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Un petit plan que j'ai fait pour une eventuelle station sous terraine Bridge-Wellington celle sur le plan de CDPQ infra est en rouge sur la Rue Mill pres de l'autoroute Bonaventure. Le trajet est en noir.


Je deplacerai la station un peu plus a l'ouest pres du bassin peel. La station est en vert avec une dimension a l'echelle de plus ou moins 120 metres. Le trajet de la voie est en mauve. L'entree Nord sur Murray est en bleu avec un tunnel en jaune jusqu'a la station de l'autre coté du canal. L'entrée sud du canal est en bleu avec 2 entrée possible sur la rue Oak avec le tunnel pour acceder a la station en jaune.


Je sais qu'il a ya un pont qui traverse plus a l'ouest mais l'acces est un peu dangereux et un peu difficile. En plus le temps de parcours serai plus court avec un tunnel pietonnier sous le canal. Surtout que l'entrée serai pres du noyau commercial Peel - wellington de Griffintown.

Carrée bleu pale avec interieur Blanc.Stations SousTerraine bassin Peel.JPG

Stations SousTerraine bassin Peel.JPG

Modifié par andre md
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Andre, ta station et son entrée la plus proche sur Oak seraient directement sous le futur stade (oui stade, car il n'y aura pas de station là au milieu de nulle part s'il n'y a pas de stade). Il y a plus de chances, à mon avis, que ton rectangle vert soit plus vers l'est le long de Mill et que la CDPQ préfèrent le trajet plus court et direct en noir. J'aimerais bien qu'ils construisent ton petit tunnel sous le canal cependant, qui permettrait un accès facilité au stade pour ceux qui marchent du centre-ville.

Modifié par jerry
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Le stade c'est tres hypothetique. Les condos sont deja la dans Griffintown.


Sinon je ferai la station directement sous le bassin Peel. Et l'entrée sud pres de la piste Cyclable ou encore de la rue Mill hors du possible stade.

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Stadiums are unworthy of building a transit stop. In fact, hypothetical stadiums are several orders of magnitude worse than actual airports; and even then airport connectors tend to be questionable.


They should use the CN corridor, then use an elevated line straight shot from Bridge/Wellington over the AMT maintenance center to get to Nuns Island. You could even have an elevated stop right on the center of the Pointe-Sainte-Charles peninsula, within a reasonable walk of the proposed stadium, but also within walking distance of many people.

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La station Du Havre would be useless. Nothing could be build in that area with an highly contaminated soil. The only purpose would be to plant trees and doing a parc of it.


Update of my map.

La station en violet dans le parcours en noir en plein dans le bassin Peel.


Avec les tunnel d'acces pietonier en jaune. Stations SousTerraine bassin Peel Update.JPG

Modifié par andre md
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La station Du Havre would be useless. Nothing could be build in that area with an highly contaminated soil. The only purpose would be to plant trees and doing a parc of it.


Update of my map.

La station en violet dans le parcours en noir en plein dans le bassin Peel.


Avec les tunnel d'acces pietonier en jaune. [ATTACH]26862[/ATTACH]

With what we have seen so far, all the coaching from the bleachers has been thwarted by how CDPQ Infra has peered into and tackled the problem.

In the next round, a collection of execution partners will come and defeat probably every armchair quarterback play we will have pulled out of our books.

So, I am learning to sit back and enjoy the action knowing that, so far, the project is in good hands.



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Stadiums are unworthy of building a transit stop. In fact, hypothetical stadiums are several orders of magnitude worse than actual airports; and even then airport connectors tend to be questionable.


That's a rather pessimistic analysis.


Dedicated airport connectors are certainly questionnable, but an airport station on a rapid transit line that already generates enough ridership to be sustainable is a formula that has proven to be successful all over the world. This is what we're talking about here.


As for the hypothetical stadium, the station wouldn't be built for the sole purpose of bringing people to the stadium, in which case I'd agree that it would be a bad idea. But that area has potential and is bound to be developed sooner or later, even if there is no stadium. Thousands of people could be living and working there within 10-20 years, probably faster if there is a stadium. That is what will be worthy of a station and I'm glad they're planning for it in advance.

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I don't think so. We've already learned about the strange suburban focus. The lack of a regional vision. The taking over our crown jewel of infrastructure to build a light metro serving few areas, focusing on Lille and Lyon as role models rather than Munich, Paris (RER), Vienna, London-Crossrail. This will cause lack of compatibility of AMT trains or potential long distance trains.


Further all new stations are on highways. The issues with the downtown stations, that are all not part of the original funding plan and, with the south-of-gare centrale stations in really bad locations. The abysmal ridership on the West Island and Airport branches (10K each) relative to costs (1B each?). Meanwhile, ignoring riders from the transfer stations, coming from the Mascouche line, the St-Jerome line, and the Blue Line.


Sure for some questions they have answers, some are even good. But overall there are many issues.

Modifié par Ant6n
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