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Moi aussi mais il est ne me dérange pas trop. Encore là nous avons des perceptions dans le public qui ont été influencées par des journalistes "à sensations" qui ont associé ce bel immeuble aux constructions douteuses de Dubai.


Il est bien situé, s'intégrera bien à son environnement, protège les vieux immeubles sur R.L. et apporte un peu de fraicheur architecturale à la monotonie un peu trop classique de Montréal.

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Il est bien situé, s'intégrera bien à son environnement, protège les vieux immeubles sur R.L. et apporte un peu de fraicheur architecturale à la monotonie un peu trop classique de Montréal.


:applause: :applause: :applause:


Si vous trouvez le Mackay Kitsh, attendenz de le voir une fois qu'il sera terminer. Il va ressembler au 1250 René-Lévesque, et personne ici croit que le 1250 est kitsh!!

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At about 5 in the afternoon, I decided it might be interesting so I went with a friend of mine. We stayed for 4 out of the 6 speakers.


The first speaker was an elderly man who could remember a time when "makay was a beautiful street" and was very much opposed to the project, saying that the city and its master plan lacks vision and that it would be wrong to develop the north side of rene-levesque on a project-by-project basis, especially with such a tower. After he finished reading his 10 minute speach the conseil asked him questions, which in my opinion, exposed the weakness of his arguments, as all of his answers were exactly the same, and were very circular. He essentially just kept saying that makay is a nice street and shouldn't have a skyscraper, and that the city's master plan is weak.


The second speaker was from Habitation Ville-Marie and was only concerned with affordable housing. He requested, on behalf of his organization that the units be sold in a certain price range, and that Ali Khan should invest more money into a fund for affordable housing. Otherwise, and when asked by the conseil, he and his organization had no reservations with the project itself.


The third speaker was the first speaker who actually lived in the area, and said that the area badly needed revitalization and repopulation. He was in favour of the project, applauding the design because of its reflective windows that would enable the sun to reach his home (no joke: he spent a good 8 minutes talking about reflective windows, even applauding Panzini for the Crystal's design. Panzini, who didn't design Crystal, was in the audience and kept gesturing to the crowd that he had no involvement). It should be mentioned that this speaker preferred a reduced 20 storey tower.


The fourth speaker was an area resident and merchant who prepared his own powerpoint presentation. He spoke passionately about the area and the project, and was very much in favour of it, as proposed. He even directly refuted the claims of the first speaker by using sections of the Montreal Master Plan in his powerpoint! When asked by the conseil if he would still support phase 1, if the tower would be excluded he said that such a result would be useless, and that the tower must be built - all or nothing. At the very end of his speach, the crowd (minus the first speaker) gave him a loud round of applause! Ali Khan and Panzini himself even went to shake his hand.


I think from this, it was fairly obvious that the majority in attendance strongly support the proposition, including the tower.

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So you were there Rufus. I assume you were sitting at the back! I was there(shaved head with glasses)


Yes the fourth speaker got a loud round of applause. The Fifth speaker was Dinu Bumbaru. As you would expect he was against the project. When asked by the president if he woukld have prefered that the promoter destroy the 4 greystones in front, he gave a politicians answer, in other words he didn'T answer!


I had the chance to speak to Panzini and told him that his project was great. He seemed to be truly happy that many peiople liked his project!


Gilbert and Francely were there as well!

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Yeah, we were at the back, on the left side to profit from the view of PVM. The fourth speaker had a great point, I thought, when he said that the successful completion of the project would spin-off into more projects for the area. I wonder what Panzini thought, having designed the other 18ish storey building close by.

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:) Je suis content que la consultation ait été dans l'ensemble positive, c'est un bon pas dans la bonne direction. Je constate qu'il n'y a pas d'opposition majeure ni d'empêchement alors à quand le feu vert?
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rufus96 a fait une description très détaillée de ce qui s'est dit.

J'ai pas pris de notes, alors je pourrais pas détailler ce que les 2 autres personnes ont dit. (Ça devrait être sur le site de l'Office très bientôt.)


Ironiquement, Gilbert et moi (~10 mins en retard) sommes arrivés en même temps que M. Bumbaru. Si Habsfan avait aussi été dans l'ascenseur, je crois qu'il aurait eu quelques mots à échanger...

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