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Tour des Canadiens - 50 étages


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Poison d'Avril ... mais quand meme le skyline va etre plus beau :-)


Considérant qu'il n'y a rien dans leur coin pour le moment sauf le CCE, c'est clair que l'impact sera très grand. Elles vont encore un peu plus étendre le skyline vers l'ouest!

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Dans le cadre du Forum stratégique sur les grands projets de la Chambre de commerce du Montréal métropolitain, Cadillac Fairview a dévoilé le concept d'un nouveau projet immobilier à l'îlot Windsor qui ceinture le Centre Bell. Ce projet, dont la phase 1 est d'une valeur de 400 M$, comprendra 710 unités résidentielles et des espaces à bureaux et commerciaux, le tout réparti dans quatre tours, deux de 44 étages, une de 27 et une de 25 étages. Les premières occupations sont prévues 2013.

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je n'ai pas encore commenté ce projet mais j'ai lu tout les ``post`` je peux dire que c'est un projet extraordinaire et que ce projet vien confirmer que Montréal est en pleine essor économique et surtout en plein essor démagraphique! (si le projet est pret en 2013-2014 c'est en plein dans mes plans d'acheter mon premier condo, je termine mes études en Gestion Financière en juin 2012 :) )

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Les premières occupations sont prévues 2013.


I really like the sound of that :) People that move into those buildings will have an awesome view of riots when the Habs win or lose in the playoffs :P

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I'm actually really like the architecture of these towers! I normally hate big balconies on buildings, but the way they integrated them here looks very natural.


The city of Montreal better jump on this opportunity and approve it before Cadillac-Fairview changes their mind! It isn't every day (or even every year) that someone is interested in investing $400million in your downtown core!

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Cadillac Fairview have an history of big projects mirred in controversy in Montreal. McGill College OSM 1984 anyone? Their project was rejected and they finally built Place Montreal Trust instead. This disgusted them so much that they left Montreal for over 25 years before coming back with a project! Let's hope history doesn't rhyme.

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Cadillac Fairview have an history of big projects mirred in controversy in Montreal. McGill College OSM 1984 anyone? Their project was rejected and they finally built Place Montreal Trust instead. This disgusted them so much that they left Montreal for over 25 years before coming back with a project! Let's hope history doesn't rhyme.


Which leads to the question - how well do they know the Montreal market? For starters you can write off the office tower (no demand), then you have the condo towers ,if they try to price them similar to the Toronto market this portion of the project will also go nowhere, at the end I'm afraid we'll end up with a scaled down project something like 2 ugly cheap 23 storey condo towers,of course I hope I'm 100% wrong but with Montreal's sorry history with mega projects I have my doubts (remember the 400 million Viger station project)

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I don't think they know the market here but who am I to judge? What I see is that this mega-project is the same thing as in TO and as the Mtl market is red hot, Cadillac-Fairview dare come back to our sorry city. Same project on every level: Next to an ice rink, 2 condos towers with a generic squareish design, big entrance linking the towers with giant tv screens.. They'll be showing Canadiens games on those screens with people bringing their camping chairs and squatting the parking lots for the better view. But the big question is can Montreal afford to lose it as projects have been too far and between? Let's hope John Charest gets re-elected in 2012 or else we can say good-bye to this project.

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It's not a question of doubting their intentions, I along with people much more knowledgeable of the Montreal market have serious questions surrounding this project, remember cheap works in Montreal (Prevel)

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