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391, rue Saint-Paul Ouest - 13 étages


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Il y a 4 heures, yarabundi a dit :

"craint" ?? C'est un euphémisme !! Évidemment que ça tranche complètement avec le patrimoine bâti et c'est ce qui rend le projet intéressant !!

Tout à fait d'accord avec toi. Même à Paris, ville patrimoniale par excellence, on n'hésite pas à construire côte à côte un immeuble moderne élégant qui vient faire contraste avec un plus ancien. Paradoxalement les deux sont soudainement mis en valeur.

En fait le pire que l'on puisse faire serait de pasticher l'ancien, en pensant mieux intégrer le nouveau, comme une fausse note qui bizarrement écorcherait la vue. 

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On 2019-12-18 at 7:27 AM, acpnc said:

«Notre crainte, c’est que ça serve de précédent. On sait qu’il y a de la pression pour la densification. C’est une densification qui se comprend dans une certaine mesure avec la question de la crise environnementale et les modèles de développement urbain qui se veulent moins éparpillés. Mais le Vieux-Montréal, c’est un cas d’exception», avait alors déclaré à Métro le directeur général d’Héritage Montréal, Dinu Bumbaru.

Kim Morin craint d’ailleurs que la façade du projet immobilier prévu près sur la rue Saint-Paul Ouest ne respecte pas le patrimoine bâti de ce site historique.

Voilà qui confirme que Dinu Bumbaru n'est finalement pas systématiquement anti-hauteur! 😎

Perso, quoique je sois quelque peu embêté par la facture architecturale de cet élégant immeuble -- particulièrement à cet emplacement précis, par son intégration que je considère peu réussie --, je considère sa hauteur appropriée pour l'ouest du Vieux-Mtl aux abords de la la rue McGill.

Je serais toutefois fichtrement moins à l'aise de voir une tour contemporaine presque aussi haute que le magnifique édifice Aldred être construite sur le lot du stationnement juste à l'est! ;)

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Controversial 13-storey condo development in heart of historic Old Montreal to go through

Posted January 22, 2020 10:06 pm
Updated January 22, 2020 11:57 pm

A rendering of the proposed project on Saint-Paul street. Wednesday January 22, 2020. City of Montreal


In spite of residents’ efforts, a controversial 13-storey condo project in the heart of the historic Old Montreal is going ahead.

On Wednesday night, a registry to halt the project failed to collect the required 179 signatures to force a referendum. It only collected 115 signatures.

“I’m so disappointed in the city that they would even let it get this far,” said Yasmine Fudakowska-Gow, who lives a few doors down from the project.

“Does that mean that they just could put towers everywhere [in Old Montreal] That’s the concern, and it would now be hard to argue that they can’t.”

The proposed building will be located on 391 Saint-Paul Street West, which is currently a parking lot.

According to documents from the city of Montreal, the building will feature 89 residential units.

People in the area worry such density will would bring too much traffic to the narrow street.

But most importantly, they worry the design won’t fit with the historic character of the centuries-old area.

“I think that building a skyscraper [here] would be like building a skyscraper in the middle of Paris,” said Fudakowska-Gow.

The Ville-Marie borough approved the project last December after several amendments were made to its design, including the addition of parking for bikes, exterior lighting and vines.

It also changed the rules to allow for the building to go up in the area designated as heritage.

The height limit was 23 metres. It’s now up to 45 metres.

Residents wrote a letter to the mayor expressing their concerns.

“It’s a shame that they will change the landscape of the area. Everything else around it is really low,” said Diane Marcil who lives close to the project.

Critics like Heritage Montreal say this building would set a dangerous precedent in the heart of the historic Old Montreal, where efforts need to be made to preserve its character.

“I think Montreal has always had cultural integrity in terms of maintaining the aesthetics of the city and really good urban planning,” explained Fudakowska-Gow.

“I think this is going against that tradition.”

The city of Montreal told Global News it’s “following the democratic process.”

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1 hour ago, ScarletCoral said:


Controversial 13-storey condo development in heart of historic Old Montreal to go through

Posted January 22, 2020 10:06 pm
Updated January 22, 2020 11:57 pm

A rendering of the proposed project on Saint-Paul street. Wednesday January 22, 2020. City of Montreal


In spite of residents’ efforts, a controversial 13-storey condo project in the heart of the historic Old Montreal is going ahead.

On Wednesday night, a registry to halt the project failed to collect the required 179 signatures to force a referendum. It only collected 115 signatures.

“I’m so disappointed in the city that they would even let it get this far,” said Yasmine Fudakowska-Gow, who lives a few doors down from the project.

“Does that mean that they just could put towers everywhere [in Old Montreal] That’s the concern, and it would now be hard to argue that they can’t.”

The proposed building will be located on 391 Saint-Paul Street West, which is currently a parking lot.

According to documents from the city of Montreal, the building will feature 89 residential units.

People in the area worry such density will would bring too much traffic to the narrow street.

