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Maison Alcan (agrandissement) - 38 étages (2015)


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On CTV News today, the journalist was saying to people that they were going to demolish the historical buildings, and people were not saying nice things, none of them apparently read the post right next to them, not even the journalist. they even asked tourist to decry the move, you told them they were going to demolish the part facing Sherbrooke, It really gets to me when I see people in the medias, deliberatly spreading false information and asking the public to come sign the registry, to stop something that is not what they say is going to be.


I posted on the web site but as usual, when you put them on the spot for lying instead of doing their job, they delete the post, easy fixing. I think people from this board should also post their opinions on the website

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Well if doesn't get built it does not appear it will be due to a lack of support at city hall even Bergeron is on board.


The deadline to sign a register asking for a referendum for the new Maison Alcan project has come and gone, with no residents coming forward.


Citizens had until 4:30 p.m. Monday to sign the register. Twelve signatures were needed for a referendum to take place. Since none have done so, the project will move forward, with the final vote by the Ville-Marie borough to take place on Sept. 9. The plans by Cirque du Soleil, Yale Properties Limited and Lemay & Associeés call for part of the award-winning complex at Sherbrooke and Stanley Sts. to be demolished to make way for a 30-storey office building. The plans also include demolishing a 1920 armoury, except for its facade, and a 1981 office building that was part of the original project, which opened in 1983.


Eliot Perrin, registrar at the Lake St. Louis Historical Society, who works across the street from the building, told the Montreal Gazette that he and many of his colleagues wanted to sign the register, but were unable to do so because of “incredible hurdles.”


He says they only found out about the register on Monday through an article in the Montreal Gazette, and had a very difficult time deciphering the zoning map provided on the city’s website, which showed who was allowed to request a referendum. They had hoped to sign for the institution they work for, but their board of directors would have had to pass an amendment allowing them to do so, according to the city’s notice. Because of the short notice, this was not possible.


Perrin said the public notices — which include an ad in Le Devoir, a posting on the city’s website and a sign in front of the building — were unacceptable. He added that he would have attended a public consultation on the project held on June 25 — the day after St-Jean Baptiste Day — if he had known about it. At the very least, the Ville-Marie borough should have informed nearby residents and corporations by letter, he said.


“For us, the whole process has been incredibly maddening. It just seemed like it was over before we even knew the process had started,” he said. “I think that there is a complete democratic deficit going on here.”


City spokesperson Richard Bergeron, an independent councillor and member of the executive committee, said the city has followed the law on urban planning.


“They are pretending today that they didn’t see this project pass, that we are trying to hide things,” he said. “We did everything correctly, but they did not see it.”


Bergeron says the project will only improve the original structure and help revitalize the downtown.

Modifié par swansongtoo
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this will be something different, a cultural complex like we haven't seen in montreal in a short generation (think of it as an updated, upscale version of the forum, as well as being a rival/complement to the ogilvy project as it was originally proposed and a more vast version of excentris). it sounds like a surefire fail but laliberté has made a career of being a maverick, a creative who creates markets for what he offers and i think this project is very much in line with his vision. i wouldn't bet against him.


there's also the very important fact that if laliberté gets this underway quickly, he can beat a lot of projects to market. and who knows, maybe there's some plan to move at least some of the offices from cirque du soleil down from saint leonard.

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This is also Sherbrooke Street - Montreal's most elegant address that has, in recent years, been renewing itself; it's a lot more polished and lively than I can ever remember it. This project would really inject a lot more life into the area. And that's a good thing. If only we could have gotten the Waldorf built at the other end!

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J'espère que Laliberté ne se fera pas donner une giffle une 2e fois à Montréal, après le Casino.. (Quoique son projet de crématorium pour animaux au Parc Jean-Drapeau en mérite une..)


Entièrement d'accord avec toi...sur les deux points!

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