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Skyline de Montréal ​

Le Fou

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34 minutes ago, internationalx said:

And what a drop-off in height from R-L Blvd to the mid-block. ?

That drop off is quite pronounced. That said, my understanding is that it's actually quite deliberate and perhaps underappreciated. 

As I understand it, the early downtown Montreal masterplans deliberately allowed for two skyscraper corridors - one along R.-L. and the other (albeit shorter one) along De Maisonneuve. This is to avoid a cluster effect that would cast shadows on lower built streets situated South of the highrises, especially Ste. Catherine and to a lesser extent Sherbrooke and what's left of the Golden Square Mile. 

Just judging by how many skylines are "clustered" in form, typically radiating out from key intersections, I don't think too many other cities had this kind of vision, agree or disagree with it.

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13 hours ago, berlude said:




This area needs some lights honestly. I know Marriot has some, but L'avenue should light up the top and Place du Canada should have some projection on the building as well, primarily on the South and East sides. 

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