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Tout ce qui a été posté par internationalx

  1. I don't think it's that difficult to develop a building that incorporates this vent shaft. That said, this lot is one of the greatest eyesores... smack-dab in the middle of the Golden Square Mile between the Ritz/Holt's/Ogilvys. I mean, developing something here should be a slam-dunk. Major retail opportunity for the ground floor and second floor, especially with the new Ogilvys coming down the pipe! ... I don't get all the excitement about this Mount Stephen design. Frankly, the rendering is better than the real thing so far. The windows are not as "big" in the finished product, as someone who works in hotel development, I would not want to stay in a room with all those tiny windows. Thus building is a hulking structure and I can't wait for it to be disguised/hidden by a new development at the corner of de la Montagne and De Maisonneuve.
  2. That was God-awful. The first 2 phases are just enough!
  3. Wow! Gorgeous shot! This tower is really impressing me. Can't wait for the roof piece to go up.... that will really elongate the building, I think. So nice to see the CBD expand southwards. Go CF!
  4. That's an odd little lot to get such a major corporate tenant. I would have thought this site better suited for a residential development. Wonder about the lot line windows on the SAQ building; it's a nice facade that will presumably be lost. With a few major office building proposals already on the table, this is an interesting bit of news.
  5. We're very sensitive when it comes to heights... with not only the limit vis-a-vis Mount Royal, but also, the lots with 200+meters are so selective and now, dwindling!
  6. The renderings don't do this building justice. Looks much less stumpy that I imagined and with the rooflines...
  7. Looks like low-income housing - Jardins Windsor on a larger scale. But with all the towers going up here, it won't stand out too much.
  8. A tall, glassy building in this part of town is very welcome. So much drab pre-fab like the Garden Inn on Sherbrooke or C-Lofts. For a Holiday Inn, this is a sexy building. Have you seen some of the budget and mid-tier hotel brands being built in NYC these last few years?? Yikes. This being Canvar, I am confident it's as good as built!
  9. Nice!! That's a great looking building. True, it's no marvel of architecture but it's pretty darn handsome - it's better than the altoria and altitude. It's an elegant glassy building and a nice addition for R-L Blvd. Love all the density being added in this area...
  10. Sorry, but that is a terrible idea for R-L Blvd. Montreal's downtown is pretty small and its streets are narrower than most. There are very few major arteries - east-west especially - to facilitate the flow of traffic. Sherbrooke is narrow, de Maisonneuve is, quite frankly, a mess with the permanent bike lane, that has made it more narrow. Ste Catherine is narrow. R-L needs to have more lanes not less. It's a mess now too with the parking. Not quite 3 lanes in each direction, if I recall. It's a utopian vision to think that people will abandon cars and all opt for a tram. Montreal needs to be accessible. And cars aren't going anywhere.
  11. The Marriott on Peel was/is a Residence Inn. Renaissance is one of Marriott's higher tier hotel brands. So this must be a new hotel.
  12. In light of the hotel that was built in the place of Ben's, the design of Le 900 is flawed anyhow... the podium should wrap around the hotel and rise to the same height, thus blending it in; then the tower portion rises from the podium. Frankly, this needs to head back to the drawing board.
  13. Though, seems to me, CF is really good at sales... I mean, how long has 900 de Maisonneuve been on the drawing board? Same for the QI by Westcliff? CF comes along with the tour Windsor and they get two top tier tenants. Pretty impressive to me. Love to see 750 Peel go up before 900 dM.
  14. When looking at it from the Place des Festivals, you realize how this tower, will instantly become iconic should it get built; the emplacement is spectacular lined-up with the Place. Architecturally, it's ok... but with some more height, it would be quite a stunning.
  15. Wow. A dream come true. This will be dust in a few days.
  16. wow. that's a beautiful shot. mcgill street looks amazing.
  17. I thought Standard Life is getting close to signing onto 900 de Maisonneuve...
  18. 15 Central Park West got a Best Buy... it's the most expensive and luxurious new building on the Upper West Side. $2B to build.
  19. I believe this is among the best locations for a hotel - in mixed-use tower; I can think of some brands that Montreal is missing.
  20. I don't mind the pre-fab at all and on the base especially, where it's brutalist aesthetic, speaks to the other brutalist buildings it neighbors. It's kind of interesting. Overall, I find this building really elegant in its proportions.
  21. If the second TDC is not going to be glued to the Bell Centre and will be part of the development of the site on Peel and St. Antoine, then I don't think it will be the same aesthetic and architecture.
  22. I'm sure they won't.... but on that topic, the current Pie-IX should be re-named, simply, Olympique - "stade" not even necessary. It should have been right from the start.
  23. In that location, I would proposed a mixed-use but including a hotel component in addition to apartments and office.
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