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I hope this bumbaru guy doesn't google himself too often.. he might discover that he doesn't have many fans!!


I would say the opposite, he should know how unpopular he is, he might then reajust himself a little bit more.

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  • 1 mois plus tard...

Construction d'un immeuble de 34 étages comprenant 180 logements


Aménagement du basilaire de 4 à 6 étages pour abriter un hôtel d'environ 140 chambres et des commerces


Rénovation et intégration de maisons victoriennes donnant sur le boulevard René-Lévesque


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  • 3 semaines plus tard...

Who here is suprised that the tower was rejected??? :mad: :mad: :mad:




Construction of 34-storey residential tower and hotel at René-Lévesque and Mackay: "no" to tower, conditional "yes" to hotel


MONTREAL, Sept. 8 /CNW Telbec/ - The Office de consultation publique de Montréal (OCPM) makes public today the report on the consultation held in May on the planned construction of a residential building and hotel at the corner of Mackay and René-Lévesque, in the west end of the borough of Ville-Marie.


The project involves the construction of a 34-storey residential building comprising 180 housing units and 230 underground parking spaces. It would also include a hotel and commercial space. The complex would be erected on what is now an outdoor parking lot, north of four Victorian buildings along René-Lévesque Boulevard. The residences would be integrated into the complex and their facades restored. One building on Mackay Street would also be preserved.


The project calls for amendments to the Montréal Master Plan and the borough of Ville-Marie planning by-law, primarily in terms of height and density. As the draft by-law amending the zoning by-law of the borough of Ville-Marie was adopted pursuant to section 89, subparagraph 3 of the Charter of Ville de Montréal, it is not subject to approval by referendum.


The 150 or so citizens who participated in the consultation all agreed on the importance of revitalizing this part of the city, greatly destructured since the '60s, due in part to the establishment of several ground-level parking lots. However, opinions diverged as to whether or not this type of complex should be erected on Mackay Street, in a fragile area whose identity stems from a built heritage that should be preserved and enhanced. Moreover, it is important to note that very little documentation was provided for the commission and public to familiarize themselves with the project and evaluate applications for variances to municipal by-laws.


The commission finds that the appropriateness of building the proposed 34-storey tower among the surrounding three- and four-storey buildings, and its vital contribution to the profitability of the project, have not been proved, while the construction of a tower of that height, in that area, would constitute a major variance to the Montréal Master Plan. As a matter of fact, the developer indicated that the implementation of that part of the project was not planned for the short term. Moreover, the tower's effect on sunlighting and wind flow has not been specified.


The commission believes that authorization for projects in this part of the city should not be granted too hastily, and should be based on an overall vision for the area, where tall buildings authorized in the 1960s have led to problems of destructuring. Given developers' renewed interest in the area, a consistent vision is required to strengthen the urban fabric. The commission therefore recommends that the variance allowing the construction of the 34-storey tower not be approved.


As to the construction of the 11-storey hotel, it may spur accelerated development in the area, if the City ensures that the architectural concept is in keeping with the surrounding built environment. The commission recommends that this part of the project at 1475 René-Lévesque Boulevard est be examined in the light of a consistent vision of the area's future and clear guidelines structuring the development of the Bishop-Crescent area.


All available information pertaining to the consultation, including the report, may be obtained at the OCPM offices, the Direction du greffe de la Ville de Montréal, 275 Notre-Dame Street East, and the Ville-Marie borough office, 888 de Maisonneuve Blvd. East, 5th floor. The documentation is also available on the Office Web site, at .

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This was easily one of the best projects proposed in Montreal in a good long while. This should have been a no-brainer for the OCPM.. instead they reject it. Stunning, absolutely stunning. You'd think people that occupy positions at something like the OCPM would have a superior understanding of cities, instead it's just the opposite.


These people are morons that know nothing of urban planning and just talk out of their ass in an effort to promote their agenda of economic stagnation. As a student of urban planning and someone who actually knows how cities works and how they can thrive, this is fucking infuriating in the highest order.

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L'Office de Consultation Publique.


No...nothing from them surprises me anymore.


I suggest ther tower be built in Toronto so this Mackay area stays a dead area and continues to degrade until it becomes a true shit hole in a few years...................héritage de L'Office de Consultation Publique.

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