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Une nouvelle place publique à la Plaza Saint-Hubert

Agence QMI

22/06/2009 13h11




La Ville de Montréal a inauguré aujourd'hui une nouvelle place publique située au coeur de la Plaza Saint-Hubert, la place Hector-Prud'homme.


Cet espace public sis à l'angle des rues Saint-Hubert et Bellechasse a été inauguré officiellement par le maire de Montréal, Gérald Tremblay, le maire de Rosemont-La-Petite-Patrie, André Lavallée et le député de Laurier-Dorion, Gerry Sklavounos.


Un ancien stationnement a ainsi été transformé en place publique Hector-Prud'homme.


Un espace que son fils, le sénateur Marcel Prud'homme, veut voir devenir «un endroit de tranquillité».


Hommage à Hector Prud'homme

Médecin de famille ayant oeuvré principalement dans les quartiers de La Petite-Patrie et de Rosemont, Hector Prud'homme a aussi été conseiller municipal du district de Saint-Édouard de 1944 à 1947 et de 1950 à 1954.


Le maire Tremblay souhaite que la place Hector Prud'homme devienne un lieu de recueillement pour les Montréalais.


«Si on ne se souvient pas de son passé, on n'a pas de présent ni d'avenir», mentionne-t-il.


L’aménagement de la place Hector Prud’homme s’est fait au coût de 443 307$ et a bénéficié du «programme de renouveau urbain», un partenariat entre la Ville et le gouvernement du Québec.

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$443 307!! Yet another example of why government should be involved with less, not more. While I have not seen the project with my own eyes, I can pretty much guarantee it is not 73 times better than this project on Duluth which was done privately and cost less than 1/73 of that price tag ($6000).


As well, as an aside, it's another reminder of how the principles of conservatism need not only apply to megalomaniac pseudo-capitalists who try to take advantage of the system and screw people left, right and centre, but can actually be applied to projects and initiatives that help society as a whole; "progressive" society need not equate to "government-backed socialist" society.

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$443 307!! Yet another example of why government should be involved with less, not more. While I have not seen the project with my own eyes, I can pretty much guarantee it is not 73 times better than this project on Duluth which was done privately and cost less than 1/73 of that price tag ($6000).


As well, as an aside, it's another reminder of how the principles of conservatism need not only apply to megalomaniac pseudo-capitalists who try to take advantage of the system and screw people left, right and centre, but can actually be applied to projects and initiatives that help society as a whole; "progressive" society need not equate to "government-backed socialist" society.


I agree 100%. It's high time that we stop expecting the government to do everything. Surely a "Plaza Saint-Hubert Chamber of Commerce" could have paid for such a project for at least one tenth the money, in much less time, etc.


I'm curious to know who financed the construction of the overhead glass shelterish thing over the sidewalks in the area? I would presume that was done by private funds? Am I wrong?

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$443 307!! Yet another example of why government should be involved with less, not more. While I have not seen the project with my own eyes, I can pretty much guarantee it is not 73 times better than this project on Duluth which was done privately and cost less than 1/73 of that price tag ($6000).


As well, as an aside, it's another reminder of how the principles of conservatism need not only apply to megalomaniac pseudo-capitalists who try to take advantage of the system and screw people left, right and centre, but can actually be applied to projects and initiatives that help society as a whole; "progressive" society need not equate to "government-backed socialist" society.


altough the st-hubert project is probably overpaid ( what can we do in such a corrupt city...), it is at least 4 or 5 times bigger than duluth, and more complex. the brickwork, the benches and the landscaping are more professionnal and ' city proof'.


The Duluth square, altough nice, doesn't look very robust.

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