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Ils sont en train de réinstaller des nouveaux treillis métalliques verticaux le long des voies du viaduc ferroviaire entre la Place Bonaventure et la rue Ottawa, pour les fils électriques du REM.

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They're installing support bar for cabling between the Costco and Canal Lachine. Because of the platform in the middle, they'll be installed on each end, not in the centre. I made this little diagram to show, the dark green is what they're doing now.

rem overhead.jpg

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il y a 35 minutes, mashdash a dit :

They're installing support bar for cabling between the Costco and Canal Lachine. Because of the platform in the middle, they'll be installed on each end, not in the centre. I made this little diagram to show, the dark green is what they're doing now.

rem overhead.jpg


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il y a 14 minutes, SameGuy a dit :

Really? Seems odd; the platform exists everywhere else, with the poles in the middle.

il y a 10 minutes, Rocco a dit :


I might be seeing things wrong, on the camera there are poles on the left and right, but there's also some in the middle... so maybe it's something else? I'll go there in a week to see in person1536212891_ScreenShot2022-02-07at9_22_07PM.png.96a7f755112b4d434de6b5bcd88d184c.png

Modifié par mashdash
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46 minutes ago, Rocco said:

Pose des supports à caténaires le long du viaduc ferroviaire.


J'aime déjà pas mal mieux le look de ce support là que de ceux sur la rive sud. D'ailleurs, je me trompe où ils sont enlignés avec les arcades?

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