But most importantly, they worry the design won’t fit with the historic character of the centuries-old area.

“I think that building a skyscraper [here] would be like building a skyscraper in the middle of Paris,” said Fudakowska-Gow.

The Ville-Marie borough approved the project last December after several amendments were made to its design, including the addition of parking for bikes, exterior lighting and vines.

It also changed the rules to allow for the building to go up in the area designated as heritage.

The height limit was 23 metres. It’s now up to 45 metres.

Residents wrote a letter to the mayor expressing their concerns.

“It’s a shame that they will change the landscape of the area. Everything else around it is really low,” said Diane Marcil who lives close to the project.

Critics like Heritage Montreal say this building would set a dangerous precedent in the heart of the historic Old Montreal, where efforts need to be made to preserve its character.

“I think Montreal has always had cultural integrity in terms of maintaining the aesthetics of the city and really good urban planning,” explained Fudakowska-Gow.

“I think this is going against that tradition.”

The city of Montreal told Global News it’s “following the democratic process.”

“It’s a shame that they will change the landscape of the area. Everything else around it is really low,” said Diane Marcil who lives close to the project.

Either that person is lying, or saying something in bad faith. It's the same height as the neighbor, need glasses?

As for the design, I personally worry more about that horrible mur aveugle, qui sera aveugle pour toujours

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Il y a 1 heure, Marc90 a dit :

Pour le reste, c'est du NIMBY tout craché. C'est soulageant de constater qu'au moins, ils sont tellement peu nombreux qu'ils ne peuvent même pas avoir un poids suffisant pour forcer une référendum. 

Ils veulent maintenant une intervention de Québec...

Old Montreal residents fail to force referendum on condo tower they say doesn't fit with historic area

Now it's up to Quebec's minister of culture to make a final decision on the project

CBC News · Posted: Jan 23, 2020 12:14 PM ET | Last Updated: 15 minutes ago

Residents were unable to collect enough signatures to force a referendum on a controversial condominium tower planned for Old Montreal.

Opponents of the project say the tower's sleek, modern design won't fit in against the backdrop of historic buildings that line the heritage streets around St-Paul West and McGill Streets.

But it's not just the project's facade that bothers neighbours like Alexandre Fainberg. He says it's simply too tall.

"Most of these buildings, they have a limit on the height," he said Wednesday.

Fainberg lives near the parking lot that's slated to become a nearly 44-metre building at his highest point with 89 units on 13 floors. While the lot is in a zone with a 25-metre height limit, it abuts a zone that allows for buildings that stand 45-metres.

The Ville-Marie borough council gave the project a green light late last year. A zoning derogation was approved to allow the building to go beyond the lot's 25-metre limit. 

Upset to learn the project — which has been stagnating in the planning stage for a number of years — was approved, residents in the area mobilized and enough petition signatures were collected to open a registry.

From there, 179 signatures were needed to force a referendum on the zoning derogation. Only 115 signed.

Now the final decision rests in the hands of the province's minister of culture, Nathalie Roy, who could block it for heritage reasons or call for a redesign.

Hoping for provincial intervention

Fainberg said he hopes the minister steps in. He would like her to not only stop the project, but also shed light on what he says is a process that lacks transparency. 

He's frustrated the condo tower has managed to clear the referendum hurdle unscathed, and he may be faced with years of construction headaches as the unwanted tower is built.

He said allowing 13 floors to be built on the narrow strip of undeveloped land will block sunlight. He's also concerned that the project calls for 89 units but only about 45 parking spaces.

"We already have a hard time finding parking," he said. "And we're adding a lot more people than the street can handle."

Amber Lomer, who also lives nearby, said she's mostly concerned about the height derogation and the design of the building as presented. She said it won't look right in the neighbourhood and instead belongs somewhere like downtown Toronto.

"That's not where we choose to live," she said. "Where we choose to live is historic Old Montreal with its distinct style and charm."

Improve urban planning: Dinu Bumbaru

Old Montreal has been a designated heritage area since 1964 and that's why the Ministry of Culture has the last word on the project, explained Dinu Bumbaru, the policy director for Héritage Montréal.

There have been cases where the minister has rejected projects in the interest of heritage areas, he said.

"The ultimate architecture will have to receive the authorization of the minister because the minister doesn't deal with zoning issues, it deals with the heritage landscape of that place," he said.

What's really needed is better urban planning to ensure modern architecture doesn't clash with what's already there, Bumbaru said. It's time for Montreal to rethink the way it plans development in heritage sites like Old Montreal.

No councillors were available to speak to CBC News Wednesday.

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9 minutes ago, ScarletCoral said:

Amber Lomer, who also lives nearby, said she's mostly concerned about the height derogation and the design of the building as presented. She said it won't look right in the neighbourhood and instead belongs somewhere like downtown Toronto.

News flash for Amber, 13 storey buildings don't get built in downtown Toronto either, they get 73 storey buildings...

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