bipartisan... if you don't pick a side then you don't know what you stand for... only neutral idiots are bipartisan because they don't know what they stand for... only neutral idiots are bipartisan because they don't know what they stand for... it's still not sinking in. I kid you not, that right there is the most asinine fallacy i've ever read on mtlurb. Congratulations!


I'm not even going to bother explaining why, because if you're downright ridiculous enough to make such an outrageous statement, then no explanation will make sense to you as it will likely fly 10 miles over your heard.


Oh come on, easy exit to not answer the rest of the post. That's just lazy. Real bipartisanship doesn't really exist and that's my opinion, not a fact. I think that people that give in to concessions in politics don't believe that much in their cause or else they would never concede to compromises. If you believe that the country needs universal health care, your going to fight for it and if you compromise, it's only in the hopes of going further with it later on. The person that is against universal health care and then gives in to a compromise is an idiot that goes against his own beliefs. Your either for it or against it, you can't be neutral unless you don't understand your own position, which, in politics makes you an idiot. Sorry, but people vote for reps that have positions, if you don't have a position, what are you in politics for, the benefits? Come on!


Now, please don't be lazy and go read the wikipedia article on CRA and make sure to concentrate on it and then come back and comment on it.

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LOL Too easy...


If your objective was to disgust me to the point of dissuasion from this debate by spewing some of the most absurd comments i've ever read... then congratulations, you've succeeded!


Oh by the way, for the record, i did read the article on the CRA, here's what it said: "The Federal Reserve and the FDIC holds that empirical research has not validated any relationship between the CRA and the 2008 financial crisis."

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If your objective was to disgust me to the point of dissuasion from this debate by spewing some of the most absurd comments i've ever read... then congratulations, you've succeeded!


Wow, you're seriously over reacting. It's kind of immature. It's my opinion, it doesn't have to be yours. Get over it.


Oh by the way, for the record, i did read the article on the CRA, here's what it said: "The Federal Reserve and the FDIC holds that empirical research has not validated any relationship between the CRA and the 2008 financial crisis."


Of course, the guilty always claim innocence. Did you read the rest at least? The whole thing screams guilty except for that sentence pretty much.

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Wow, you're seriously over reacting. It's kind of immature. It's my opinion, it doesn't have to be yours. Get over it.


Get over it? Overreacting? Don't flatter yourself, your comments aren't worthy of such attention. I merely pointed out that what you said is asinine, nothing more, nothing less.


The bottom line is this:


[#1] You think compromise and cooperation is stupid. I think it's what the United States was founded upon. You're free to believe the former, but i'll believe the latter.


[#2] You're close-minded and you try to force your opinions on others. Insisting i read the CRA article and "Report back to you" was just another casual way of doing that. You want to be correct and you want others to acknowledge it. When you're proven wrong or when people point out the logical fallacies in your claims, you roll out the ubiquitous "wow lol immature" or "wow you're over reacting dude lol a/sl/???".


When i debate, i do it to share my thoughts and gain insight on what other people think. Open my eyes to new ways of thinking, new perspectives, all in the goal of ultimately refining my views and bettering my comprehension of the issues. As a result, my opinions are constantly evolving and changing whenever new information is acquired.


When you debate, you want to win and have others acknowledge it.


And that is why this debate is over. I have nothing more to say. Go back to your sandbox.

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