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I'll give you one word: NIMBYs.

God damn nimbys spoiled the mtl project back in '06.


The one reason I recall this not happening, was because where the venue and new casino would have been located. It would have been easier for the less fortunate to go and lose their money.

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The one reason I recall this not happening, was because where the venue and new casino would have been located. It would have been easier for the less fortunate to go and lose their money.


We all know this is a BS argument! People with gambling addiction will go where the gambling is to have their fix, just like an alcoholic "will travel for booze" whether it's the depanneur, SAQ or bar, and whether he has to walk 10ft or drive 5kms as we see in regions. Nowadays, people from the pointe who are gamblers go to the small bars on Centre st and play videopoker, or take their cars and go to the casino!

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Mais sur une note plus sérieuse:


1) Le projet de Toronto n'est pas concrétisé

2) Si il se concrétise, il est le Xième projet de casino urbain en Amérique du Nord

3) Le Cirque garde une certaine rengaine contre la métropole pour son accueil froid vis-à-vis son projet de casino géant, il faut se questionner sur son agenda réel et la publicité entourant tout cela

4) Pourquoi faudrait-il avoir honte que Toronto ouvre une salle de jeu géante portant notre signature? Tant Mieux (Tant pis pour eux)! Qui ici croit encore que Montréal a plus de visibilité que Toronto ??? Personne !! Laissons Toronto exposer notre savoir faire en divertissement dispendieux et superficiel!

Pendant ce temps on pourra investir notre capital humain et financier dans des entreprises, disons, plus efficaces et rentables pour tous...

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We all know this is a BS argument! People with gambling addiction will go where the gambling is to have their fix, just like an alcoholic "will travel for booze" whether it's the depanneur, SAQ or bar, and whether he has to walk 10ft or drive 5kms as we see in regions. Nowadays, people from the pointe who are gamblers go to the small bars on Centre st and play videopoker, or take their cars and go to the casino!


I know, I know. It wasn't my argument. I know what you mean though. Thing is, I thought the videopoker machines were banned in bars though?

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I know, I know. It wasn't my argument. I know what you mean though. Thing is, I thought the videopoker machines were banned in bars though?


They are not issuing new videopoker machine licences, and they removed some from certain areas, but otherwise, they are still present in many bars!

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